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    David Knopfler
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    Dire straits around the world
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    Hockey, footy, gaming, cars, food and cooking

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  1. This is great! Helps me do a custom playthrough easily. Thank you very much for doing this!
  2. No need for help anymore, somehow learned to do it myself thanks to a mod found here thanks anyway!
  3. Hey! I'm back playing this lovely game. Loved the 18th episode – and I really want to start a run with some handpicked Pokés to enjoy the story with some of my favorites just for fun's sake. I'll upload my save. Could someone get me these Pokémon, please? Would really appreciate it! Sorry, I'm also extra picky, and don't know what you people can do and cannot do, so tell me if I ask for something impossible or way too much. All of the following with my trainer name and ID (I think every Pokémon in this game are available to be renicknamed? So you don't need to worry about that). 1. Charmander / female / shiny [replace the Charmander in my party) / level 5 Max IVs in all but Attack, Timid, egg moves: Air Cutter, Ancient Power Met area: Grand Hall Met level: 5 2. Pinsir / any gender / shiny / level 5 Max IVs in all but Special Attack, Jolly, egg moves: Close Combat, Quick Attack (I'll probably make it forget Close Combat early on for the game not to get too easy) Met area: Once Upon A Somewhere Met level: 5 3. Archen / any gender / shiny / level 5 Max IVs, Naive, egg move: Earth Power Met area: Once Upon A Somewhere Met level: 5 4. Rockruff / any gender / shiny / level 5 Max IVs in all but Special attack, Jolly (you don't need Own Tempo for it to evolve to Dusk form right?) Met area: Once Upon A Somewhere Met level: 5 5. Jangmo-o / any gender / shiny / level 5 Max IVs in all but Attack, Modest Met area: Once Upon A Somewhere Met level: 5 6. Vulpix-Alola / any gender / shiny / level 5 Max IVs in all but Attack, Timid, egg move: Freeze-Dry Met area: Once Upon A Somewhere Met Level 5 Last wish: I'd wish if you could send me the save file through PM If I ask too much and it is not reasonable, feel free to tell me and I'll lower my wishes. Thanks in advance Edit. Made some changes. If you've already started with the previous request, don't worry. That will do more than fine Game.rxdata
  4. Hi! Are there any here who 1. Play Pokémon Insurgence and 2. Have RPGMaker / stuff available to be bred? I kinda wanna start a new playthrough with my favorite Delta designs, but I can't have RPG Maker on my MacBook and cannot for some reason get a registration activation e-mail for their own forums. If someone is so awesome that they could generate those Deltas for me / breed them for me, I'd be very grateful! I realize it might be too much work, but it never hurts to ask, I guess. :)

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Chilibunny


      Wow, that sounds pretty weird.

    3. Chilibunny


      Okay, it seems like I still haven't received my account activation message there. I think I'll hit up Jess! :)

    4. seki108


      I would be be willing, but I'm already axed (which prevents you from using online features).  

  5. Aww. Hopefully we'll be able to reach it later. Of course, the area could be only for visuals, but I highly doubt it since Maxwell goes there too. Thanks anyhow!
  6. Hey! When you choose to restore the slums after beating Adrienn, there'll be this SOLICE building park thingie where the slums used to be. It has this glass ceiling which connects buildings and there are people on top of it. Even Magma Gang boss got up there after giving him the SOLICE application. Is there any way to reach that place as of yet? Thanks!
  7. Hi! Great to hear, thank you Marcello. I suppose I'll battle with it without shame too, haha, when I get around to trying the online functions. Same thing with other stuff (mons, items, I already released some mons though heh) I might still have from "old" trading or things bred with Poké parents traded the old way.
  8. Hey. A question about legality. Back when there was no Online functionality people traded through an intermediary who deleted Pokés from old save files and added them in the new ones (from scratch, meaning that there might be some differencies in the data, for example I had a few that had wrong location met data and one of those had IVs in the wrong order, but I didn't really mind. We are all people and I was thankful for just the possibility of trading). The thing is: does the Online system recognize Pokémon "generated" by an intermediary as illegal? Do people trading and battling here consider such Pokémon or Pokémon bred from parents received "trading" that way legal? My fav Shiny Volcarona was bred from another Shiny Volcarona I received in a trade as a Larvesta, and I'd really love to use it in battles if I play online. So – does the system allow it to pass and do people consider such stuff legitimate enough here to allow battling with such a thing? That was the only way of trading back then. Some others I use might be bred using traded mons too, but I cannot remember for sure. (It's a shame Pokémon bred in older ep's to allow TM breeding are blocked by the game D: I suppose they will be allowed when the moves they might have will be made accessible by the game?) Thanks peeps!
  9. Anyone here happen to have a legit female Dream Ball Glameow with Keen Eye in X/Y/OR/AS/S/M? I'd give a king's ransom for one. If you do have one, ask me for what you'd like! Thanks in advance :)

    1. Plok


      if no one answers let me know I'll trade for one

    2. Chilibunny


      Whoa, Njab. You're such a modern day superhero for all this work you're willing to do again. Thanks, friend! I'll hit you up later if someone here doesn't have one :) I'll give you something nice with 5IV's and a special Poké Ball bred in 7th gen.

  10. Anyone got a legit Adamant, Jolly or Impish Entei in their X/Y/OR/AS? I'm on the verge of buying ORAS just to get one, but figured I'd try here first. I can give you a party full of breedjects, if that is enough. Thank you in advance!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Chilibunny


      Thanks anyway Njab!

    3. Plok


      most of the hacked ones are shiny or have 6iv

    4. Chilibunny


      I'll check again. :)

  11. Well done and Thank You! Congratulations to everyone associated with building the 16th episode. I'll be waiting until a completely stable release is out, but when it's here, oh boy, I'll go on a tear.
  12. Got my copy of Moon. Finally. This is going to be so awesome. Feeling like a kid on a christmas day.

  13. I... uhh... what? I was breeding a good Mienfoo to get a perfect 5IV Meditite, and it hatched to a shiny Mienfoo... This is on 3DS and Pokémon X without Shiny Charm or anything. What

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Chilibunny


      That's what my friends often tell me... I never really agree with it but I guess I really am sometimes. Thank god for ability capsules so I'll get Regenerator. Aww yeh

    3. Maelstrom


      The dark gods smile upon you today. But soon you will be called to act in repayment...

    4. Chilibunny


      Grim. Hopefully not in a while, though I definitely believe there is some dark magic or higher power at work here.

  14. You can breed Snorlax anyway, like in the generations when we didn't have Munchlax yet. The egg will just hatch into a Snorlax.
  15. Does anyone here have a Regenerator female Alomomola in X/Y/OR/AS? I want one soooooooooo bad! Pretty please? I have some 5IV babies like Shuckle, Buneary, Vullaby and so on.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Chilibunny


      Grt? Amazing if you would! Thanks a lot! Let's see if no-one else has some.

    3. Plok
    4. Chilibunny


      I'd love that, really appreciate your kindness here. I'll shoot you with a PM later on or will you contact me when you're available? :) Let's see if someone else has it now though so you wouldn't have to work for it (seeing as

      you don't have one at hand now)

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