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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Cyaloom

  1. Part 3 of Xenoverse is up! Image uploads are working much better - thanks to Bibs and DerogatoryTrainer for the suggestions!

    1. Cyaloom


      Yes, I'm too lazy to make April Fools jokes :c

  2. Gym done Part 3: Twineedle Spam So, while grinding in Shining Beach I've found many interesting wild Pokemon. Not only we have Yemin, but also normal Pokemon like Taillow, Wingull and Magby. And this thing. Tranpille, the Caterpillar Pokemon. It's a physically weak Pokemon that, thanks to some of its body's molecules, can morph into menacing Pokemon to scare others and to defend itself. That thing on his head is easily recognizable, right? It seems that Tranpille is like Diglett, as some of its body is always underground. Also, Tranpille walking behind me looks kind of scary, and much bigger that you'd expect. As it was a Bug-Fire Pokemon, I caught it immediately. Too bad it's very rare and hard to catch - thanks to Critical hits on my part, or just bad luck, I got it only on my fourth try. It was worth it though :] Anyways, after some grinding I finally battle the Grass Gym Leader of Ludopoli, Danilo. He is always found meditating, and he doesn't want anyone to forget his name, it seems. In fact, the game says "Danilo Danilo wants to fight"... The battle starts with Tranpille against his Flabebè (at level 13). I finally knock it out after many Twineedle attacks and some help from Shulong. Flabebè, on the other hand, cannot knock out my Tranpille in two hits as it resists Fairy type moves (thanks to the Fire type). A level 14 Bulbasaur is sent out next - Hikiloo and Sparkowl (who has learned Peck, finally) handle it with relative ease. The last Pokemon... is this thing. Yep, level 16 Delta Spiritomb! I couldn't understand whether it was just Grass-type or had a secondary typing, but I know that - luckily - he was hit super effectively by Bug-type moves from my Tranpille. Sparkowl at first, and then this Charizard mimicker were able to knock it out. Only Tranpille was alive after that battle... but I got my first badge! Here it is. Now I can return to Shining Beach. A ship that was being repaired there is now ready to go, so I guess I'll have to get there and embark on a new journey! I don't have a ticket, but a guy named Dade recognizes me and convinces the sailors to let me in. Ezio wanted that to happen, after all - just hearing that name is enough for the sailors... So, we are going to travel by ship... next time. The team:
  3. All I know is that: 1. Usually, when a computer makes some beeping noises when it starts, it means that there is a hardware error (detected by the BIOS). Depending on the brand of the bios / motherboard, you should be able to find out what that acoustic signal means. 2. Most of the time, computers have one small light which indicates the hard disk activity. Probably, the problem has to do with that. It's not much; I hope I was still a bit helpful
  4. Cyaloom

    Hey yo

    More italians, yay! Ciao! Also, welcome to Reborn! I hope you'll have fun and enjoy your stay here!
  5. I'll have to apologize here for sharing that information about the Fakemon, because by showing their types I'm basically going against one of the rules of this run. People who are following this run could still look that up, just to see what Steffo will be up against It may be irrelevant now, but I've also edited the previous post so that the types I've found for the Fakemon are inside an additional spoiler.
  6. Replies: Part 2: It's a bomb! Last time, we had to explore Shining Beach. Ezio was going there to hunt down the Delta Pokemon that caused a fire in Ludopoli the first time we got there. On our way there, we beat some trainers and caught a new Fakemon, Yemin: Normal-Fighting. I don't know if I'll be using it that much, though. The fighter Pokemon. A Pokemon that never surrenders, and always finds an excuse to keep fighting. Even if it's about to lose, he won't stop until his opponent forfeits. that description, as it's written in the Pokedex, doesn't really make much sense, to be honest And here we are: now on the actual beach, Ezio lets us handle the Delta Pokemon, who I promptly catch. All I needed was one Pokeball and some Thundershocks from Sparkowl. But first, notice the weird dimensional portal thingy that appears behind Delta Pokemon when a battle with one of them starts. Delta Elekid is a Fire type (like Elekid's counterpart in the normal games, Magby). The Pokedex says: This is the delta forme of Elekid. It's a small bomb engulfed in fire (not really sure on how to translate this, pardon) that, if disturbed, can even blow up. After catching the Elekid, we arrive to Ezio's lab, where he and other scientists study Delta Pokemon. Those Pokemon come from an opposite dimension (distortion world??), and they have been appearing here for some time now, causing problems like the fire in the city. Before leaving the lab, a scientist named Anna gives us the Item Crafter, alongside a Pokeball and a Megaball circuit. I haven't tried this out yet, but they say it is a tool that lets you combine ingredients to obtain a brand new item. Now that all of this is done, it's time to challenge the gym: if it wasn't clear enough, it's a Grass-type gym. The levels of the Pokemon used by the trainers are actually higher than normal, and I've beaten the first one just because of Freeze hax with Hikiloo, so I'll have to grind some more before challenging the gym leader. Now excuse me while I grind for the next part... The team:
  7. I still don't know where this demo goes up to. But, about the second one: they made it mainly because they want to test some features, like the aforementioned Pokemon Delta, which will be available only later in the game. So they made up a brand new storyline just for the second demo, that may become a part of the final game as well.
  8. I've begun the documented run of Pokemon Xenoverse! And I'm still cursing Imgur.

    1. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      ive only recently switched from photobucket to imgur

      the latter is 10000000% better you wont ever hear me complaining about imgur

    2. Cyaloom


      what about .bmp images that also need to be resized

    3. DerogatoryTrainer


      I use this thing called Bulk image converter to change it from .bmp to .png It's really handy cause bmps don't come out right sometimes

  9. Sorry for posting again, but I've finally finished typing the part! I posted the introduction alone and added the other parts later, saving the edited post multiple times, to avoid losing everything in case of problems.
  10. Hello everyone! Loomie here, presenting a run of Pokèmon Xenoverse! Pokèmon Xenoverse is a fangame, made with RPG Maker XP like most fangames in the Reborn forums, which is still in early development. Two demos have been released - right now, the second one is not an expansion of the first one but has a totally different setting and story - and, even at this stage, there are some very interesting features. However, what makes this game special is that it's made by an italian development team, WEEDle (here there's their official site) and, as such, the dialogues are mostly in italian. The second demo comes in English as well, but even then, don't worry, for I'll try to translate everything for you~ Part 1: The top percentage Rattata The game begins with a flashback - a very interesting way to start off - rather than with the usual Professor lecture. Sezu is the father of the protagonist, and he is shown in a hospital, waiting for our birth. It'll be a nurse to ask him the gender and name of the player - in this case, a girl named Dawn. Don't worry, I'll play the second demo as a boy. Once that is done, another flashback occurs. Here we are 5 years old, and our father Sezu decides to take us outside. He therefore shows us around his ranch - the italian name is "Ranch Liopigro": Liopigro is actually an invented word, like names of Pokemon are, so I don't know how to translate it. We first check out our Miltank, then we head to the nearby lake, and finally to the small monument in the picture. It's dedicated to Artemis, our grandfather, who - as Sezu tells me - "sacrificed himself to save ourselves. But you're too young to hear this story. Let's head home." Too bad that, when we head home, we hear a strange noise coming from north. Sezu finds three Pokeballs, and lets us keep one of them. Those Pokeballs contain: The Grass-Fairy type Shyleon The Fire-Sound type Trishout (yes, they added a brand new type, Sound - I still don't know much about it though) And the Water-Dragon Type Shulong, which I'll keep. At this point, someone attacks our father, claiming that those Pokeballs were his. He calls out a Golem and starts a battle with Sezu, as we try to run away... Now in the present, we hear from our mother, Sophie, that our dad has been disappeared since. As we are ready to start our journey, our mother gives us everything we need - Pokedex, Running Shoes - and tells us to reach the nearest city, Ludopoli, as Ezio, a friend of our father, lives there. She tells us to be safe before we exit her house. This is how Dawn looks now that she is 10. Yes, it's another pink-haired protagonist, like in Rejuvenation. And this is Dawn outside, with Shulong. Not only we have some really interesting graphics (the menu is from Black and White 2, by the way) but we also have our first Pokemon in the party that is following us like in Heartgold and Soulsilver. Shulong can't talk to us yet, but this will be likely implemented in the full game. This is the Pokedex data for the 'Mythical small dragon' Pokemon, Shulong. Shulong is a small chinese dragon that has 2 kinds of skin (external and internal), making it very versatile. As we head outside, we are approached by a woman named Lea who explains how to catch a Pokemon and gives us some Pokeball. The wild Pokemon from the "tutorial", which, for now at least, is considered a normal battle, is ours: it's a new Fakemon called Hikiloo. Hikiloo, the Puppy (Small dog) Pokemon, is a Normal-Ice type. A cute puppy coming from iced lands. Since ancient times it'd help humans training huge weights during the most impetuous snowstorms. And finally, we also get a third member for our team, Sparkowl (the Pidgey equivalent, probably): Sparkowl, the Tiny Bird Pokemon (I'm totally sure on this one ) is an Electric-Flying type. Spakwol (typo right there) usually lives on trees. If not disturbed, it's tender and quiet. Let's admit it, it looks slightly weak at first sight. But later you'll see why I got it anyways. As you can see, most Pokemon here are Fakemon, but don't worry, as there are many normal Pokemon as well (like the Miltank from before, and many Pidgey, Eevee, Bunnelby, and Rattata in the first route). There are also some trainers, who I've promptly beaten. This is a new, small route, that heads to our next destination, Ludopoli. The first trainer we meet is this guy, GENNARU BULLO (normally called Gennaro), and his top percentage Rattata. In case you were wondering, Gennaro Bullo is the italian equivalent of the famous trainer Joey the Bully. This time though, his Rattata is really a top percentage Rattata. See? Level 100 Rattata. Also, I'm taking this chance to point out two other things. First, the different battle interface that this game has. And second... my Sparkowl has some different colours than the one shown in the Poxedex, as it's Shiny! It's very nice, especially because I don't think that the Shiny rate has been changed like in Reborn, and is probably still as low as in the main series games! After our loss, Gennaro wants to block the path, but luckily, he's promptly called out by his mother, who brings him back home. We can finally head to Ludopoli! Now in Ludopoli, we find a fire in the city. All the inhabitants are outside, calling for help, but Ezio comes and saves the day! Yes, he has a Suicune. When he's about to leave, he finally recognizes us as the daughter of his friend Sezu, and decides to talk a bit more about us. He explains that the cause of the fire is a Pokemon from another dimension, a Delta Pokemon (who played the Pokemon TCG, Pokemon Zeta/Omicron, or Pokemon Insurgence, may be familiar with them already), who probably is going to the nearby Beach. A new plan is set: Next time, we'll have to follow Ezio as he hunts down that Delta Pokemon. The Team: Sorry if the pictures are too big; I'll see what I can do to resize them, at least for the upcoming parts!
  11. You're doing great so far, even against those ridiculously strong trainers! Also, here are some things I found with my trusted YAPE (spoilers?):
  12. Actually it is probably better to attack ZEL's Pokemon first, as they can deal more damage compared to Lileep and Glaceon's icy wind can be a problem. You should try to dispatch Espeon and Glaceon quickly at the beginning. When Umbreon is out, you can either focus on it to turn the battle in a 2v1 or damage Lileep. To take out tangrowth and Chatot more easily, you could paralyze them with Tynamo, and try to plow through them with your other team members. There are some ways to improve this strategy, like poisoning Lileep (not tangrowth as it gains Poison typing) with stuff like Toxic Spikes (trubbish can set them), using a psychic type like espurr or gothita (espurr can set up screens while gothita - I don't remember if it's still available now though - can lower the enemy's special defense), and bringing a bug type (one example that comes to mind if sewaddle, as it's not weak to psychic) to deal some damage to Espeon. You will need to catch other Pokemon though... Anyways, as other people have said, it would be better if you provided additional info about your Pokemon. Nonetheless, I hope I was helpful
  13. Ragequitting is good for the health :)

    1. Shing


      More like grain of salt.

  14. Hello and welcome to Reborn! Hope you'll have fun and enjoy your stay.
  15. Everyone is celebrating St. Patrick's Day, and here we are "celebrating" 155 years of Italy

    1. Cyaloom


      not that everyone is happy with it :|

  16. Ciao! And of course, welcome to Reborn - as usual, I hope you'll have fun here. I'm from nothern Italy as well, so it's always nice to see another italian on the forums
  17. To celebrate the murder of Julius Caesar, we have Diamond Dust!

  18. I often don't know what to say in these situations, or I fear I'll say the wrong thing. And there is not much that I can say and that everyone else hasn't told you yet. But I can't overlook this thread and pretend nothing happened. I don't know how suspensions work there at college, but it is not your fault, and you are already well aware of that. Other people's judgment has only a relative importance, and shouldn't make you feel guilty for something you didn't do... Your own opinion comes first. Furthermore, you're not a failure just because someone tells you that. They probably don't even believe what they're telling you. And even then, you still have a very large amount of people who care about you - just look at all the responses. Like the other users, I think you're not a failure. I spend most of my free time procrastinating (killing time while I wait for tomorrow), without concluding anything, and that makes me feel like my life doesn't have a meaning and that I'm just draining air and money from my surroundings, but I never thought about suiciding, only about waiting for a better moment. Now I can feel that moment is about to come: I've realized just in the last months that if I put some effort into it, I can get to know myself better and find the meaning of my life. And you can do the same; the moment will come for you as well. Now these are just my personal thoughts, but I believe it all has to do with the things you like. Anything you're interested in can be very helpful: you've met all of us only because of your interest towards Pokemon, and this is just an example of how things you like (or people you like being with) can help you. I don't really know how to say this, but I hope you get what I meant to say previously, after all. What can I say now, beside this... Don't suicide. Please. I'll leave one song here too. Please listen to it, even if it isn't your favourite genre :]
  19. There's a song I keep singing in my head... and it turns out to be Zumi's Splicer Admin battle theme :o

  20. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHIA! All the cakes are yours!
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