Hello everyone! Loomie here, presenting a run of Pokèmon Xenoverse!
Pokèmon Xenoverse is a fangame, made with RPG Maker XP like most fangames in the Reborn forums, which is still in early development.
Two demos have been released - right now, the second one is not an expansion of the first one but has a totally different setting and story - and, even at this stage, there are some very interesting features.
However, what makes this game special is that it's made by an italian development team, WEEDle (here there's their official site) and, as such, the dialogues are mostly in italian. The second demo comes in English as well, but even then, don't worry, for I'll try to translate everything for you~
Part 1: The top percentage Rattata
The game begins with a flashback - a very interesting way to start off - rather than with the usual Professor lecture.
Sezu is the father of the protagonist, and he is shown in a hospital, waiting for our birth. It'll be a nurse to ask him the gender and name of the player - in this case, a girl named Dawn.
Don't worry, I'll play the second demo as a boy.
Once that is done, another flashback occurs. Here we are 5 years old, and our father Sezu decides to take us outside. He therefore shows us around his ranch - the italian name is "Ranch Liopigro": Liopigro is actually an invented word, like names of Pokemon are, so I don't know how to translate it.
We first check out our Miltank, then we head to the nearby lake, and finally to the small monument in the picture. It's dedicated to Artemis, our grandfather, who - as Sezu tells me - "sacrificed himself to save ourselves. But you're too young to hear this story. Let's head home."
Too bad that, when we head home, we hear a strange noise coming from north. Sezu finds three Pokeballs, and lets us keep one of them. Those Pokeballs contain:
The Grass-Fairy type Shyleon
The Fire-Sound type Trishout (yes, they added a brand new type, Sound - I still don't know much about it though)
And the Water-Dragon Type Shulong, which I'll keep.
At this point, someone attacks our father, claiming that those Pokeballs were his. He calls out a Golem and starts a battle with Sezu, as we try to run away...
Now in the present, we hear from our mother, Sophie, that our dad has been disappeared since.
As we are ready to start our journey, our mother gives us everything we need - Pokedex, Running Shoes - and tells us to reach the nearest city, Ludopoli, as Ezio, a friend of our father, lives there. She tells us to be safe before we exit her house.
This is how Dawn looks now that she is 10.
Yes, it's another pink-haired protagonist, like in Rejuvenation.
And this is Dawn outside, with Shulong.
Not only we have some really interesting graphics (the menu is from Black and White 2, by the way) but we also have our first Pokemon in the party that is following us like in Heartgold and Soulsilver. Shulong can't talk to us yet, but this will be likely implemented in the full game.
This is the Pokedex data for the 'Mythical small dragon' Pokemon, Shulong.
Shulong is a small chinese dragon that has 2 kinds of skin (external and internal), making it very versatile.
As we head outside, we are approached by a woman named Lea who explains how to catch a Pokemon and gives us some Pokeball. The wild Pokemon from the "tutorial", which, for now at least, is considered a normal battle, is ours: it's a new Fakemon called Hikiloo.
Hikiloo, the Puppy (Small dog) Pokemon, is a Normal-Ice type.
A cute puppy coming from iced lands. Since ancient times it'd help humans training huge weights during the most impetuous snowstorms.
And finally, we also get a third member for our team, Sparkowl (the Pidgey equivalent, probably):
Sparkowl, the Tiny Bird Pokemon (I'm totally sure on this one ) is an Electric-Flying type.
Spakwol (typo right there) usually lives on trees. If not disturbed, it's tender and quiet.
Let's admit it, it looks slightly weak at first sight. But later you'll see why I got it anyways.
As you can see, most Pokemon here are Fakemon, but don't worry, as there are many normal Pokemon as well (like the Miltank from before, and many Pidgey, Eevee, Bunnelby, and Rattata in the first route). There are also some trainers, who I've promptly beaten.
This is a new, small route, that heads to our next destination, Ludopoli. The first trainer we meet is this guy, GENNARU BULLO (normally called Gennaro), and his top percentage Rattata.
In case you were wondering, Gennaro Bullo is the italian equivalent of the famous trainer Joey the Bully. This time though, his Rattata is really a top percentage Rattata.
See? Level 100 Rattata.
Also, I'm taking this chance to point out two other things. First, the different battle interface that this game has. And second... my Sparkowl has some different colours than the one shown in the Poxedex, as it's Shiny!
It's very nice, especially because I don't think that the Shiny rate has been changed like in Reborn, and is probably still as low as in the main series games!
After our loss, Gennaro wants to block the path, but luckily, he's promptly called out by his mother, who brings him back home. We can finally head to Ludopoli!
Now in Ludopoli, we find a fire in the city. All the inhabitants are outside, calling for help, but Ezio comes and saves the day!
Yes, he has a Suicune.
When he's about to leave, he finally recognizes us as the daughter of his friend Sezu, and decides to talk a bit more about us.
He explains that the cause of the fire is a Pokemon from another dimension, a Delta Pokemon (who played the Pokemon TCG, Pokemon Zeta/Omicron, or Pokemon Insurgence, may be familiar with them already), who probably is going to the nearby Beach.
A new plan is set: Next time, we'll have to follow Ezio as he hunts down that Delta Pokemon.
The Team:
Sorry if the pictures are too big; I'll see what I can do to resize them, at least for the upcoming parts!