I'm still here! This will be the final part of the First demo, too!
Part 4: Curse you, Girafarig!
You'll see why :]
So, we are finally inside the ship, called HMS Victoria. I've found this Gang member inside - he says he doesn't even know why he was able to ride his motorbike inside.
The ship itself is not so big, but there is still a kitchen. One of the two chefs loves rice, so she gave me some - it actually is just like a Super Potion.
This, instead, is what happens if I try to go upstairs. First, a guy named Rob gives me a Secret Potion (like the one used to make the Psyduck move in Platinum), then, as I'm talking with the Captain, some Sharpedo attack the ship, which is slammed against a rock wall.
I'm the only survivor, and I find myself in this island, full with ghost types. I catch a Gastly and a Duskull, hoping to use them later, and level up Shulong - this is made easier thanks to his newly learned move, Bite.
Where am I...? (Notice Shulong standing on top of the character).
As I get to the other side of the island, I find this wounded Lapras. I give it the Secret Potion, and she carries me to the destroyed ship. After that, I can't interact with it anymore - I'm stuck in the ship.
The floor has countless cracks that I have to avoid, there are many Zubats and ghost-types, and it's still raining.
After a while, though, I reach a new room.
There's a strange presence inside this room.
That is a warning for an upcoming fight. I entered the room anyways, with my best friend Shulong beside me...
And we're against Delta Sharpedo!
It is at level 16, and it's a Ghost-type (but I couldn't guess its eventual secondary typing). Because of Bite, Shulong was actually able to dispose of it easily, gaining two levels after the fight.
It was surprisingly easy, I have to admit.
After the fight, Rob shows up again and teleports me away with his Alakazam. But, instead of teleporting me to a new location, I get brought here.
And as the message states, the First Demo of Pokemon Xenoverse is now ended!
That levitating Chansey is a new feature of the game. It works like a Healing Machine from Reborn and Rejuvenation, but it has to be activated by paying some money.
I also receive a Level 50 Girafaring and its Megastone, so I can try it out. Too bad that i can't access my Pokemon Storage System and...
Why did you replace my Shiny Sparkowl!?
Anyways, this is how Mega Girafarig looks in battle. I couldn't show the front sprite though.
And with this image, the part - and this demo - is done! Next time, we begin a new adventure with a different character, as we test out some different features of the game!
The team: