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Everything posted by Cyaloom

  1. Just a small notice: I am currently waiting for a reply from Lane, but after that I should be ready to go out of the school (and NOT go in the garden. Monika right now doesn't know anything about it, as she only heard Lane's reply to Setsuna - I did that on purpose ) Also... I have discovered what my deck can do... Send everything back to the hand. (probably even my own Fire Formation Tenki to search Kaus everytime I want)
  2. school strike! I only had two hours today.

    1. Red_Chaos


      Teachers or Students?

    2. Cyaloom


      Teachers... But most students stayed home anyway so we could say also Students.

  3. "It seems it is my turn now." Dexter whispered. He felt like he had to do this, as the other girl, whose potential was unlocked later than his own, was able to transform... As he observed the other people transforming, it just seemed they weren't doing anything particular either to achieve that goal. At first, Dexter was too nervous to transform: he was standing still, shivering. Then, a lot of things came suddendly into his mind: that Beast, who killed his father, himself finding his father's corpse, then Astros and the contract, and the Beast that Takeshi killed that night... This started an interesting thought process: Astros needed protection from the Beasts like most people needed protection from criminals; while Astros would give magical powers to people, the normal humans would create the Police Departments: so, like Dexter's father, a cop, would protect others from criminals, Dexter himself would protect others from Beasts... I'm like my father then, I have a duty, and a will to protect someone from a danger. I remember he was very satisfied with his job, so I could do the same... thought the blonde guy, while still standing in the room, with the other people (already transformed) around him. That sense of duty, those memories, and all of those connections between him and his (late) father... that was what could trigger the transformation! While he was still "meditating" in the room, Dexter began to feel the weight of something on him, and, most importantly, the energy from within. It was a completely new sensation for him. After a couple seconds that seemed eternal for Dexter, he opened his eyes again and looked at himself. His clothes were not there anymore; he was wearing some kind of a silver armor instead, with some blue parts. His glasses were still there, and they were the same as before, but he was still seeing everything brighter and clearer. His father's ordinary pistol was still on his right side, as it was before the transformation. "Well, now it seems I did it." declared Dexter, satisfied with his new achievement.
  4. Lane and Setsuna After the ring of the bell, Monika noticed Setsuna and Lane talking in the classroom. The teacher, Anna, seemed to look at them briefly before leaving (but not at Monika). She tried to get closer but only understood clearly Lane's words... Not only that, her teacher's behavior made Monika think that she shouldn't have been involved with whatever Anna was planning to do. "Sorry for interrupting... Lane, you were supposed to come with me, as I know the place where this guy hangs out usually, but it's probably better if you go with Setsuna. I could go first to find Ayatane, if you agree." Monika looked slightly nervous; the alleyway where she met Ayatane the previous day certainly was not a good place to be in, Ayatane could have challenged her to a Duel and she actually didn't know what to tell Ayatane. "One more thing, Lane: what do you want to ask him? And do you want to talk directly with him?" she whispered.
  5. I'll be posting tomorrow anyway... And run away from the school despite being supposed to go with Lane. (I could send him a message.)
  6. I'm kinda showing off here, but not this much... I was able to get a field with double Vylon Omega (one of them equipped with Segment) and Daigusto Emeral in YGOPro, and I felt so happy (and lucky). But then, I didn't win, courtesy of a Magic Cylinder.

    1. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      Lesson learned: take screenshots of your epic fields BEFORE the battle ends, so that you can brag even if you lose :P

  7. If what happened in the Uptown is actually related to Beasts, a lot of people I know could be in danger... I'd like to go there and help but, in this state it's better if I stay here, as I obviously need some help. thought Dexter, standing still as Takeshi went upstairs and some other people left the shelter. (compared to home, that was nothing more than a shelter, and not a proper house to live in). After hesitating though, he decided to do what seemed to be the safest thing: go with Takeshi and learn how to hold his ground... He slowly walked upstairs, meeting the other guy again and waiting for him to say anything. After all, Dexter was the one who needed to learn things, and not the opposite.
  8. Dexter didn't sleep very well that night, it took him a fairly long time to fall asleep and a distant beeping noise was enough to wake him up. Getting up took him some time, as he felt very tired for some reason, and probably had some kind of back ache; this also made him more frustrated. After that, though, he began to ask himself why he was not feeling alright: the mattress? That beast? The power unlock? It all happened in one evening... And now that it's another day, what could I do? I need to protect Astros (the cat), but I probably should return home and check if everything is alright... The news were talking about a lot of sucides near there. he thought, looking around the room. "Good morning everyone..." he said, then got the coffee for Krys. "Here you are. Also, could I get a cup of coffee too?" He used to have breakfast with a cup of coffee or milk, but not with all of those things Krys was cooking - he could have eaten something anyway, but most probably not like everyone else.
  9. Gen "Wait, where did you go then? It seems I didn't pay attention..." Monika replied. "Anyway, when we were in the classroom we all had headaches and saw this very frightening vision of this city... well, because of this I'd rather not talk about it, if you are OK. But, Anna, our teacher, was there when this happened. And right after that she left, saying that we probably had the headaches (so, the vision) because we didn't eat. But I did... And after that, I saw Anna in the garden. Probably she was just 'resting' after we all asked her various questions, but it might mean that she didn't want to answer fully."
  10. (A bit late, but...) Tomas, as the others said real life is more important. I hope things will just turn out well for you and your family. For the Roleplay, I'll have to edit my previous posts so that it doesn't look like the topic is ending. Also, thank you Dobby for assuming this role and making the RP continue (But don't abouse of this power )
  11. Important announcement for the YGO Roleplay (hosted by Tomas Elliot): http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=12974&page=70

    1. Cyaloom


      This is because Tomas himself posted a new status, overwriting the previous one, which contained this notice inside.

    2. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      That was nice of you... Except that you yourself kept posting ignoring the announcement in the first place :P

    3. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      But jokes aside thanks, I appreciate your zeal :)

  12. Gen "Homeroom teacher?" At first Monika found that question strange, because he was probably talking about Anna, and she'd already introduced herself and been their teacher for two days. Probably he wanted to know something else. "You mean Anna, don't you? Well, I considered her completely normal, but now I have some slight doubts; as she ran away from us with a 'wrong' excuse right after we saw a certain vision. Were you there when this happened?"
  13. To Omega: isn't this supposed to only happen during the next post? Right now you should be just staying in the class waiting for the bell. Then you leave. Also, I'll probably be posting tomorrow, because I'd be making too many posts... Unless you tell me I can still post without caring about that rule. - I'm actually talking with Gen now and I need to wrap up this conversation too. EDIT: I have posted anyway...
  14. I can agree, unless there is some "training" I have to do after having my power unlocked.
  15. Well, here I was supposed to go with Lane, but he's "occupied" with this plot event. I guess I can just go alone, but can't help but be curious to know why Lane is not there. So, if, let's say, I go out of the school, see him in the garden (maybe with Anna), and then go (to Ayatane, probably, as that was Hiss' plan), will it be alright? Even though leaving right away would be the best thing for the story, it doesn't fit this much Monika. Also, before returning to the class, I noticed Anna in the garden... Again, this was because I wanted to wait for Zechs to post after he'd left the garden (This was in my other post, not the last one) and stay nearby in case he wanted to talk with me... did I see something I didn't have to see? If that's the case, you could still have Anna delete my memory or something Also... Noooooooooooo Flynn... D: No more Monika & Sidus shipping...
  16. "Well, it seems there's still plenty of time, and I have nothing to do." thought Monika as she sat down in her seat, inside the classroom 2-2, and took a quick look at her watch. Monika tried to come up with a good plan for the afternoon. First, she had to talk (again) to Ayatane. While the words he said the day before were all but reassuring, Lane was going to be with her, so there shouldn't have been too many problems. And after that? It was very plausible that she would have a lot of time left in the afternoon, and wandering around the city without a destination didn't look like a good idea. Going to the port (near home) didn't look like a good idea either, as there was the Ice Queen there: although Monika was very curious about this and wanted to know more, she didn't want to be turned into an ice sculpture. Near the port there was the beach, which could have been alright... The police was not this helpful, so going to the station could have been a waste of time... but, they could at least know some certain facts that she could investigate (instead of the police, who would never resolve them; in case they were related to Number cards, the Ice Queen, etcetera). She took a look around the class, seeing a lot of people in a single group, but did not care this much. Why joining in another conversation that was going on for a long time? She could have done that before. ((Monika is still open for quick questions, before the end of the topic))
  17. I have posted... I hope it's ok if I stay near the school entrance. I'm doing this to wait for the others to leave the garden and maybe talk with me, it's just that I could see what is going on with Anna. If that's the case just tell me to move and I'll edit the post
  18. (before) With Setsuna, Dominic, Lane and Gen As Setsuna put out her D-Pad, the other girl did the same to exchange everyone's contacts, then just nodded... Still, she didn't understand why she had to find Ayatane. She probably was an obstacle for him, after all: she was trying to find informations about Mr Tenjo's death. In the end, though, this could have been a good plan. Monika let go all of her thoughts... The teacher first mentioned Inazami, then we discover that Inazami Lores seem to be named after her and are also connected to the 108 Number Cards. The number doesn't seem to be casual too. This aside, Setsuna had a very good idea: coming here made me feel more calm and relaxed. This reminds me of the garden of my old house... While I didn't use to go there often, that's where I roller skated for the first time. And there was my best friend that day - will I ever see her again?" She took a brief look at her skates, probably without even thinking about it, before stating that she'd go now and leaving the garden as Setsuna ordered. Only then, she noticed someone else, the teacher, Anna, talking with another student, a girl. But, it was too late and Monika was already about to return inside the school. But, that was the place where Anna went after escaping from her own students, eager to ask her questions about what happened... There didn't even seem to be a reason for this.
  19. Gen, Dominic, Setsuna, Lane As Setsuna was asking Lane a lot of different and apparently weird questions, Monika just didn't talk and listened carefully to the conversation, without being very aware of what was happening around her. She only greeted the newcomer - Gen, it seemed - with a distracted "Oh, Hello" and then noticed he'd started to talk with Dominic. "They seem to be already friends". the girl thought, before trying to make a recap of all the informations she'd obtained. "So, we have over one hundred of these unique cards, who could make us see these 'Inazami Lores' in certain situations, give some powers to their holders and probably make them go crazy. Then, we have the Ice Queen, who could be related to Numbers as she has these powers. We have some options now: finding the culprit, talk with Mr Johnson or being turned into a ice cube by the Ice Queen... Not a good decision. And then, there was Ayatane..." she thought, forcing herself to calm down and not rush into making a decision. Ayatane's words then came to her mind. "Sorry for interrupting you but there are some more details about Ayatane I'd like to share. He told us that he was determined to find the culprit of Mr Tenjo's murder by himself, and that we'd have been just an obstacle if we'd tried to help... he just wants revenge, but being against us is different, and fairly strange. The Number he was holding could have done this and make him just seek revenge, but it's just an hypothesis." she declared, then adding: "Personally, I don't think that talking to him (again) could be this helpful... I already did, and after the speech, he didn't want to say anything else, like if he told us all he knew... What do you think about this?"
  20. Waiting for Number 10... Maybe. Maybe.

  21. Well, I still don't know if that changed - as Tomas said "we shall return on this point during the next At School topic". You could always wait for a reply from him before doing anything, but it's up to you really.
  22. No problems, it's understandable Also, Chimchain just revealed the Inazami Lore #39. But Tomas said this: "For the time being, you are not allowed to share the Izanami Lore you obtain with other players, nor can you try to obtain other players' Izanami Lore via duel: we shall return on this point during the next At School topic." So what should we do? Chimchain here should edit his post, but rules could have changed...
  23. Lane, Setsuna and Dominic Lane showed everyone his 'Number 39: Utopia', and of course Monika also stared at that card. At the beginning she thought that it would have been a very good card in her deck (the Constellars), then remembered. Lane did this to see if, by staring at the cards, you could have a vision, like it happened before with Number 30. This time, nothing happened. For a moment, that place bacame very quiet, like if time had stopped. Then, Setsuna broke the silence by replying to Lane... "Nothing." She also gave some informations about the Ice Queen. So it wasn't just me, Monika thought before stating the same thing: "I didn't see anything, too. But why did this happen? Are the two cards different, while still being Number monsters?" Every monster was unique, so that was probably a correct hypothesis. Still, it wasn't enough to explain the lack of a vision. The Ice Queen details Monika aquired, though, made her think more about the danger of that investigation. She could have been turned into ice if she wasn't careful.
  24. Just a notice : it seems my last post was saved twice twice. Could someone delete the second post and keep only one? Thanks
  25. FYI tomorrow I don't think I'll be able to post anything except one liners (from the phone). Probably on Monday I'll be able to make a wall of text talking about Monika's past and then continue the conversation. So, don't wait for me if you want to continue the conversation.
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