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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Cyaloom

  1. 84 lol there is an almost perfect sequence of you two posting, with the occasional interruption by another user - in this case, me
  2. Cyaloom


    Welcome to Reborn! Enjoy your stay and have fun here.
  3. Hallo! Herzlich wilkommen! ...is that wrong? I only know the very basics of German. I am italian. I guess I am better off writing my standard introduction, and not trying to impress anyone so... Welcome to the Reborn Forums! I hope you'll enjoy your stay.
  4. I am an Ace Trainer...!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Guzam


      You may be an ace trainer, but are you an ace member?

    3. TRHStatement


      Asking the important questions here

    4. Cyaloom


      Ace Trainer = 300 posts

      Ace Member? Me? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA That won't happen anytime soon.

  5. This looks very promising, nice work! I'd be glad to be helpful and beta test the game, but it would be the first time I do something like this; also, there is probably enough people doing this already. Anyway, this is another fan game that I will, almost certainly, try out beta tester or not
  6. One more post... :) (actually it's not this important)

  7. One more post... :)

  8. Actually, Zigzagoon (in the Opal Bridge) is probably a better choice as a Headbutt slave, as it learns that move earlier than Bidoof. Other than Wormadam Trash, there should be also Pineco, available in the same place as Burmy (found with Headbutt), before the first gym. (Just some minor details, in the end)
  9. https://helpx.adobe.com/security/products/flash-player/apsa15-03.html Is this the right Security Bulletin? Because if it is, then there is an update to fix the problem ( That aside, thanks Jelly for the warning!
  10. I have just seen this thread and... Italian music...! Nice Now, my songs, not in order (they will change a lot of times like most people's Reborn team) The Offspring - Pretty Fly U2 - Vertigo Three Days Grace - Time of Dying And then I could... no, I need to stop. At least, that should give everyone an idea of my musical preferences (almost anything with an electric guitar actually)
  11. 297 saved, I guess, now let's get to 300
  12. "A test, for lack of better term... I guess this has to be done, whatever it is." Dexter whispered, 'quoting' Takeshi and thinking about what that 'test' could have actually been, before waiting for anyone else there to talk. The training was difficult and Dexter couldn't deny that, but it was needed for him to perform well his new role; also, the boy felt like this new life was his destiny. He was the only one that saw that Beast, around one month before, so he must have been someone different from the others, maybe special...
  13. Thanks for the information!
  14. I know that theme was in my first Pokemon game and all... but for me, the best bike theme has to be this one right here
  15. I guess I'll have to post some soundtracks this time, but I haven't heard a lot of them... so, here are some Pokemon games soundtracks From BW and BW2 From Platinum
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