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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Cyaloom

  1. Seth and Astros Now on the ground, some metres away from Seth and - yet - fairly close to the alleyway Astros hid himself into, Dexter couldn't help but panic even more. The rage and the disappointment towards him that Seth expressed with his callout was one of the causes - he was an experienced magus, so his words were true - and being just a beginner was not a good excuse anyways. By the time Dexter assumed the current position, one of the beasts was already gone - and this contributed to make the blonde guy feel useless. Maybe he was just a nuisance to the other magus. But then there was Astros, who was telling him that he was fine and that he should have attacked the two beasts that remained. Dexter tried to mantain some kind of contact with Astros telepathically. After all, they had kept doing so since the time they left the blonde guy's home. This way, he could know if the Mediator was endangered or not. Astros was the only other being that Dexter could lean on, and the only other being he was living for. At the same time, he tried to track down the movement of the two beasts left - the third one had already been eliminated by Seth. Doing so many things at once would normally be impossible for Dexter, but not this time - maybe because he was transformed, maybe because he was so terrified by everything. While one beast was further away - it wasn't really clear with the scarce light of the night - one was about to attack Seth with some kind of ranged attack. Seth, in the meantime, was counter-attacking, using very powerful Vines and some other black "moving things", barely recognizable by Dexter. Seeing how easily those beasts could dodge attacks, the blonde guy's first thought was to slow them down somehow. He finally used the pistol he pulled out before, as Astros suggested, hitting the beast that was preparing its attack (or at least trying). The few bullets that were fired at first sight didn't have anything strange, except for the fact that they were glowing - there were, in fact, some yellow sparks of electricity around it. If the beast would have been hit, it would have also been immobilized for some time, making Seth's attack way harder to dodge. Dexter also kept one eye over the other beast, ready to stop that one as well and, in his heart, hoped to have done the right thing for once.
  2. Of course first of May had to be on Sunday...

    1. Plok


      no holiday this year ;_;

  3. Happy birthday Rainbow! *hugs* I'll still praise Quagsire, although it has always been a pain in competitive battles for me :|
  4. Happy birthday ikea - I mean, Aika!
  5. Let's go for Demo 2 as well! Pokèmon Xenoverse: the strength of one like the second Pokemon film. Part 5: The fire island As this demo was made mostly to test the new features of the game, we start with 5 Pokemon at level 50 that we can choose ourselves from this roster. We have: 1. The three starters, equipped with the Terrestrial ring 2. Hikiloo 3. Sparkowl's evolution 4. Delta Sharpedo and Delta Spiritomb 5. Hammer-form Aegislash 6. Luxray and Hypno, who obtained new Mega Evolutions I went with this team, as Delta Pokemon have been already showcased, and as I wanted to keep my starter Shulong. On the right, there's me! Mega Hypno and Mega Luxray look like this: And now a closer look at the Starters I chose, Shulong and Trishout: they cannot evolve normally, but they can use an item called Terrestrial Ring that makes them change form and become stronger: And here we can see the new Menu of the game, another cool graphic addition: Enough with the features, let's talk about the story. So we start off the journey on a ship, eager to start a new adventure which, as the narrator says, will actually end up being the most important of our life. But guess what happens then... We end up on a tropical island. While at first it looked like a desert place, soon we find some friends of the ship's captain, Maren. Most of the people on this island are wearing masks for some celebrations, and we are invited to join. Then we discover that, according to a prophecy, we are some kind of "chosen one" and we need to defeat Articuno, Moltres and Zapdos. This girl, called Melody, says that she's never seen such a cute "chosen one"... Interesting. But in the meantime, a wild cutscene appears. k den. The team: Sorry I played this like 10 days before writing this update
  6. After many days of trying, I have defeated Marianette!

    1. Cyaloom



    2. Avatar of Grima

      Avatar of Grima


  7. tfw you realize that one song that is stuck in your head is Zumi's theme...

  8. I still have some exams to prepare for, but hopefully I'll be more active next week...

  9. 420 Day? Here it's 204 day (and we don't get a 420 day anyways)

    1. Shamitako


      That's because you date like a scrub

      2016/04/20 is the way to go. Weeb masterrace

  10. No more Clarice avatar :o

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Cyaloom


      But I don't have a 3DS... *cries in a corner*

    3. Red_Chaos


      neither do i :(......*hides 2ds behind her back*

    4. Cyaloom


      *keeps crying*

  11. Hello and welcome to Reborn! I hope you'll have fun and enjoy your stay.
  12. Hai First time in this thread Anyways, 9/10 I seem to like it a lot for some reason
  13. Welp... I might start to work in the ticket office of an Italian villa in the next months. Because of "stages".

    1. Red_Chaos


      practice counting back change

  14. To keep Rainbow's status on the main page, please don't post many Status updates, and if you want to continue the discussion past the 100 message limits, here you go.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Jacobliterator


      That's the original status loaded up. But I'm not done yet!

    3. Cyaloom



      I'd like to keep them

    4. Jacobliterator


      I can delete my status if that helps.

  15. Well, I don't know for sure but I suppose it's because of the attitude of Delta Sharpedo. As Ezio said in another part while speaking about Elekid, Delta Pokemon (who come from a different dimention) appear randomly and cause trouble, even without an apparent reason.
  16. The first demo of Xenoverse is done! And in the meantime, I've got through most of the exams I had to do (but not all.)

  17. I'm still here! This will be the final part of the First demo, too! Part 4: Curse you, Girafarig! You'll see why :] So, we are finally inside the ship, called HMS Victoria. I've found this Gang member inside - he says he doesn't even know why he was able to ride his motorbike inside. The ship itself is not so big, but there is still a kitchen. One of the two chefs loves rice, so she gave me some - it actually is just like a Super Potion. This, instead, is what happens if I try to go upstairs. First, a guy named Rob gives me a Secret Potion (like the one used to make the Psyduck move in Platinum), then, as I'm talking with the Captain, some Sharpedo attack the ship, which is slammed against a rock wall. I'm the only survivor, and I find myself in this island, full with ghost types. I catch a Gastly and a Duskull, hoping to use them later, and level up Shulong - this is made easier thanks to his newly learned move, Bite. Where am I...? (Notice Shulong standing on top of the character). As I get to the other side of the island, I find this wounded Lapras. I give it the Secret Potion, and she carries me to the destroyed ship. After that, I can't interact with it anymore - I'm stuck in the ship. The floor has countless cracks that I have to avoid, there are many Zubats and ghost-types, and it's still raining. After a while, though, I reach a new room. There's a strange presence inside this room. That is a warning for an upcoming fight. I entered the room anyways, with my best friend Shulong beside me... And we're against Delta Sharpedo! It is at level 16, and it's a Ghost-type (but I couldn't guess its eventual secondary typing). Because of Bite, Shulong was actually able to dispose of it easily, gaining two levels after the fight. It was surprisingly easy, I have to admit. After the fight, Rob shows up again and teleports me away with his Alakazam. But, instead of teleporting me to a new location, I get brought here. And as the message states, the First Demo of Pokemon Xenoverse is now ended! That levitating Chansey is a new feature of the game. It works like a Healing Machine from Reborn and Rejuvenation, but it has to be activated by paying some money. I also receive a Level 50 Girafaring and its Megastone, so I can try it out. Too bad that i can't access my Pokemon Storage System and... Why did you replace my Shiny Sparkowl!? Anyways, this is how Mega Girafarig looks in battle. I couldn't show the front sprite though. And with this image, the part - and this demo - is done! Next time, we begin a new adventure with a different character, as we test out some different features of the game! The team:
  18. Hello Coderis, and welcome to Reborn! Hope you'll have fun and enjoy your stay!
  19. Hello and welcome to Reborn! Hope you'll have fun and enjoy your stay!
  20. with Astros and Seth Astros seemed to be in a safe place and the other magus was now the new target of those creatures, so Dexter approached him and took some distance from his Mediator. He readied his pistol - which was more effective at longer ranges - but didn't attack the beasts right away. He wanted to wait for the other magus to do something: he was more experienced, and the blonde guy didn't want to act as a hindrance for him.
  21. Due to various exams and related stuff, I won't be consistently active this month... Apologies :|

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Combat


      You and me both... You and me both...

    3. Cyaloom


      Thank you everyone!

      And cool joke, Chespin c:

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