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Everything posted by Cyaloom

  1. The Pokemon League has finally been defeated! Now that I have many options, I'd also like to get some suggestions. -Preserve the Wilderness... no, wait, -Preserve the Audinos

  2. The moment has finally come. So far it has been an interesting run: although I have to say I didn't expect it to go this well, I've arrived to the Pokemon league without much trouble and with a solid team. I hope this was an interesting run for you too so far. But what is probably the most interesting part of it... is actually down here. Also, this is my first anniversary on Reborn! What better day to post this? Part 20: The Pokemon League (acrobatics spam) Finally, after buying tons (I mean tons) of healing items, I enter that building I've been trying to get to since the start of my journey. The Elite 4, Shauntal, Grimsley, Caitlyn and Marshal, all have a team of four Pokemon of level 56 or 58, while my team of six is around level 52 to begin with. All of them can use a Full Restore, and also their ace Pokemon hold a Sitrus Berry. The only thing that changes here is the typing. Here I can decide the order in which I fight the Elite 4, so I start off with Grimsley, the Dark type expert. He sends out Liepard against my Lucario and uses Fake Out, not taking into account Inner Focus. Lucario doesn't flinch and hits Liepard back with an Aura Sphere, defeating the feline Pokemon. Later, I send out Serperior against Grimsley's Krookodile. The latter is defeated with a combination of Leech Seed and Giga Drain, and only manages to weaken Serperior with Crunch. Serperior handles Scrafty the same way he did with Krookodile, and Crobat doesn't even need to get sent out. Grimsley's ace, Bisharp, is then promptly knocked out by my Chandelure's flamethrower. Next up is Shauntal, Ghost type master and novel writer. Krookodile defeats Cofagrigus easily and gets called back as Shauntal sends out her ace, Chandelure. Crobat is able to hit two Acrobatics before fainting to two Psychic attacks. As Chandelure is faster than most of my Pokemon, I decide to use Krookodile as fodder: I use a revive on Crobat as my other teammate gets knocked out, so that the bat Pokemon can deal the final blow with another Acrobatics. Lucario handles Drifblim with Shadow Claw, barely surviving the foe's Acrobatics and Aftermath. Finally, Starmie and Serperior work together to bring Golurk down. Now it's Caitlyn's turn: the Psychic type expert. While Krookodile managed to defeat Musharna, the enemy Pokemon managed to use Yawn, hoping to pave the way for Reuniclus. But, thanks to a Chesto Berry and the Moxie boost, Reuniclus goes down with one single attack. Sigilyph is then brought down by Starmie, and Gothitelle, Caitlyn's ace and last Pokemon, is knocked out by Krookodile, with the help of Chandelure. The last Elite 4 is Marshal, who we met near Twist Mountain: he's a Fighting type specialist. Crobat knocks out Throh with two Acrobatics, then is called back as Marshal sends out his ace, Conkeldurr. This is actually a menacing Pokemon, with sky-high attack and good bulk. I send out Chandelure, who is able to use Will-o-Wisp and then Curse before fainting to a Stone Edge. This way, he allows Starmie to come in and finally bring down the enemy with Psychic. The last two Pokemon, Mienshao and Sawk, are defeated by Crobat and Serperior; the former with one single Acrobatics, the latter with Leaf Blade and Leech Seed. After one last healing to all of my team members, I arrive to a new building, where the Champion, Iris, is waiting for me. Her team of six Pokemon, between levels 57 and 59, still has a noticeable level advantage over my squad, making the challenge much more interesting. But that advantage will be compensated, somehow... Her first Pokemon is Hydreigon. I send out my starter, Serperior, who manages to use Leech Seed and Leaf Blade before fainting. Crobat then comes in and finishes off the Pseudo legendary with Fly and Acrobatics. Fly here proves very useful to gain one turn of semi-invulnerability and get healed by Leech Seed. Next match-up is Lapras versus Lucario. Here I go for Palm Force, but the enemy Pokemon uses Sing without failing, putting my companion to sleep and weakening him with Surf. Luckily (in the true meaning of the word) Lucario wakes up after one turn and knocks out Lapras with another attack. Druddigon is then burned by Chandelure, who faints afterwards thanks to two Rock Slides. Starmie then deals the finishing blow with an Ice Beam. At this point, Iris calls out her Ace Pokemon, Haxorus (who holds a Sitrus Berry as well), against Lucario. I have to use him as fodder to revive Serperior, who comes in and uses Leech Seed on Haxorus. I try to use Bulldoze with Krookodile, but my Pokemon gets defeated too early, so I send out Crobat and try to stall out the battle: as Haxorus tries to boost himself up I use Haze to remove the stat changes, forcing him to attack me. I use Acrobatics and survive one Dual Chop. The next turn, I use Acrobatics again, leaving him with abysimal health. And here I get luckt again: Haxorus misses Dual Chop and goes down thanks to Leech Seed. The last two Pokemon are Archeops and Aggron: both are Rock-types, and both are defeated by Starmie's Surf. This way, I've finally defeated Unova's League Champion, Iris, and received her own title. I have completed my very first objective! Now, I can finally enter the Hall of Fame: this is the end of the main Story. Now, I have many options, and I'd actually like to get some suggestions: I could focus more on Roleplaying (as I've been slightly lagging behind recently), do some Post-game, maybe even with the Challenge Mode that I've just unlocked, or begin a brand new Run on another game. Or do nothing at all... that should be an option as well. Hall of Fame And here I am! Of course, I'm here also because of my Pokemon companions: Serperior, my starter Pokemon, always managed to be useful, despite only knowing Grass-type damaging moves for the entirety of this run. Leech Seed has been extremely important, and the high Speed stat helped even more. Other than that, Serperior has been very helpful against Water and Ground types with his Stab moves. I am actually very happy to have tried out this Pokemon. Sometimes it could have been outshined by other team members, but there is one thing this Pokemon does great: he is, in fact, Zinzolin's worst nightmare. This Pokemon might not be very fast or bulky, but can hit very hard with unresisted coverage, with both physical and special attacks. His fast evolution made it even more useful, especially when compared to other Fighting types like Mienfoo. Another Pokemon I'm happy to have used in this run: while rather frail at first, and not extremely fast later, Krookodile is able to pull off those great Moxie sweeps, can hit hard right off the bat, and can also slow down enemies with Bulldoze. It has been very useful during this run, especially against Colress, Elesa and most Team Plasma grunts. Blazing speed and nice attack made it a fantastic revenge killer, also because of a fantastic Stab move in Acrobatics. But Crobat could also be used as a defensive Pokemon with Fly, Poison Fang (hopefully to be replaced by Toxic), Haze, Confuse Ray, and other similar moves. He also allows me to use Fly to move around the region quickly, of course. The last member to join the team, Starmie has the very important Water typing and a great coverage, backed up by great Stats. It's another one of those Pokemon I've never used in a Pokemon game, and it also was available only later in the game, but I certainly don't regret using it rather than other Water types such as Oshawott. Being a Psychic type, it has also helped against most Plasma Grunts. And, last but not least, Chandelure. In this case, he's been a mixed bag of a Pokemon: either a powerful wallbreaker with his sky-high Special attack, or a more defensive Pokemon, that could cripple the opponents with Will-o-Wisp or Curse. So, another useful and strong Pokemon, at least once he was fully evolved. The Team (at a glance):
  3. So... I've joined this forum exactly one year ago! Happy birthday to my profile ^^

    1. mde2001


      Happy joinday to you :D

    2. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      Happy Reborn anniversary!

  4. Hello and welcome to Reborn! I hope you'll have fun and enjoy your stay here. Also merry Christmas! (if you celebrate it, of course)
  5. Merry Christmas!

  6. cinque a.k.a. 5 What have you done micky
  7. About to beat the League in my black 2 run! Also, to Hukuna: sorry for not replying before. I have decided what to talk about in this sonet, and only now I'm starting to figure out how to actually write it (with rhymes and stuff). Thanks for caring, anyways!

  8. So how am I supposed to write properly a sonet? (school homework)

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      What in particular do you wish to know?

  9. The main part of the game is now about to end, as we are (hopefully) going to defeat the Pokemon League soon. Because of this, I'd like you to state whether you are interested in the post game (PWT, New Routes, Legendary Pokemon) or not. Also, if you have any other suggestion for another run, I'm here listening Part 19: Get Hyped! So, last time we witnessed the End of Team Plasma, but certainly not the end of the run. With that problem solved, now we're finally free to complete our first objective: overcome the biggest obstacle yet, the Pokemon League. Route 23 is now accessible, so I just explore it and finally arrive to the gates leading to Victory Road. That's where, after some intense fights with other trainers, I find N. After an important speech about Pokemon Battles (he was against them at the beginning) he hands out HM05, Waterfall, and lets me proceed. As all of my badges are recognized, the gate can now open. This means I can finally enter Victory Road, the last obstacle before arriving to the League. The trainers here, while being very strong, are still getting defeated by my team and I'm able to get to the end of the road. That's where I find a recognized face. He is using four Pokemon; the first is Unfezant. Starmie is able to handle it with Ice Beam, without getting much damage in return. The next Pokemon is Bouffalant... and here I begin having some trouble. Despite it knocking out my team members easily, it's slow: this way I can progressively weaken it, until Crobat finishes it off. Simipour is no match for my Serperior and Hugh's ace, Emboar, is defeated by Chandelure's Shadow Ball, after my Krookodile landed Dig before getting knocked out. My rival leaves, but before doing that he actually gives me a present, TM24 (Thunderbolt), which I use on Starmie. And here we are! The Pokemon League is right in front of me. Next time (hopefully soon, of course) I'll challenge the League, determined to win every battle, and become the new Champion of the Unova Region! get hyped The Team:
  10. Those are some amazing sprites! Good job! Also welcome to Reborn; I hope you'll have fun and enjoy your time here.
  11. Here there are the hats I use for the Hattening (for the people that still need one), and they can be used by anyone who has Paint.net or Photoshop, so... hope you don't mind if I post here and bring this thread in the first page of the section again. Thank you c:
  12. I'm still in time, am I? Happy birthday Rose!
  13. Hello Cobalt, and welcome to Reborn! I hope you'll have fun and enjoy your time here
  14. Hello and welcome to Reborn! I hope you'll have fun and enjoy your time here! Yes, this definitely is a nice place to be c:
  15. Hello and welcome to Reborn! I hope you'll enjoy your stay here and have fun! obligatory intro. bai
  16. And I stated that my next post would be long .-.

    1. Cyaloom


      Of course this is regarding the Ymora RP

  17. "To be honest... I haven't thought about that." Lucas responded, looking slightly embarassed while doing so. "I guess I'll just come with you then." He listened to the entire introduction rather carefully: the pictures of the Dragon-type Pokemon, which did make Lucas think, the Battle Point System that was implemented were all noteworthy, but getting a second Pokemon likely right off the bat was the most interesting thing that the trainer had got to know with that meeting. What species of Pokemon could he get... Now that was a good question. Hopefully the trainer could have enough time to think about it. Although Lucas only asked one question, pretty much all of his other doubts were cleared thanks to the questions of other students. Speaking of other students, thanks to this introduction Lucas was able to, at least, see the faces of many other future trainers, coordinators and breeders that came to the Academy, including some people that he'd already met. While he was thinking about what he'd just heard, Lucas left the building alongside Sim, heading to the male dorms once again, as the other trainer wanted.
  18. Happy early birthday Zumi! And, well... enjoy your adult responsibilities!
  19. Part 18 of my Black 2 run is up, featuring some intense major battles and important plot events! Wait, I'm not saying that you really have to read it; come if you're interested.

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