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Everything posted by Shing

  1. I saw infernape on the title so good way to make me post lol. As for me, I like the #3 with #1 going close. I like the colring and shading of #3 and same with 1. However what I liked the #3 more than 1 is that the flame color on infernape's head really fits in better for me. While the #1 i have some mixed opinions as it's just a random color added in, but it can make sense.
  2. Ah crap, I'm in that zone of changing my avatar so many times :X

  3. Ohh, lurkers. Always lovely to see them haha. Welcome to join the pokemon reborn forum. And don't worry about your english too much. My english isn't the prettiest, but people accept and know what i'm talking about. And based on yours, you will be accepted in no time heh. Also Star fox(not a fan, but I have heard a lot goods of it) and Math interest = Very good. Hope you will have fun here while it lasts and i'll be looking forward to your pokemon fanmade game!
  4. I'm loving how you used that color with shading. And no outline art is just gorgeous and the combination of that art style of yours screems the "cute!" atleast for me. Good fanart right there.
  5. Your blade...




    It did not cut deep enough.

  6. Finally I cleared Xenoblade Chronicles. Holy hell, what a game..

    1. Commander


      Good now play X then wait for the sequel.

    2. Shing


      Don't have wii u, only New 3ds..

  7. Man.. Dunban and Melia is getting screwed from the story. I feel bad for both of them :(

    1. dan2


      it's the price of being the best tank in the game and the best damage dealer in the game, respeectively

    2. Shing


      Well you aren't wrong.. ;_;

  8. Holy shit Genesis 4, Smash 4 is a fucking mess right now. My god this drama.

  9. Sonic advance is always a classic to hear as always.
  10. Reminding that Arkhi and Vinny has extremely good taste in music.

  11. I want to make the most jankiest, RNG based and annoying team for redemption league c:

    1. pyrromanis


      Togekiss, Toxapex, Aegislash, Chansey, Clefable, Mega Sableye, Mega Banette, Alomomola, Tangrowth, Ditto, Klefki, Machamp, Porygon 2, Amoonguss, Chatot and Shedinja!
      Choose, pick and let them not have fun :P

  12. Grovyle, Celebi and Dusknoir 👌👌👌👌👌👌

    1. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      motherfuckerrrr ive been replaying sky the past few weeks and I just got past that point for like half a week must you kick me in the balls with these feels again

    2. Shing


      The feels would kick you in the balls later anyways


    1. YinYang9705


      wasn't that just xenoblade chronicles x?

    2. Shing


      Not really. Xenoblade Chronicles X isn't really any relevant to XC itself. Generally just it's own game.


      XC2 may be a sequal.

  14. I think I'll keep this avatar for a while. It's cute, I love the art style and I can finally have a consistent avatar.

  15. I don't know how to feel about this video..


  16. Consistency doesn't exist in smash 4

  17. Take care Ody. I'll miss ya inactiveness as how you felt when I left dude. And for europe thing, I doubt I would meet you in real life althrough it would be pretty cool.
  18. I really like this new team I made as for fun in redemption league.



    And no it's not gothitelle there, just for people that have experience my gothstall lmao.

    1. Fumble


      good gothitelle is stupid and should be banned >:c

    2. Shing


      I mean, beside singles Gothitelle can fall apart really hard lol.

  19. Gonna be at my local today with most of the time with Shulk.

  20. Roserade and Infernape are probably tied for being my favorite pokemon tbh. I love everything about them so much.

  21. Happy Birthday Spine! Have a good day with a birthday cake and for 2017, make it out as a good year by your choices!
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