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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Cyaloom

  1. Happy fourth birthday to this very forum profile! 🎉
    And happy (late) Christmas... oops 😅

  2. How did you find out about reborn? Oh, and have a late Happy B-day I found Reborn thanks to Shofu's videos, like many other users here :] I first downloaded Episode 11 and eventually started lurking in the forums to find information and tips regarding the game, until I finally joined and made my presence known! Also, thank you! What are your favorite 3 pokemon? 1: Porygon-Z 2: Breloom 3: Giratina Why did you have to start this again? OTL Now there'll be another influx of AMAs Oh hi Wendel! Nice to see you here! Well... Moreover there was Jasper's AMA two weeks ago Also, even if there are more AMAs after mine, they'll never be as special
  3. Today is my third Reborn profile's birthday! I joined here during this cold evening of December, and since this is the first online community I've been part of, 15 years old me was very nervous - I was both excited to meet other people and anxious, because my experience could not have been nice and because of the giant consequences of misusing the Internet. However, it has definitely been a nice stay here! Although I'm not very active, I still come here lurking every once in a while because I'm waiting for xenogene to come out :] Of course, I must thank everyone I've got to know here! They say that you can't escape Reborn, and this is true because of you~ Now, I'm afraid I couldn't post anything special for my birthday (I was rather busy and slightly drunk), but today is a rather chill day (Christmas holidays!), so here I am: I'll try to do an AMA myself! No bandwagon this time, it seems - I just think this could be a nice way to get more involved and to let people (including myself actually) get to know me a bit more, so send questions! I'll see if I can rework my profile info in the meantime, that stuff really needs it Disclaimer: I'll try to answer every question, but I cannot guarantee 100% that I will, as I'm trying not to give away very personal information - I hope you'll understand c: Also, Merry Christmas! (I'm late I know)
  4. So... now I'm 18!

    1. NickCrash


      Happy Birthday

    2. LykosHand


      Happy Birthday :D, i hope that you will have a great day ^^

  5. I've been on the forums for two years now, and today is my profile's birthday! It has been a very nice stay so far :)

    1. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow



      happy anniversary loom :]

  6. Merry Christmas!

  7. I'm back, and so is my computer :)

  8. So, now my computer is officially broken :c

  9. I did the entire physics test in one hour this morning - it must be a special day

  10. Cyaloom


    what an inspiring thread title, love it Hello and happy anniversary Bibs :]
  11. Cyaloom


    Goodbye Ody, and best of luck for the future. Even if we didn't talk that much before...
  12. I'll have to actually work during the next weeks (stages), so I may be less active than usual... See you!

  13. Tfw you don't change an irrelevant status for too long and, as soon as it returns relevant, you overwrite it

  14. Hello and welcome to Reborn! Have fun and enjoy your stay :]
  15. Well... Goodbye Viri, and take care! You're a very nice person to talk with, and I appreciate that - but you also came up with Mega Porygon-Z, you fought alongside me in form of a Bayleef... I'll be sure to give you a warm welcome when you'll return.
  16. This looks great! I mean... is there really anything to remark? Maybe the thing I've found the most interesting about the story is that we have a talking protagonist who is also not a common trainer - the opposite of Reflection, basically. Oh, and also the line "Journey through the mystery of the ruins and face the peril of the rifts that still blot the landscape. Some twist space and lead to places unknown and some twist time and lead towards the past or future. Does one lead to before the apocalypse? Can the damage be undone?" (dialga and palkia reference) Another interesting thing is the online battling, backed up by all of those new Megas... in this game every battle is going to be very interesting. also now you've outshined me and Pokémon Reflection completely
  17. Maybe it's slightly obvious, anyways... Route 10 / Route 23 in Unova! The music in Route 10 is great - it's famous for a reason, after all - and I like landscapes such as this one. Route 10 was the last route before the League, where I'd train up my team knowing that my "last" challenge was right in front of me, and I was rather sad when I got to know that it was not included in Black 2. It's an important location also because this was also the place where I evolved my Lampent into a Chandelure in Pokémon White. Route 23 - the last route before the League in Black 2 - was a good substitute all around. The music was very different: and while at first I was rather disappointed, I got used to the new soundtrack and it grew up on me - I actually find it quite fitting, considering that Route 23 was accessible only after defeating Team Plasma in the Giant Chasm. The landscape wasn't that different, but there were many new things, like a river, all of those bridges, that infamous Cut maze, and more trainers!
  18. hello 1. Porygon-Z - well, I like its lore, its stats, and even its design; I remember those times we spent in the Battle Factory annihilating every opponent with Tri attack or Shadow Ball, and there is a theory I've read that makes this Pokémon's concept way more interesting and deep than before. 2. Breloom - first Pokémon I've used in competitive, but also a great partner for the Battle Factory. Had great times pummeling Talonflame or Charizard with a surprise Rock Tomb, or sweeping teams with Mach Punch. also for some reason I think it's cute 3. Torterra - first starter ever! We overcame every challenge in Pokémon Platinum through sheer level advantage and no strategy at all. And then I transferred a different Torterra in Black 2 to continue his Legacy. 4. Giratina - favourite legendary and first one I've caught. Its encounter in the Distortion World and the previous buildup are just great, and its theme is one of my favourites. 5. Samurott - I actually own two of these, one for White and one for Black 2... it's definitely my favourite Unova starter. It's also of my favourite type, Water! 6. Gengar - Battle Factory buddy... also great in competitive (I can obliterate those annoying Clefables!). If that wasn't enough, it got also a Über-tier mega evolution! 7. Terrakion - another legendary I've used as a party member (though I didn't really feel bad because it was in the OU tier). He's currently my highest leveled Pokémon, with a sky-high Attack and very nice Speed. 8. Zorua - Well, one of the first Pokémon films I've watched, and I've rather enjoyed, was "Zoroark, master of illusion". It's also a fun (although a bit tricky) Pokémon to use in battles thanks to it's ability. I could have put Zoroark in the list but I decided to go for Zorua because of... well... (it's an italian video) 9. Scizor - Yet another Battle Factory friend. I used Swords Dance one or two times and then spam Bullet Punch to damage heavily almost every enemy Pokémon. Also, it probably goes without saying, but I've liked its design and this Pokémon in general for a very long time (also because of the Anime). 10. Darkrai - This guy is here mainly because of the movie, some anime Episodes I watched, Pokémon Desolation, and because I used it in competitive... all of these things make it my second favourite legendary. Also, here are some Pokémon that couldn't make the list: Typhlosion, Sceptile, Manaphy, Honchkrow, Leavanny, Milotic, Hydreigon, Staraptor, Gardevoir... why did I even bother with the honorable mentions again?
  19. Happy birthday Stratos! aka the one guy who witnessed my improvements in my characters after reading a 1500 words document
  20. So the site was borked, but why? Also it's nice to be back :3

  21. OMGitsincrediblethatyoumademegaporygonz!.:=010001110100*} I'm glitching as well as this is just fantastic! Great drawing, interesting concept and even horrific stats to back it up! And it's my favourite Pokemon aaaaaaaaaaaa-
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