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About FlameI7

  • Birthday August 28

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  1. Hello. I have Lunatones I can spare. As for pokemon to trade back, I missed the Bounsweet and Gothita events and need those to complete Bee's quest. Could you trade those to me? I am also in EST and should be available during the hours you are, either today or another day.
  2. I've been gone so long, I contemplating making another "Hello" thread.

    1. Fumble



      Welcome back, Flame! Wonder where you'd been~

    2. FlameI7


      Highschool :( Glad to see you chubb

  3. Granted, you get a pet dragon. It only eats very expensive rubies and needs a healthy truckload of gold everyday. If it doesn't eat it becomes cranky and violent. Good luck I wish for the power to fix any technology with just a touch.
  4. Weekends tend to be internet free for me :(

  5. Granted, you are absorbed into it, never to be seen again. I wish I could summon cats at will.
  6. I'm too angry to play games right now :(

    1. BlueMoonIceCream


      How can you be THAT angry it's impossible

  7. Welcome. Stop by the Showdown Server sometime, we'd love to have you.
  8. Everyone is different. Mariana Trench or Mt. Everest?
  9. Welcome. Come by the Showdown Server sometime, we'd be happy to have you.
  10. Yay for Reborn!

  11. August 14, 2015: What did you do differently during the Reborn Down-Time? I played A LOT more BGO than I normally do.
  12. Well I'm leaving for the night. When I wake back up, I hope Amethyst can get the Showdown server back up.

  13. This is great, thank you. This should be pinned, and I'll make sure to tell you if I find any you missed.
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