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Everything posted by Cyaloom

  1. Dominic, Setsuna, Lane "Ice Queen? Actually I have never heard about her. Did you two meet her or something? And does it have to do with Number cards?" Monika replied. This girl was probably the one the word 'her' that Setsuna pronounced was referred to. "So is this the person with strange powers you gave a hint about before? " whispered therefore Monika to the other girl.
  2. "OK, sorry... but it's understandable. So, now I know that Protectors could actually be a good choice..." Dexter whispered, this way ending the conversation, as he had nothing left to say or ask. He knew all he needed to make a decision about factions, he knew more about transformation, so all he did was sitting there, watching the news on the television or looking around. At the moment, the beast had already been defeated and it seemed like there was nothing to do, until "Mr Scraggly" alias Takeshi, or someone else, gave some instructions to the others.
  3. Setsuna and Lane "Her... What? Were you just thinking aloud?" said Monika, as Setsuna just talked about those powers. Then she returned on the main topic of the discussion. " About Ayatane, he also seemed normal when I met him. I could know that because Ayatane himself told us this, in that alleyway. He actually just said that he purposely fell into darkness to avenge our teacher. And that if we try to find the culprit by ourselves, he'd treat us as obstacles. This seems a bit exaggerated to me... Maybe the card is doing what it does at a gradual and slow pace.". "Oh hi" said then Monika, seeing the new guy introducing himself. "Dominic, right? There's not anything extreme going on here, it seems... We're here because Setsuna wanted to come here. We're just talking together in the garden "
  4. Add her anyway even though if it can't be done Anyway, welcome to the forums! Have fun and enjoy your stay. My favourite game is also Platinum I also play some LoL but I am a beginner and I still prefer TF2 (now) ^ Things in common
  5. I am already in two different Roleplays, but I have to say this looks interesting. Also, welcome back on the forums Notus! (Maybe you don't even know me but I have to say this anyway )
  6. "Perfect, thanks for the explanation." replied Dexter quickly. All of his doubts seemed to have been cleared now, but one. He actually listened to Vixen and looked the woman transforming partially with admiration and curiosity, then heard the nickname the other girl found for Takeshi and couldn't help but find it funny. "Mr Scraggly"... Now, he had another question to ask; not for shed light on his uncertainties, but because of his curiosity. "You..." he said pointing at the girl who answered him before. "You were in a faction, but now left it because of your own choice...? Am I allowed... to know what happened?" he whispered, then added: "I have some things to admit... This interests me even more because you were in the Protectors. Now, something I don't like to talk about happened to me some weeks ago... A Beast..." and here Dexter's voice become even more soft and sad "...killed my father, and I was the only one to see it. Now that you've told me about Protectors, I've also had the idea to join them. But you left them! Was something not right there? Maybe I could change my plans".
  7. Setsuna and Lane "Zander's theory... well, this seems an appropriate time to tell you what I've done yesterday... After going around the city with no results, I was able to find a Number Holder. And, when I talked to him, there was also Zander. This guy is the one who holds 'Number 12'; he gave us some informations before 'disappearing': the Number cards were unique and no one knows where they come from. They actually can corrupt someone's mind, or something similar, but could give extrahordinary powers to the holder. (Now I don't know if he meant 'actual superpowers' or more strenght, ability in the duels, etcetera.) And that's why I wanted to know if you feel different. That person is Ayatane Michitaka; do you know something about him? He said he purposely got Number 12 and wanted to seek revenge on Mr Tenjo's 'murderer'." Monika told Lane. So he'd already seen that vision, when he obtained Number 30. And this could mean that you see such a vision everytime you look on that card for the first time... And that it could work for all of the Number monsters. "Back to what I was asking you before... do these cards have any special effect?" she said, this time hoping to get a reply form the guy. She'd have also liked to hear what Setsuna discovered... but her bandages seemed to hint at something else: for her, yesterday was not a good day.
  8. Lane and Setsuna “Oh, I thought you weren't interested since you walked away before I could say anything”... At first, that didn't seem to make any sense for Monika. But she, in fact, walked away from Lane and moved closer to Setsuna to answer her question, after she talked with the guy. But she'd have returned in the same place, closer to Lane... if she'd had the chance. The vision began in that moment, keeping Monika in place, and also making her and Setsuna go crazy. "Er... I was trying to talk with two people at the same time. About the rest, Let's talk about it in the garden, with Setsuna." replied Monika, before actually thinking about that "What do you mean about headaches?" question. "So Lane didn't see the vision... or, the Inazami Lore #30. I need to know if he's ever seen something like this." Monika thought. "But first of all, let's go in the garden." She just turned around once more, seeing that Setsuna was ready to go there, and was now ready to follow her outside.
  9. This morning I had to go to Verona for some "English Olympics"... The listening test was basically some english people talking normally.

  10. I only remembered the name of Number C103... Other than Number 103, she could also have Numbers 21 and 94, which would make things more interesting. Disigma, Paladynamo and Pleiades <3 Edit: 2 posts while I was writing?
  11. With Setsuna and Lane "You...saw that vision too?" That question made Monika think again with renewed terror at the vision, but she had to compose herself and give an answer to the other girl. "First of all... I saw the vision too. Maybe everyone here saw the vision. Did you notice that Anna said that we all had headaches, and used the 'lunch time' excuse to run away? Well, probably not, as you still were out of your mind, but I did notice. And it was surely an excuse because I've already finished my lunch. Anyway, going to the garden is a very good idea. We could have more privacy, unless Lane jumps down the window and approaches us." she whispered, smiling when saying the last words, then turned around again. After all, she was currently talking with someone else too: before she saw the vision, she'd asked some other informations to Lane. Now the 'unscrupulous' guy was staying in the class, without paying much attention to the other people around him, and seemed to be completely fine. Monika tried to approach him to continue the conversation, but he seemed to have forgotten that. "Hello again. Were you talking with someone now? I'd like to get some answers: I have asked you some questions before, but then we had those headaches and you did not reply afterwards. Right now I'm going in the garden with Setsuna, so would you like to follow us there and possibly share some knowledge? Especially because I still don't know very well what we're getting ourselves into, and it is clearly dangerous..."
  12. Tomorrow I have the "English Olympics" in Verona... I should have an edge over some other people there though :D

  13. Monika asked Lane something, then moved a little closer to Setsuna to answer her own question. That's when we had the vision and Anna ran away (like Red), so now Monika is with Setsuna, a bit further form the other people (and Lane, probably). So, if you want, you could reply to me then go away... I don't know if this is ok though, as I'm talking with Setsuna now - that there could be my fault, because I asked something to Lane and answered Setsuna in the same post. This should be what happened, if I didn't keep track of people here.
  14. With Setsuna Right after bothering Setsuna with other questions, something happened to Monika, which made her realize that day was not better than the last one. "Everyday is getting stranger and stranger. And all of this is also not making me think normally and rationally; I feel like I'm deciding what to do because of my instinct - which is not good now. I surely need to calm down...". Yesterday, that list of incredible things including the encounters with some frustrated cops and Ayatane, a Number Holder, and then that. "What have I got myself into..." Monika seemed to ask herself, but it sounded like a question that couldn't be answered. That 'something', that event that happened was a sudden, intense headache that only lasted some minutes, and surely was not something normal... No, it wasn't just a headache. Monika seemed to see what could be a vision; of course, not a good and happy vision. The city of Heartland was being engulfed in flames, blue flares, and enveloped by a weird shadow. People on the streets were being killed - or slaughtered - by some monsters of various forms. And the screams of the people... they could be heard perfectly. That image would have been stuck in Monika's mind for a long, long time. After the vision, Monika believed she'd seen the "Inazami Lore #30: The world will soon be enveloped in shadows and destroyed." But, how did she understand that? In the vision there did not seem to be something that mentioned it, no one could have told her this during the vision and no one talked about "Inazami Lores" before. Still shocked because of that vision, with chills down her spine, she was able to think "What was this? Is it a possible future or has this already happened?" before trying to snap back to reality. Anna in that moment was just leaving the classroom, after saying something to all the students. "Oh? Are you guys having headhaches or something? This is what happens when you think too much about something on an empty stomach! I suggest you suspend this meeting for now, and resume it after properly nourishing yourselves." Monika had to object with what Anna said: she'd already eaten her lunch, after all. At least she remembered that after that vision. Was Anna simply trying to get away with a random justification? In the meantime, while all of the other classmates were talking about each other loudly, Setsuna, who was still sitting on that desk, seemed to be in a trance state, had cold sweat and shivers, and was out of her mind. "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!? Izanami Lore!? The destruction of the world? WHAT THE HELL KIND OF HALLUCINATION WAS THAT!?" she screamed, like if she was possessed. This made Monika become even more worried (especially about her). "She saw that thing too! Probably everyone saw this. But why?" thought the girl. She could have tried to bring Setsuna back to reality, but preferred to wait for some time, hoping that the other girl would calm down. But, as that wasn't happening and as both of them were still very shocked, she intervened, again cautiously. "Hey, are you alright? I surely am not, after seeing that vision. But now you say you've seen it too." she took a look again at the girl before continuing to talk. "I have to say, you looked like you were out of your mind... More than me, at least... Did something strange happen to you yesterday, for example?" the girl whispered, probably talking too fast and with too many pauses. She wasn't able to put up a decent speech and let the words go, realizing only after speaking that she could have said something different... Monika at least was able to ask Setsuna that question again, hoping for a reply this time around.
  15. Fml. Apologize, too. I'll just edit this: Those words could just mean Tenjo knew this guy, and a theory was made. Only a theory. And that's what I understood, but probably here I didn't realize there were other informations in that post that would not work. As it took so long for me to acknowledge this now this happened and I don't even know. I don't even want to reply but I'll leave this as a clarification.
  16. That example tho... Well, here it all deoends on the exact words Lisa said... Sorry for this misunderstanding but, to me it still seems Lisa herself mentioned a relation between the murder and the archeologist. Quote from the Recap, Lisa's monologue : "Maybe if I was less reliable thy would leave me alone? But I don't really like being alone either, so maybe I should kep on beeing reliable... Oh, but that archeologist knew more about the dead professor than I do, if these nice high schoolers were to find that out, they would probably leave me alone anyway to look for him" decent way to get rupees EDIT: I've just noticed that the girl in Hiss13's current avatar looks kinda like Monika...
  17. I've edited my post to include some of Monika's thoughts and, well, I will probably just exchange numbers with someone and follow another person or go somewhere else alone later... It will depend on what will happen now.
  18. Sorry, my bad for not finding you. But, Lisa here said "maybe that archeologist could know more about Tenjo's death than I do." So Omega seems to just share this information he got from Lisa...
  19. Dobby, I've to admit I've lost track of you: are you in a place where you can hear us? Setsuna is a bit further from the group: now I'll make the two of us whisper so no one understands and no one needs to read. Jokes aside, I'm just asking too many questions with Monika like I do with Tomas via pm in reality, about numbers and about what Setsuna did yesterday. Is there the list of students, and does the teacher call out all the names at the beginning of the lesson? That could be a way to know the names of everyone. I have also done that, like Omega now. Tomas, I think Omega got some informations about the archeology from Lisa, in the last page of the last after school topic, right?
  20. Lane and Setsuna "Of course I didn't pay attention, I've just finished eating in my seat and I've just come here. I only heard some parts of your conversation, but when you talked about that duel and how you got that card, surely your opponent couldn't have given ot to you. But, you said he was out of his mind... That's what I wanted to know: so something weird happened to your opponent, right? And the card 'transferred' to you... Also, do these monsters have special effects in the duel?" Monika said, also trying to apologize for popping in unannounced. Then turned to face Setsuna. She apologized with her for the same reason, and agreed with her: that investigation was surely going to be risky business. Then she added:"Also, here I can tell you that indeed there's something supernatural in this and that indeed the police won't be able to understand anything... This Ayatane guy, who also has Number 12, told me and the others who were with me this. " Monika's attention was caught by Setsuna's bandages on her palm. "Sorry for bothering you again but... Why do you have those bandages? And, more in general, what happened to you yesterday? You... Are insisting on the risks that this investigation has... Anyway, I agree with you about this." Monika was already talking too much in a single day for her standards, but she felt like she didn't accomplish a lot yesterday: while she discovered about the existence of Numbers, Lane obtained two of them. Also, not a lot of people could have more than one number: Lane was truly a special person. In the meantime, more people were coming near that group to take part in the investigations: Monika, who agreed with this, still wanted to wait some time and think about it. What could she do to help? Maybe chase down people who wanted to escape using her Rollerblades? Dueling? She didn't feel like she could help much and was also thinking she could even do the opposite.
  21. 200 posts done!

    1. BBD


      congrats M8!

    2. Shing


      Congrats man.

    3. Cyaloom


      Thanks... but I still need to catch up :D

  22. Investigation group While Monika was having lunch on her seat, the same spot near the window where she'd always stay during the lessons, the other students were talking and discuting with the teacher. Monika tried to overhear what they were talking about but only some words were heard by the girl. But, Zander... she noticed him gasping after seeing something. At first Monika found it even slightly funny, but then heard some other bits of the conversation. "I-I-I'll g-give you m-m-my watch for it! Do you feel like you've gained any p-p-powers or s-something?" "If Ms. Reinier allows it, I'd like to create an investigation group so we can..." "I know I'm not one to talk but you should really reconsider this. I saw what these cards could do. They really are dangerous." "I object. Not to the investigation team. I object to Zander being the leader." "You are butting into things that are way too dangerous for kids your age." "The duel felt real. And as soon as my opponent summoned this Acid Golem thing, he started to act strange. It was almost like he was possessed or something." So, someone dueled, and his opponent acted strange, and look possessed. He saw what some 'dangerous' cards could do. Then, today Zander was shocked because of that student's... object? The day before, Ayatane said that he let his 'Number 12' corrupt him or something. So, if another duelist acted possessed during a duel, could it have been just a coincidence? What did the other student with "The duel felt real?" The idea of an investigation group could even seem a good idea: not having all the students go together, or having a leader, on the other hand. "All that could be done is just... exchange phone numbers or something, to keep in contact. I wish I did that yesterday..." thought Monika. She didn't go where the other students were and talk just yet, and started thinking about her monsters; especially those that were in the Extra Deck. Other than the usual Constellar monsters, there were a Starliege Paladynamo and a Vylon Disigma, two cards she really liked to use. Vylons were the machines created by Constellars to protect the world: that deck was Synchro focused and could do great things with the right opening hand. Vylon Disigma, instead, was strange: it was an Xyz monster, similar to a commonly used and strong Synchro monster, Ally of Justice Catastor; on the other hand, Starliege Paladynamo was just a card she really liked because of its effect. Could those cards help her against one of those dangerous cards? Probably yes, Disigma could even equip a monster to itself, and that monster could have even been a "Number" card... unless they had some special traits that prevented that from happening. Starliege Paladynamo, instead, could bring the Attack of a monster to 0 and negate its effects. She never used them in any duels; she received or bought them recently and didn't duel often in Heartland. She did not like that much living here, either: there were more services but it wouldn't have been the same anyway with no close friends: it was time to make some new ones, and Monika was not good at doing so (or, at least, she thought). After doing so, she looked around the classroom. Almost everyone who was still in the room was in that group of people, talking about investigations, with the teacher. Some students (Red first) ran away from the class as soon as they could, one guy was still there in his seat, like her, but she didn't want to bother him. In the end, although she didn't want to at first, she decided to approach the other classmates discuting about the investigation group. "The case about Mr Tenjo's death couldn't have been resolved by the police", said Ayatane yesterday, also adding that there was something supernatural about it. But, as she still wanted justice to be made, she was now determined to know more and, maybe, resolve the case by herself - of course, with the help of everyone. She walked to the other students, this time hearing perfectly the last words another girl (Setsuna?) said. Monika then replied: "Excuse me... Well, you are right, doing an investigation could be very risky. But we know there's something supernatural in the case of Mr Tenjo's death, that the police (who's supposed to resolve the case) will never care about. So it's just up to us..." She saw the card Lane dropped on the ground before. "That's why Zander was shocked. Lane's another Number Holder, and has even two of them! Not just one... One of them was of another person, but then he was able to steal it, it seems. After all, who would give away a card that gives him extrahordinary powers?" she thought, then talked to that student, identifying him as the crazy one who jumped out of the window the day before. "A small question for you. If the card you have is a Number card, which gives special powers to people and 'corrupts' them, someone wouldn't just give that away. That would be his or her 'precious' to defend! So, what happened to your opponent afterwards and how did you get that card from him, or her?"
  23. With Arial (open for anyone to talk but there's a hint on who I'd like to talk with) "This is very interesting..." Monika thought, then listened to Anna, who was talking to all of the students. "And, now everything seems to make sense... there's a relation between those Games and what's happening now... At least it looks like it." "About yesterday... I could come with you even today, but we could decide that at the end of the school... if you want, we could talk more now, but I'll finish lunch first." she said, and then added, softly: "You are starting to become loud" with her usual smile. After that, she just began to eat the rest of her lunch, either waiting for an eventual reply from Arial, or for someone else - who could be interested in her rollerblades, just wanting to ask her something about the upcoming afternoon or the last one. She actually hoped that one person in particular could talk to her... someone that, after the school had finished yesterday, just went home. But he was not a "friend" like Arial, and Monika preferred to wait for him to approach her instead of talking to him first.
  24. Dexter immediately thought about his new role: he, being a magical person, could prevent the Beasts from killing other civilians in the cities; and what happened to his father would have been a lot more unlikely to happen again to someone else. But he still had some doubts he needed to get cleared. "Thanks for this explanation" he said, slightly embarassed for the question he had to ask later. "But what are these factions you mentioned and what do they do? And then..." he stopped there. "My potential should have been unlocked but... how do I transform? I can't just think 'transform yourself' and do it, it seems. And, if I have to say the truth, all that happens is that my eyes hurt a little." he mumbled afterwards, as this was the question embarassing him. He tried to transform before, after Astros unlocked his potential, but nothing happened. And he just tried that, staying focused on using his inner powers. As he said, all he felt was some slight pain in the eyes, like when his eyes were more red and hurt a little because he needed to sleep. "Again, what's happening to my eyes? I know I have strange eyes, my parents were very surprised of that, all of my classmates could recognize me because of my eyes and some people thought they were even a bad thing (like a black cat or a broken mirror*). And, although I thought they were like normal eyes for all of this time, they are not in reality." she thought as he was waiting for a reply. And, actually, an answer from everyone could have been alright - after all, there was only one human in that place, and was probably going to become a magical person very soon... Astros was already showing his interest about making another contract with that woman. "Wait a moment... Astros, you made contracts with me, Takeshi and now this woman? Isn't there a limit to the people you can deal a contract with?" Dexter asked. It was just out of curiosity: the words seemed to come out of his mouth very easily - not that it was a problem now, Dexter did not insult someone.
  25. I have edited the post a bit... I assumed the seats were always the same (like here)... Do I have to change it again or am I allowed to start the actual conversation with Arial in this post?
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