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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Cyaloom

  1. This sunny day fills me with more determination!

  2. Claude's group, with Samantha As he was choosing where to go, Lucas was grabbed by his teammate Samantha and carried over that woodstand. Grimace didn't interfere, but watched the scene with his usual grin on his face as he was floating above his trainer. "What does this mean, exactly..." whispered Lucas as he was reading the riddle. He had some ideas, but didn't totally understand: were all the parts linked together or not?
  3. with Astros and Seth The sudden call startled Dexter. What happened next, it happened in an instant. The blonde guy looked behind him and finally noticed the three bird-like creatures. What are they? was the first thing that came to his mind, right as a green beam of light pierced one of his pursuers. The origin of this beam, Dexter could sense it without seeing it: there was another magus - the one who called him - whose energy was spreading around the area. An experienced magus, to be precise. "Astros!" Dexter called the mediator, trying to do his best not to give in to panic, and moving even faster in an attempt to reach physically the one he'd been following. He didn't really know what to do at this point - approach the other magus or keep moving - but he didn't want to get separated from his mediator.
  4. Claude's Group "I agree with you" mumbled Lucas. He didn't fully understand the assignment, so he'd rather follow the other group members for that time. He then stared carefully at the five Flygon, like Grimace was already doing. The 'pink' Flygon looks so eager to play, maybe that's the one that won't hold back... he thought.
  5. This sunny day at the end of a rainy week Fills me with determination

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Cyaloom


      But it's around Venice :|

    3. GotWala


      Well, that sounds awfully similar to where I currently hail from, haha. Beautiful, vibrant sunshine after nigh endless rain.

  6. All I can say is that you are right. That is a problem I really need to fix. It also might be the very reason why Dobby left. I'll need to admit that I find my character fairly bland, and my posts aren't really the most interesting to read. But even then, I'll be staying. First of all, it's understandable that after what happened you thought about letting the Roleplay die. However, it's easy to see that you've put a lot of effort into it already - you even restarted it a second time. It would be just disrespectful to leave right now and let it all go to waste. Furthermore, this could help me to solve the problems I've mentioned above. Yes, I'm relatively new to Roleplaying (compared to some of the other players), but that is not an excuse, it's just a reason to keep going. In another topic, Hukuna told me I've improved a lot :]
  7. Hello! First, there is a whole section for new and different Fangames, where you could find many useful information and even follow the development of other games. The program that is used most commonly is, of course, RPG maker XP, coupled with the Pokemon Essential starter kit. From there you can create your maps, add events and other stuff. Most of the core features are already implemented, so you don't have to worry too much about that. To create the sprites there are some other programs, but I'm not experienced in spriting anyways But, before you do anything else, you should have planned a good story and some characters. Just try to write down every idea that comes to mind and start from there. I'll just add that I am in the same boat as you
  8. Sorry for the delay. I've been waiting for others to reply, but a week has passed (as you stated), so I just posted a quick reply from my phone right now.
  9. Claude's group After quite a while, the other team members still didn't show any preference. While it was probably better for Lucas to wait the leader's answer, he couldn't wait any longer. If that wasn't enough, the researcher was looking more and more bored. "personally, I'd try out a Challenge. But I am not this group's leader: I need to see whether he agrees or not. Sorry for this wait". written at school, please forgive me
  10. Look in the first page of this topic, someone asked the same question. (unless it has been changed or something) Also there is the "where do I go now?" thread for questions like this c:
  11. Today I saw Bravely Second at a game store, picked it up, looked at the artwork and read the blurb, then I put it back on the shelf and walked away.

  12. Happy 20th birthday to Pokemon Red and Blue ^^

  13. Yet another pokemon game I can't play ;-;

  14. Hello and welcome to Reborn! I hope you have fun and enjoy your stay! and you won't get eaten that easily, you're salty :]
  15. New avatar; with 80% less Breloom

    1. Spineblade


      80% less Breloom, yet still 100% Breloom in your avatar.

    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Yes, but less of the Breloom is in it XD

    3. Spineblade


      I get that, but the point still stands that 100% of the content of the profile picture is Breloom. Unless you count the transparent space.

  16. Man that was fast! Two badges condensed in just one single introduction post Gible was probably the best choice for a starter (evolves sooner than Bagon, and isn't stuck with Wrap for a long time like Dratini). Tynamo and Larvesta look interesting, that Golbat is going to be blazing fast when it evolves, and there is also Breloom <3 Also, you didn't mention that during the fight you are supposed to lose at the beginning (against Tornadus) Arceus actually talks to you and says that you can win using strategy! That's just hilarious. I'm looking forward to the next updates, this will be rather interesting unless you give up and go with Destiny Bond Gengar + 5 fodder like a lot of people did already
  17. TANTI AUGURI DI BUON COMPLEANNO! Yes I know I am supposed to write in english, but as you've all likely guessed what that means, let's make an exception pls it means Happy birthday (basically)
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