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Cyaloom last won the day on November 22 2015

Cyaloom had the most liked content!


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About Cyaloom

  • Birthday 11/12/1999

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  • Alias
    Eleanor, loomie
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48047 profile views
  1. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 🙂🍰

  2. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 🙂🍰

  3. Happy fourth birthday to this very forum profile! 🎉
    And happy (late) Christmas... oops 😅

  4. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day 😉🍰

  5. How did you find out about reborn? Oh, and have a late Happy B-day I found Reborn thanks to Shofu's videos, like many other users here :] I first downloaded Episode 11 and eventually started lurking in the forums to find information and tips regarding the game, until I finally joined and made my presence known! Also, thank you! What are your favorite 3 pokemon? 1: Porygon-Z 2: Breloom 3: Giratina Why did you have to start this again? OTL Now there'll be another influx of AMAs Oh hi Wendel! Nice to see you here! Well... Moreover there was Jasper's AMA two weeks ago Also, even if there are more AMAs after mine, they'll never be as special
  6. Today is my third Reborn profile's birthday! I joined here during this cold evening of December, and since this is the first online community I've been part of, 15 years old me was very nervous - I was both excited to meet other people and anxious, because my experience could not have been nice and because of the giant consequences of misusing the Internet. However, it has definitely been a nice stay here! Although I'm not very active, I still come here lurking every once in a while because I'm waiting for xenogene to come out :] Of course, I must thank everyone I've got to know here! They say that you can't escape Reborn, and this is true because of you~ Now, I'm afraid I couldn't post anything special for my birthday (I was rather busy and slightly drunk), but today is a rather chill day (Christmas holidays!), so here I am: I'll try to do an AMA myself! No bandwagon this time, it seems - I just think this could be a nice way to get more involved and to let people (including myself actually) get to know me a bit more, so send questions! I'll see if I can rework my profile info in the meantime, that stuff really needs it Disclaimer: I'll try to answer every question, but I cannot guarantee 100% that I will, as I'm trying not to give away very personal information - I hope you'll understand c: Also, Merry Christmas! (I'm late I know)
  7. So... now I'm 18!

    1. NickCrash


      Happy Birthday

    2. LykosHand


      Happy Birthday :D, i hope that you will have a great day ^^

  8. I've been on the forums for two years now, and today is my profile's birthday! It has been a very nice stay so far :)

    1. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow



      happy anniversary loom :]

  9. Merry Christmas!

  10. I'm back, and so is my computer :)

  11. So, now my computer is officially broken :c

  12. I did the entire physics test in one hour this morning - it must be a special day

  13. Cyaloom


    what an inspiring thread title, love it Hello and happy anniversary Bibs :]
  14. Cyaloom


    Goodbye Ody, and best of luck for the future. Even if we didn't talk that much before...
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