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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Cyaloom

  1. Happy new year! (A bit late)

  2. Happy new year! (A bit late)

  3. League beaten on my Platinum flying monotype!

    1. AuthorReborn


      Congratulations! What was your final team?

    2. SilverJakler
  4. Now that I have an account I can talk here about my Flying-monotype in Pokémon Platinum, but I've beaten the league already.   I've beaten the league with: Gliscor, L. 47 Swords Dance, U-Turn, Thunder Fang, Earthquake Staraptor, L. 46 Endeavor, Quick Attack, Aerial Ace, Close Combat Crobat, L. 47 Wing Attack, Fly, Toxic, Bite Togekiss, L. 47 Wish, Flamethrower, Aura Sphere, Air Slash Yanmega, L. 47 Detect, Ancient Power, Silver Wind, Giga Drain Gyarados, L. 48 (who KOed 5 of Cynthia's Pokémon) Dragon Dance, Ice Fang, Waterfall, Surf Also, I beat Roark only because of my Beautifly (permaboxed now...)   Now I'll try to complete the challenge by beating Team Galactic inside Stark Mountain.
  5. The snow is melting already -.-

  6. Finally, it's snowing here!

    1. Rawr-Ma-Ama


      It´s also snowing over here.

      All I thought was: Weeee~ all that beautiful snow I can play with :D

  7. Thank you Jericho! In Italian it would be "Buona permanenza" (but I think no one cares anyway ) So, places in Italy...? It might sound strange, but I'm Italian and I've never been to Rome. As I said, I live near Venice, which you should know something about already. Cities like Venice, Rome and Florence are quite expensive, so what most people do is to find a hotel somewhere else. If you want to visit Venice, you could go to Padua (another big city here) for example. Also, there is something interesting in a lot of other towns. ...and that's all I can say. Arkhidon, you posted that while I was writing. Thanks a lot! But my favourite theme is Giratina's battle music! EDIT: maybe I was a bit awkward :/
  8. Forum name: Cyaloom Showdown name: Cyaloom (of course) It's some kind of water green
  9. Introduction Thread made.

    1. Etesian


      Nice! Welcome to the community!

  10. Hello everyone! I'm from Italy, precisely from a town near Venice. English is, of course, not my main language: I hope there aren't too many errors I've played Pokémon Reborn since Episode 11, but I've been a lurker until yesterday, when I was able to write something in the Reborn Showdown server chat. (As you can see, I'm fairly shy, but it's probably just because it's my first time here). I began playing Pokémon when I was 10, with Pokémon Platinum (the first time I basically did a Torterra solorun, but then it didn't work out and I had to grind other Pokémon to level 60). The other Pokémon games I have on cartridge are Black 2 and White, because I don't have a 3DS... As you might already have realized, my favourite official game is Pokémon Platinum, and my favourite generation is the fourth. My first battle against another player in Pokémon was with one of my friends, who had the Action Replay and used only legendaries like Dialga, Ho-oh, etc.: of course, I lost, but I had my moment of glory, "exhausting" his Deoxys. After that battle, I decided I wanted to try to beat him again without legendaries, and this way I got to know the Competitive Battling. (But I never battled him again...) Then I began to follow Shofu, and I got to know Pokémon Reborn. In Pokémon Reborn I have a lot of savefiles, but in the longest one I'm only at Spinel Town... Instead of focusing on Competitive Battling, right now I like to play challenging Pokémon games like Reborn (I'm also trying to do a Pokémon Platinum flying monotype) and finding strategies to overcome battles. This is even more difficult as I don't like grinding and I always try to avoid it. Also, for the same reason, I don't like that much Magikarp: I never used Magikarp in Reborn, even in episode 11 (I still have the game in Episode 11, if I change my opinion). Also, congratulations to Amethyst and the other coders for creating what is right now my favourite Pokémon Fan-made game.
  11. Writing an Introduction thread...

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