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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Cyaloom

  1. Hello and welcome to Reborn! I hope you'll have fun and enjoy your stay! look at my signature pls
  2. Some of my quick notes are written in a mixture of Italian and English o.o

    1. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      It used to happen to me too, in my early uni days. To solve the issue I just started taking notes in full English.

    2. Commander


      If it makes you feel better, people look at my notes and question how I even read them.

    3. Cyaloom


      At least they are not in two languages :P

  3. Although he was still in his human form, Dexter felt clearly Astros' presence. They were both staring into each other's eyes and beyond, like if they were sharing their own energy equally with each other. Dexter's eyes were sparkling weakly as the mediator pressed against his consciousness, without finding much resistance. Undeniably, a weird sensation. Dexter was reflecting about what Astros said previously as he closed the house's door behind him. The Mediator was already rather far as the blonde guy finally transformed and tried to find his companion by letting his energy go outwards, like soundwaves. This allowed him to know exactly where Astros went: Dexter didn't waste any time and caught up the mediator as soon as he could. They were quickly moving - unnoticed, hopefully - across the sleeping city, as most of its sights disappeared in the distance. One was following and trusting the other, although he didn't know what his trust would have got him into.
  4. tfw you discover a great song about Valentine's day the day After Valentine's day

  5. English reading and writing test tomorrow... I feel like I have an advantage :P

  6. English reading and writing test tomorrow... I feel like I have an advantage :P

    1. Cyaloom


      I can English veri gud

    2. Shad_


      Cyaloom aka de inglish italian gui

  7. I've started To the Moon, and it looks very promising!

    1. Isa-Chu


      you are going to cry.

    2. Combat


      I looked into that game, but chose not to buy it. I don't like soaking my computer with tears.

    3. Felicity
  8. Happy SAD. If I could fall in love with someone that fell in love with me...

    1. Cyaloom


      I'm asking too much, right?

    2. Exalted


      nah your asking for what you deserve keep looking youll find someone

  9. Happy birthday Sparky! ...what else... o.o
  10. Claude's group "Alright!" Lucas responded to Claude's question, nodding back to him, of course after greeting the other group members. In the meantime Grimace was watching Samantha's vain efforts at trying to catch Claude's Cottonee, the usual grin on his face. Why would she try to catch the grass-type with such persistance?
  11. Well, I grew up with mostly Rock music (for example, Green Day, Linkin Park and, above all, U2). I remember listening to Nirvana tapes on my dad's car, or watching music videos on MTV at the time "Vertigo" and "American Idiot" were being first aired. And if that wasn't enough, my family also introduced many other groups to me, like Bon Jovi, Pearl Jam, Depeche Mode, Toto, Guns'n'roses... Then I discovered the radio and Internet and I got to know a whole new world of music, including my favourite band I always get back to, the Offspring.
  12. Hallo and welcome to Reborn! Hope you'll have fun and enjoy your stay here.
  13. Unown has just managed to do the impossible and actually impress me :o

    1. Kurotsune


      Y'know what they say, we can always be surprised by the unown.

    2. Sutoratosu


      How? Unown is absolute shit...

  14. Hello Dusky, and welcome to Reborn! Hope you'll have fun and enjoy your stay! And we have another Linkin Park fan / guitar player
  15. Panpour, like many starter Pokemon, has a gender ratio of 7 males to 1 female (87.5% ♂, 12.5% ♀): probably the reason why you've got only males is just that
  16. squeak squeak! I'm a Hare as well, it seems fairly appropriate
  17. 18999 total members ^^

    1. Exalted


      so we need only a 1001 more to really begin our world internet domination

    2. Nova


      19000 now \o/

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