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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Breezey

  1. Gah! Sorry. Holidays and stuff. I shall craft words in a pleasing manner soon. Probably not today because >work But soon. Very, very soon.
  2. Yessss. Showdown. The place where I can only do things right in random battles. Also, that pun was worth it.
  3. I have. Hilariously through me hitting the D instead of the C. Read that how you will.
  4. I save compulsively now. "Oh... I'm about to enter the Pokemon Center? But save!"
  5. >Spent forever leveling up a stupid bidoof for that Litleo. >Forgot to save before trading the Pokemon. >Hasn't saved since before even catching bidoof. >Gets a neutral nature, crappy IV, Unnerve Litleo. >My tears are eternal. (I didn't know where to post this that was relevant, so I highjacked my own thread)
  6. The part of me that's been crafting long lasting roleplay characters giggles at the character development for my gal to see all these people die in front of her. Then the logical part is like "Da fuq, this is a casual thing. You can't just want everyone to die."
  7. What have I done. My mere existence has created a fight club. Well, at least we all know the rules, right?
  8. One of us... One of us... But no really, I probably should have looked at other people's powers before going "Hey, lets just make a generic power!" It's okay to blame me for the brutal death that's coming.
  9. I forget if I mentioned this, or if you've changed your avatar but... Ark, your avatar has enough swag and Strider for everyone who's posted in this thread so far. Hi, Hypa! I typo'd your name three times, and because the first typo was "Hippo" I'm afraid I'll always associated you with that.
  10. Name : Ayla Gender : Female Age : 55 (Appears around the age of 20) Species: Elven-human mutt. Physical Appearance: A modest young woman without too many sexualized curves and definitely lacking in the rack department, she breaks away from the cliche associated with her kind by appearing almost childish interms of development. That being said, she is still quite young and inexperienced. Her hair, white and akin to silk, falls down her body like water, bending at every curve, and staying close to her frame until it fizzles out just above her rump. Despite it's beautiful appearance, she often dismisses her hair by tying it away in a ponytail, or sticking it behind her hood. As to be expected from someone who is, effectively, in her teenage years, her tone is sharp and holier than thou. Sarcastic quips and eyerolls are a packaged deal with almost every response of hers. Character Backstory: Her young childhood remains an enigma to her, with her oldest memory being of when she was ten and "adopted" by a strange, farmer couple. Assumingly abandoned by her true parents, she Ayla grew up as a maid and general chore-doer for the farmer couple, never treated as a child, but rather a sort of being to do the gross chores when conveinent. Timid in nature and not one to fight for herself, she was sort of content with this life, but as time grew on and naivete took hold, she rebelled against the "slave driver" parents she had and ran away. Young, without much talents, and a foreigner in this world, she found it hard to get a footing in this vagabond lifestyle. That is, until she realized she could shoot arrows. With a talent to hone and her magical powers starting to take hold, she realized that she had an innate skill in terms of combat. Character Abilities: In terms of combat, her only real strength lies in archery. While not the best in the world, she's not to be frowned upon when handed a bow and three arrows. Sadly, shooting arrows can only get her so far. So, in most cases, she has to rely on what little magic she inherited from her elven side to be really useful in combat. Ironically, her powers don't lie in the clerical department, as most elves do, but instead the more paladin-esque field. For short bursts (Approx. 5 secs with a 30 sec cool down) she can "supercharge" anyone within reasonable distance (5 or so meters), making all of their attacks and her own considerably stronger. Because of her limited magical abilities, if she uses this too many times in succession she will become drained and substantially weaker, thus promoting a sort of "right moment timing" style of magic useage. Current Belongings: She typically wears robed clothing with darker colors, allowing her to blend into the shadows. That being said, her "armor" is a cloth robe that shrodes all of her body down to her shins. Beneath the robe she wears light, leather armor that's studded with some steel for added protection on those sweet spots. Crossed over her back, she keeps her bow and quiver, neither of which stand out beyond being a typical long bow with standard arrows. Reason for joining: Freedom and a sense of honor.
  11. I was kidnapped, brainwashed, and then scared to this thread by a centaur. It's been an interesting day. I shall join your merrymaking and shenanigans shortly. After I finish reading the OP. Does it ever end..?
  12. Your humor is wonderful, Kuro. Though, the fact that I laughed also brings into question my sanity and how long it's been since I've had decent human interaction... Thanks for the welcome, Finkel <3 Not everyone can be good, informed buyers, but we can all agree that the mystery box is incredibly enticing,
  13. Mik, I am the smartest person. But I believe everyone is smart in their own way. Kuro, I've had awful experiences from Schrodinger. Last time I tried to buy a bookshelf and my books kept disappearing. Type, I play all of the Minecrafts. Been playing since 1.5. Yash, one is never late to welcome another person, they simply show up when the opportune moment arises. Now is your opportune moment.
  14. You make me lul, Ark. I feel this may be the start of something... wonderful. And hello, Dark! Your avatar has the perfect expression to be wearing a Christmas hat. He's like "Yeah. I like Christmas. So what? Fa-la-la-la-la punk."
  15. Ohoh! I love making Nuzlockes. For the sake of keeping my reply within reasonable bounds, I'll keep my ideas to one. Notice Me 'Locke! A Nuzlocke that I (think I) made up and has been my personal favorite since I (think I) made it up in fourth gen. Rules 1.) If a Pokemon faints, it's dead (release or permabox it). 2.) Nicknames are a must. 3.) You may only use Pokemon you have never used, or haven't used recently. For example, the route you're in has Pidgey, Rattata, Zigzagoon, and Hoothoot, and lets say you've used Pidgey in your last playthrough and you know Zigzagoon well enough to make the Pokedex proud, then you ignore those two as encounters. 3.a.) If you've recently used all Pokemon in that area you may either skip that area altogether, or use the Pokemon you've used the least in that area. 4.) You must change your lead after every trainer battle. This must be done in a fashion to where every Pokemon in your team is used fairly often. (I generally say I can't swap between two Pokemon at any time, but you're free to be lenient if you like). 5.) No exp share, rare candies, or TMs. (You may use HMs, but no slaves unless absolutely necessary). The goal of this is similar to the premise of the "first encounter" rule of Nuzlockes: to make you use Pokemon you never used before. It's goal is to help you appreciate Pokemon you've never given a second glance and, in some cases, make the game a little unfair. The fact that you have to rotate your Pokemon encourages you to plan ahead and make sure you're never put in a position when your lead is going up against it's weakness. On paper it doesn't sound too excited or challenging, but once you actually do it? It's incredibly fun.
  16. Beautiful song, Ark! You'll definitely be the one I blame when I have this on listenonrepeat for 40 loops. Hello, Dahlia! Your avatar is staring into the pits of my soul, but I have to warn you... The things you find there may not be pleasant and I cannot be held responsible for what happens to you while you're there.
  17. Well thank you! Those are all pretty casual "I'm bored, so lets draw" things, so you can rest assured knowing that anything I do in a more professional manner will be cleaned up and will look like actual art instead of sketches.
  18. Never underestimate the stick figures. Your hands are too shaky, they said. You can't even draw a stickman with a ruler, they said. What are you doing with my kidneys, they said.
  19. I'd be happy to do some comic work with you! I actually already dabbled into that about half a year ago. My skill has drastically improved since then, but here are some of the comics I've done regarding one of my characters, Amaya. http://oi40.tinypic.com/2zzp2s6.jpg http://oi44.tinypic.com/2ikccxz.jpg http://oi59.tinypic.com/se3q4o.jpg wait, shit. I promised not to show this one... :3 If you're still interested after that... less than spectacular display, shoot me a PM and we can work something out~
  20. If that freezer has popcicles and drumsticks in it, I'm sold.
  21. The manga for Mirai Nikki is also really good. The art is pretty standard, but the dialogue gets progressively better throughout the chapters. Speaking of chapters, that's my exception to long animes. If I really feel the need to know the story of something long, I'll probably read the manga in short bursts. Currently my "short bursts" are being occupied by Homestuck because I'm late to the bandwagon. Also, those pictures are all free hand, "I'm bored, so lets draw", so they aren't exactly my topkek pictures, but the style is pretty consistent. Except guys. Guys are hard to draw. A protip on getting a face to look younger or older is placement of the eyes. You know the old circle with a cross in the middle to help you find where things go on the face? Eyes raised a bit above that line tend to make the person look older, whereas lower set eyes make the character look younger. Hopefully, that helps!
  22. That... Wasn't food coloring..? Brb calling my doctor. And thanks for all the warm welcomes everyone <3
  23. You ask the real questions, Unprofessional. Mirai Nikki is definitely in my top three, though not for it's ground breaking plot or anything. Just lots of fond memories. Other animes I've taken a liking to are: Watamote, Bleach, Fate/Zero (And Fate/Stay Night), and Ao No Exorcist. Honorable mention to Kyousougiga because I love the art style and Beyond that, I'd say I've probably stray towards the fantasy and action genres, but I enjoy most everything. I shy away from longer series (200+ things like Naruto and Fairy Tale) because I don't have hours on end to watch a single anime. GotWala asks the easier questions. Out of privacy for my commissionees, I won't show anything I've sold, but here are some things I've drawn on my own time: http://i.imgur.com/PR1qyEc.png (Concept art for my OC Emilia) http://i.imgur.com/9GY0FD9.png (Finished product for Emilia) http://i.imgur.com/tNaDt7O.png (Twenty minutes + bored hands = drawing weird ships from the main forum I lurk on)
  24. This pleases me on a very fundamental level.
  25. Hello, friend Jelly! And to you, acquaintance, site-owner(?) Ame, I do traditional and digital. I'm better at traditional art, but digital has a high quality just because I don't have the money to buy a fancy-smancy scanner. But soon... Very soon... I mostly do anime/manga/western style comic art, but I do realism as well. I only recently started taking commissions so I don't have a full portfolio just yet. Just the very deep satisfaction of knowing my high school art teacher will soon regret hating on my "weeabo, kawaii sugoii" style.
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