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Everything posted by Cyaloom

  1. With Arial For Monika that day was surely a strange, odd day. One of those days that are a complete change from an everyday routine, and that you don't forget easily even after some years. She was not even being the normal Monika, getting in trouble with cops, bouncing around the city like a ball in the flipper and finally meeting this weirdo with an unique card. That card was so important that someone killed her teacher. Or not only that card. Ayatane said that those cards were 108, so there could have been even more people using them. Then there were illegal duels... And the two things seemed to be related. All of that aside, Monika had to admit she didn't behave like she would have done normally, talking to unknown people like Ayatane, being that persistent with Lieutenant Flagstarr, and, well, having befriended so many classmates in one day - something that normally Monika found fairly difficult. That night she constantly thought about that and couldn't sleep well; she also ended up waking up one hour earlier than normal. She dressed up right after coming up, but then her attention was immediately caught by her Rollerblades she left near her backpack. She took a look at them closely, checking their conditions, then decided to do something she did only one or two times ever, going to school using her skates, and not the bus. She had nothing else to do there, at home. Monika therefore had breakfast quickly then put the skates on, placed her shoes inside the backpack and wore her helmet. Skating would usually help the girl let go all her thoughts, liberate her mind and calm her down; and this happened to a certain degree. While she was still thinking about this, she also came up with some decisions: she had to avoid getting in trouble again and think more about what to do before executing an action... But, mostly, try to stay calm, serious and reasonable. Those were some of her bigger merits, after all. And now, after skating across the city and having gone through Anna's lesson, she was in her class during the lunch break. Her Rollerblades were, of course, hanging from her backpack while her helmet and her lunch were inside of it. She grabbed the latter and started eating there. "I wonder why our teacher asked that question about mythology... But wait, she mentioned the museum, and that's where Arial went yesterday." she thought. So, before eating hel lunch, she called Arial: " Uhm... Hello again Arial. Right now I'll have lunch but, well, I'd like to ask you some questions. So " continued the girl, after eating some food "You went to the museum yesterday, didn't you? Was it interesting and what did you discover? And also, what did you do later? I've only seen you again in the central square before today." Having behaved in a different way yesterday turned out being helpful there, as she actually had friends in the classroom. And when Monika was talking with people that were actual friends, her shyness was left aside. Arial was one of these people and Monika was in fact very happy to talk with her again. She also noticed Zander approaching her teacher, Anna; while she could know something too about what was happening Monika decided to ask Zander what he heard from her afterwards, as she was already talking with Arial.
  2. I'm the person that messes up the most in the entire forum - or world!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. WrathOfTheLamb


      i mess up even life so you know what i have to say? ME TOO. i know your pain, forums or life!

    3. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      I would comment on this, but I am scared that you will then send me a private message :P

  3. I knew it -.- Sorry (again) Anyway, I have edited the post. (It was because I thought the school was... not in that place; and I didn't look at the map before posting. (Going to the beach was also the plan, should we have more time for this topic). Just a minor detail: DarkLight mentioned me in her post, so that should be edited to avoid misunderstandings... (So no one looks at the map until Tomas tells us there's a teleporting...)
  4. With Zander, Roy and Paul Monika seemed very confused after Ayatane disappeared. "Ayatane had an unique card that gives extrahordinary powers, so he could be the mysterious duelist, but does this card have any relation to Illegal Duels? This case has supernatural aspects?" she thought, before arriving at the conclusion that it was very likely. "If people thought about Illegal Duels, maybe that's because they couldn't see big cuts or 'holes' caused by a gun. And now this Ayatane tells me that case is, in fact, 'supernatural'..." After standing still there, she looked at her clock and declared: "I really have to go now, it's getting late and I need to go home. I'll see you tomorrow at school!" before skating away from Zander, Roy and Paul, going towards her home, which was (unluckily) failry far. "What a day... I even felt like another person; this is not something I'd do all the time. Also, you don't see a strange man wearing a samurai costume in an alleyway, with an unique card that gives special powers and that came from nowhere everyday." she thought. She took of the skates, and took a bus to come home, where she arrived when it was almost night.
  5. Ok, I'm sorry for this and probably I could have also been too harsh with Omega. Anyway, I hope that at least I said and pointed out something that made sense Actually, I have to admit that I thought that all chatspeak, typos and grammar errors had to be corrected or avoided all the time; I guess it's for reading the posts more easily.
  6. Well, you are right. I'm not sure about this, but somewhere he stated he was Canadian so he either speaks English or French. It's just that, no matter the languages, eventual errors could be fixed. ("sucpiosly" though? That is just a typo and could have been changed...)
  7. Here it might be just me complaining too much, but... Another thing for Omega: the grammar in the posts! You can't write a verb with the past simple then follow up with a verb in the present simple (at least in Italian) and it doesn't seem right to say "she about to snap". Maybe "she's about to snap". And "sucpiosly?". One more, "she looks unhealthy " and not "unhealthily ". Something that I've been told is that in RPs grammar errors, chatspeak and typos should always be avoided or corrected. (also I am Italian) Here, I'd like to know, if you want, why you are trying to go around the city all the time (did you want to find an event just for you, so you could possibly get a number? Did you just want to discover new places? Did you want a Number badly?) and going fron one place to another: it is kinda useless because where you are not there is going someone else. About short posts, sometimes there aren't a lot of things to say anyway, but it's better to include some descriptions of your thoughts, or parts of your back story, descriptions of places, etcetera. Justifying the fact that you post one liners by saying that you're not good at writing doesn't make sense (you're surely better than me, as I'm using a foreign language) but, to tell the truth, I don't do one liners. There are a lot of things that could be added, you need to just identify yourself with your character. What personality does he have? What would he think, do or say, then? Maybe i am not the best person for this, as I have messed up often and this is my first RP, like for Omega, maybe this entire post is unnecessary (if it is, tell me) but I'd like to... Help Omega with this, if needed. Also, it was referred to the first post, as Omega edited that basically now that I've posted. Another thing: it seems that, clothes aside, Lisa could look like a younger Monika
  8. I think there's already a topic for invented mega evolutions; it could give you other ideas: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=12041 Anyway, I could just say the Mega evolution I posted there, Mega Porygon-Z (It's my favourite Pokemon, not Breloom). Mega Porygon-Z Normal Adaptability (If this ability is too good or you want to replace it, maybe add some more Special Attack) HP 85 Atk 95 (+15) Def 80 (+5) Sp. Atk 165 (+30) Sp. Def 95 (+20) Spe 110 (+30)
  9. With Zander, Paul and Roy - Important Action "Well, you mentioned this murder yourself" pointed out Monika. "You may know something about it, or even more... So, could you please share your knowledge already?" That was all she said, and of course, she said that with an unsteady and soft voice: after what happened that day, she felt like she talked too much and, while she could have asked more things, she'd rather avoid that. In fact, her ordinary question came to her mind again: what if she said the wrong thing to Ayatane? Despite how he was acting, he surely was being suspicious according to Zander: he could have even been the mysterious duelist, after all. Monika, for once, was happy to be what she was: a timid and cautious girl. "Well, I don't know what to say now. Should we really tell him that we came from the police station because of a mysterious duelist or that we are Mr Tenjo's students...?" she whispered to Paul, as Roy had already spoken. "I don't want to give away a lot of informations, especially to this 'suspicious' person; but if you wish, you can tell him this".
  10. I thought he was talking about Yash's character... my bad. I've edited the post; now Dexter wakes you up. I hope it's alright (but of course such things will happen when I don't read posts carefully)
  11. New personal record! 33 kills with a single Sentry gun

    1. Another Felix

      Another Felix

      Too many snipers and bad spies, not enough good demos.

    2. Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~

      Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~

      Really no offense, but that isn't really impressive... Engineer is less about how good you are, more about how bad they are.

    3. Cyaloom


      that is also right, but I feel proud of myself anyway... considering my sentry survived a Uber demo.

      Problem is, it was on Barnblitz last, on the crates

  12. I have to admit... that I have not done an AMA and also never posted anything in the other people's AMAs... I don't think I will, though.

  13. Dexter tried to wake up the girl Takeshi mentioned. "Well, I'll say this again for the girl who's just waken up, my name's Dexter and... Astros just unlocked my potential." he said, before turning towards Takeshi. "But if I have to tell the truth, I'm not "fine"... Right now I don't see very well, even with the glasses, and I just feel strange" he complained. As there was nothing he could do, he just decided to sit down and listen to the news: the increase in suicided that was mentioned was surely a bit strange and unexplained, there were in fact no apparent reasons that could lead to a lot of sucides. Could it be another Beast? When his father was killed by one, the news were talking about strange weather and a thunderstorm - and that day was actually a rainy day, with strong winds blowing in that place.
  14. Well, I think that after this event I'll try to go home - as it is near the port, I could meet people that are near the beach now (for example, Arial), but I don't think I can do any other event before the end of this topic. Meeting up with Arial again could be a good idea though - the "going to house" here could be a reason for an otherwise strange and random decision.
  15. That is right; basically what you write is the BBCode. I tried to learn it
  16. Why would I do that? Something that this could imply is that I could go in that area more often or when I've nothing to do. Anyway, thanks
  17. Perfect, thank you. Just a small note: I decided a place where Monika's house could be (near the port, alongside the river, near the red circle in the city map). Is this ok?
  18. Important Action - in the alleyway with Roy, Paul and Zander Monika winced back as the man walked around the corner. "Is this guy the mysterious duelist or is there someone else here?" she tought at first; Zander managed to give her some answers as he talked back to the man. "So he's Ayatane Michitaka, Zander has already met him, and he's... well, just acting suspicious. And, even if it's not the mysterious duelist, he should know something about it." Monika decided to check the position of Roy and Paul, and, with relief, saw them standing behind her, after having caught up with the girl and Zander, observing the situation. Zander seemed to have everything under control, so it was just better to let him talk and just watch. In the meantime, Monika whispered to Roy and Paul: "If he tries to run away, you could let me handle that, but right now, let's just listen to this conversation." She adjusted her helmet, almost unconsciously and without an apparent reason, stood still on her rollerblades and listened carefully, also being ready to chase the man if he'd try to run away.
  19. Omega, I almost did the same mistake but thanks to Blair I got some informations from Officer Adams... And, I have to say, I am not this happy about this topic... I made some rushed decisions that didn't always fit Monika's personality (also that idea of skates was slightly crazy, but they will be useful). Something that I don't want to happen in the other posts. I messed up, and don't want to do that again in the future (not even in Osaf). But, it's kind of normal, it's the first RP... I (and perhaps you?) need to learn from the previous mistakes. About short posts, you could just say something about how you feel, why you did something, or just describe something. It should not be a problem: I make walls of text even when I try to be brief!
  20. There is something true in it if you think about it... Anyway, as only ShingSt said this before, please read the rules you find on the left, and also the Forum FAQ (that stickied post in the Grand Hall section by Jericho). They are helpful and can avoid warning points
  21. Everytime I need to explain something I write a wall of text, it seems...

  22. No, I do this kind of things only with Tomas. He's special... Tomas, am I giving you a bad impression? This is saddening. Anyway, Welcome to Reborn! Have fun and enjoy your stay!
  23. Tfw you are in a Valve TF2 server and the most skillful players are ALL in the other team...

    1. Cyaloom


      How to win a round in cp_steel with 20 minutes left on the clock.

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