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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Cyaloom

  1. Hello and welcome to Reborn! Have fun. To write something inside of a spoiler write "spoiler" between square brackets at the beginning and then "/spoiler" between brackets again at the end. You can check out the "helpful tips" thread by Jericho, it's in the grand Hall section and there's also another example on how to use spoilers (if you think I didn't made it clear ) EDIT: It seems you used it correctly in your signature... Why is the word black? (maybe try to do this in code mode, there's a button to toggle it that looks like a switch, up on the left)...
  2. Hello and welcome to Reborn! (I'm not so original )
  3. Favourite: Absol and Gardevoir. Absol because of the design; it looks really cool and it also has good offensive stats. Too bad its defenses are subpar. Gardevoir, because of the competitive battles. I always use her shiny, with a set gender (female). It can hit really hard with Hyper Voice, but can also be used as a support Pokemon with Wish or Heal Bell. I had a Gardevoir in Pokemon Zeta with the mega Stone and it was my best team member. Least favourite: Venusaur. This is because of competitive battles, but also because of that last battle in Pokemon Zeta, where I had to PP stall Red's mega Venusaur because it wouldn't go down. It was a sleep powder and synthesis continuous spam. And another thing, why give it great defenses, great attacking stats and cancel two of its weaknesses? Well, at least it's vulnerable to birdspam or psychic-type moves.
  4. Welcome to the Reborn forums! I hope you'll have fun here.
  5. Hello and welcome to Reborn! As the other users said, more details would be very appreciated.
  6. and... I'm ill again.

  7. Hello and welcome to Reborn! Have fun.
  8. Serperior used Leaf Storm! It's super effective! Serperior's Special Attack sharply rose! (Contrary) This is why you always need a grass-type move: Rotom-W.
  9. Happy birthday Maelstrom! (the first that welcomed me here.)
  10. Cyaloom


    I usually take photos during trips, so I don't have really good or crazy photos to share. It's blurry so it's not perfect, but it's decent, considering that I made this when I was in the car.
  11. Hello and welcome to Reborn! Enjoy your stay and have fun! I beat Shade using basically only zoroark, you might want to use it if all else fails.
  12. Some random trainer's Blaziken uses Blaze kick! It's super effective! ...Roserade used the focus sash Fern gave him.
  13. Well, I know this won't be much, but I hope you can just overcome all of these obstacles: our lives are full of those (in different amounts), and I have to say I'm in a better situation than you (but I sometimes still wish I wasn't Italian, not only there's the economical crisis, but our politicians seem to just raise taxes even more because they want three times the salary of a politician in Germany anyway.) It always seems that after overcoming an obstacle like this you are weaker and you cannot do the same with the next roadblock... But, as you said, you can't avoid these things forever. I have a lot of hopes for my future. I didn't do a professional school (here in Italy, that's a school that immediately gives you opportunities for a job, even after three years, so when you are 16). My parents are not in a bad situation and they have a job, but I seem to think that this situation could have been better. That's why I planned to go to the university, and then do some important jobs. This is going to be difficult, but do I want to have just a normal job or remain unemployed for decades after school? That's what happens to a lot of people here in Italy, especially young ones. I just hope that everything will be alright and that you can still pursue your ambitions
  14. Some other things: - Powerful priority users (Talonflame, Mega Pinsir) - Defog buff (now it removes hazards) - More users of Will-O-Wisp, due to buffed accuracy (actually this is a less important change) EDIT: We also have abilities like Pixilate and Refrigerate, which change the type of normal-type moves into something else and that makes Mega Gardevoir, Mega Salamence (in Ubers), and to a certain degree Mega Glalie that good.
  15. Hello Blakely and welcome to Reborn! Enjoy your stay and have fun.
  16. A mega evolution must have a total increase in base stat total of 100, and you can't edit HP... Ok, let's stop complaining That design looks really cool, but it seems more appropriate for an offensive Pokémon, with an increased attack/special attack. What about: 95/95/140/80/150/65 So it still has great defenses, but can also use Curse and Payback to avoid being setup fodder. (You can't deal enough damage to a Pokémon so it can boost its stats freely) Anyway, I see you made a Mega of your favourite Pokémon and I respond with this: Mega Porygon-Z HP 85 Atk 95 (+15) Def 80 (+5) Sp. Atk 165 (+30) Sp. Def 95 (+20) Spe 110 (+30) Ability : Adaptability (If this ability is too good or you want to replace it, maybe add some more Special Attack) After all, Porygon-Z is a wallbreaker.
  17. Congratulations Jericho and Dan
  18. Does anyone here play Team Fortress 2?

    1. Omega_Ra1der


      hit me up Omega_Ra1der9191

    2. Noivy


      Silver League Highlander player here. My steam's on my profile here.

    3. Cyaloom


      I live in Europe though, I'd have like 200 ping if I connected to american servers.

      That's cool, I may add you on Steam regardless.

  19. (You posted this in the middle of the night, in my timezone) Anyway, welcome to Reborn, and enjoy your stay!
  20. The only Rammstein song I understand decently...
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