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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Cyaloom

  1. 147 As I pressed Post Shing's post showed up... This way, no mod.
  2. I thought that, when talking about a cat, you'd say "fur"... I didn't know that "coat" had that meaning (look left of the post people). Anyway, I have fixed that, and I am waiting for a reply from Astros (Murdoc). Before you were talking about themes for your character... what could work with Dexter? (I was thinking about Somewhere I belong by Linkin Park, as of course I only bothered listening to songs I know).
  3. "So your name is Astros and you are a mediator... And you want to offer me a contract? I imagine there are going to be some conditions... You can't just give me powers for free, am I right?" Dexter asked the cat. He was even more confused, but at least he knew he was safe, and that the cat was not there to harm him. He tried to ask another question, thinking that the words he said before were slightly unclear. "So, the powers... Why should I have powers? What are they needed for? Surely not for doing whatever you please". Dexter then thought about the words the cat told him. "Something deep within you brought you here, something you likely aren't aware of." "So I am not a normal, human, civilian. From what Astros said, I have already that power, but I need his help to actually use it." Dexter decided to just wait for a reply from Astros: he needed to know more, especially when he was about to take such an important decision.
  4. nope.avi Just popping in unannounced, as I've never done this before. BBD next, let's try. That seems very unlikely but I can't change this now.
  5. 125 Thanks for the English lesson, DarkLight!
  6. Greetings, and welcome to Reborn! I was quite the lurker too, but making an account was worth it... Enjoy your stay and have fun!
  7. So we could meet there... Do I need to make a new post stating that I arrive at the school and either see Zander or begin looking around (So tacos can say that Zander sees Monika)?
  8. Sorry to post again... But, for example, you can find us along the way. If you want to go immediately after this duelist, you can; you have the priority.
  9. I meant that... Right after leaving school. I thought we had also to reunite, so it could make sense...
  10. Just saying that Monika and Zander were in the same group before splitting up (Monika went with Roy). Of course, if you want to talk with Monika, Roy and Paul, it's up to you.
  11. So, it's time for Dexter to get what seems to be a contract with a "talking cat". I actually plan on having him start with some abilities and become stronger during the story (it makes more sense for someone that started as a human)... I plan on having an agile character, with maybe some more abilities (healing). Speaking of which, right now Dexter can heal only people that are close to him, but he may learn to do this at a distance, using his shotgun created with magical energy. And, maybe, he could learn how to fly... It should be alright, but if there are some problems just address me and I'll try to fix them. In the last update, the "cat" showed up behind Dexter, so now I wrote his reaction, and I'll be waiting for the cat's reply in the next post by Murdoc. If someone (especially Hiss13) wants to come there and either watch the scene, interrupt it, or talk after the cat's reply... well, feel free to do it. Again, Dexter is probably going to be very scared because of this sudden change, so don't scare him more when you approach him (or be very scary so he will surrender without any fight, this way letting you talk with him).
  12. Today I have for you... Good old standard plain boring Spore-using Breloom.

  13. Dexter took another look at that road where the Beast was. Some people there were actually different... they transformed. "So this people can transform and become stronger? I surely can't do that, so why am I here?" The man who kicked the beast was now trying to hurt that creature with a Kukri that came out of nowhere, and looked almost covered in fire, the crazy girl (who wasn't transformed) was simply asking what to do like she wasn't in danger, and the woman that was observing the situation, that woman that Dexter noticed inside of the building, transformed and jumped down, on the road, to fight the beast. His attention was still brought back to that young girl, that seemed slightly younger than him and that came out of the hospital. "Why would she ever do that? She's not even transformed like the other people in this place... She might even die... No one has to die now; what happened to my father shall not happen again" Dexter thought, observing the fight from his building. "Terrifying, isn't it? Most people would have ran off or called the police by now." Dexter didn't even know how he did that, but in the blink of an eye he was holding his pistol in his hands, pointing at the source of that voice... "A cat? Seriously? Am I dreaming now?" He observed that creature: it seemed to be just a normal cat; there was nothing special about his look... But, perhaps he wasn't just a cat, maybe he wanted Dexter to be there in that moment, when the Beast manifested. "You! Maybe you can help me... Why am I even here? Is that because of you?" Dexter asked the cat with a loud but trembling voice, trying not to get the attention of anyone else, other than that creature. He stared at the animal with his heterochromial eyes and waited for a reply... "If he is one of those people, like the ones that are fighting the beast, and he wanted me dead, he'd have already killed me. He's here for a different reason."
  14. Well, I'll post everything tomorrow (and remove the fern from Breloom ). I already imagine Dexter scared, seeing this transformed magical people there... Of course all depends on how you introduce yourself to him.
  15. For the powers, as Dexter doesn't have them yet, I'll try to edit them later; actually what is in the presentation is just a couple of ideas. Hiss13, after this beast goes away (or when you want actually), feel free to either pretend you didn't see me and ignore me or come and talk. Disclaimer: my character is pretty scared and might point the pistol to everyone who threatens him...
  16. "It is here! I can hear it... And see it, too!" thought Dexter, surprised and shaking in terror in the same time. He and the other people were able to see the beast that appeared in the area. "So I can see beasts and know where they'll appear...". Almost immediately Dexter hid inside of the building, in the furthest corner from the shattered windows, hoping that the beast would not notice him. He could not defend himself from such a creature with just a pistol, and if he beast would fight Dexter, he'd kill him with ease. Like it happened with his father. But her father was a normal civilian, he was something different. Simply because he could see that Beast. Dexter tried to look around and see what the other people that were there were doing. Well, there was one of the two men that were talking in the alleyway kicking the beast in the jaws, and a crazy girl running towards the beast... But Dexter was more interested about that woman, who was still looking down below from that building... After this Dexter asked himself why he was there. "Why? Am I here because I have to die like my father? It can't be... There is something that I don't know, something that goes beyond my comprehension... In fact, I don't even know why I am here! ...I just hope I'll get out of this alive. That is all that matters now."
  17. "Darn. Why am I even here...?" Dexter had just arrived in that place... Was it even a neighborhood of the city he lived in? It seemed more similar to a post-apocalyptic scenario. A lot of the buildings were abandoned and crumbling, with an hospital being the only edifice with some lights turned on inside - there was someone inside for sure. But what happened in that part of the city? He'd never seen that city district before, and no one told him anything about it (except the fact that it existed). The blonde guy arrived there like most High School students would do; with a bus. He dismounted at the nearest bus stop and walked for... how many minutes? Half an hour? "I just hope this was worth something..." he tought as he kept walking in the roads of that district. Of course, no street lamps in that place, so near but at the same time so far away from the places where he lived... the unusually empty house, the school, that damned square where his father died... He was about to turn 18, he could try to get his life on the right track, realize the dreams he had as a boy... A gust of wind interrupted him and made him stop right where he was. He stood still for a moment, trying to listen to every sound that he could hear, her hand on his father's gun. That was the only thing that he had to defend himself, and the only thing that could remind him of his father... that day, that square... it looked like it happened yesterday, even though two weeks were already passed. A tear came down his face as Dexter was thinking about that. All Dexter could hear, in the end, was only a bunch of muffled words coming from an alleyway. "So I'm not the only one that is coming here for no apparent reason. But... maybe I'm the only human". Dexter began to feel very scared as he heard those words. Was he even supposed to be here? Would he get killed on sight, or, like it happened his father, would he get killed by another Beast? What was about to happen in that almost surreal place? Who was talking there? "Too many questions I can't answer. I'll just try to observe the situation and at least understand the reason why I'm here". Dexter decided to enter a building, one of those which looked the most resistant, and went upstairs. He was able to reach a window - the glass was on the ground, shattered - and look down on the neighborhood. Then he saw an alleyway, right under that window, with some people, and tried to lean over the window frame, as slowly and as carefully as he could... He immediately sprang back from the window. "The people who were talking were in that alleyway... I just hope they didn't notice me. With all of this around me, my blonde hair would also be easy to recognize". He tried to observe the situation standing inside of the building, until someone muttered the word "Beast". Dexter winced, and returned on the same position as before - leaning over the window frame, trying to hear more words and not cut himself with the glass in the meantime. "A beast here? Oh my... I don't want to die because of this... But why am I here again? Am I different from any other human? And is this people different too?" The two last questions took over Dexter's mind. "I am... something more? This people is something more? Maybe more than me? More what?" Dexter looked around there and again, sprang back from the window. This time, he noticed someone else that had his same idea. From an adjacent building, a woman was observing that situation. "Again, don't notice me... I think I'll refrain from talking, at all, now. If they want, they'll come to me. They can come to me. It's as easy as drinking a glass of water."
  18. This is taking way too much time EDIT: done after 90 minutes of typing. For one single post.
  19. May I present you... Fernloom!

    1. Arkhi



    2. Zephyrus the Priestess

      Zephyrus the Priestess

      ... Mega Flygon or riot

  20. Finished posting the character presentation, it's in Page 4. I hope it's alright (and if it is, I think I can post in the IC - of course, unless this character comes in later, as he's human).
  21. I am a Fern but I am not Fern.

    1. Yash


      Give in to the Fern

    2. Cyaloom


      I'll be used by the Fern, I think.

  22. I'll be used by Fern instead, I guess.
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