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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Kaye

  1. !!!!!!! Whoa! This is a really nice song, oh goodness-- hello there friend, you're going right into my iTunes ~ I'm curious to know just who I remind you of though, maybe I'll be able to meet them and we can take over the world with twin powers, hehe. Thank you! Looking at things right now, I'm sure that I'll enjoy this place very much.
  2. It's wonderful to meet all of you as well! You all seem like great people. Thanks so much for the warm welcome, hehe. I feel at home already. Haha, is it really? I haven't met many other fans of Ib-- it's great to see that there are a few around here! Ib deserves so much love, ugh. Thank you for the advice as well! I'll make sure to attempt to check out what you and everyone else has given me-- I'm sure that there's some nifty stuff hidden around here. I'm sure that I'll be here for a while, that's for sure. c:
  3. So, hey! You can call me Kaye. I'm rather new to the Reborn community, having never seen this place until just recently, and I thought it would be a good idea to join since it seemed like a pretty friendly place. I had first played Pokemon Reborn around a year ago, but was forced to redownload and restart because of glitch problems. My file right now has 4 beautiful badges. Only 14 more to go. Aha. My interests very a bit-- from playing osu to RPGMaker games (Ib, The Witch's House, Mad Father, all that good jazz), to reading, to roleplaying, to drawing, to various other things and beyond. I'd pull out more things, but I'm half asleep right now and it's sort of hard to see the screen. Oh, and I also like staying up to ridiculous times in the day because that's how people like me roll, I guess. I hope that introduction was okay-- I don't really know what else to say other than that. So, um. Thanks for reading, friends! Please treat me kindly. Happy New Year as well! I hope that 2k15's treating you all nice so far.
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