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Everything posted by BlueWave

  1. anyone watched the new opening of Pokemon XY? The new opening was so hype! Goomy evolving to sligoo then goodra, Ash has apretty good team right now

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. BlueWave


      Well, Ash's team right now is Pikachu, Frogadier, Fletchinder, Hawlucha, and Goomy (Goomy has just been recently caught)

    3. zimvader42


      Now if only all his mons (ex.hawlucha) evolve into their final stage, that will be a OU team alright...and I'm not sure but I think that Frogadier has protean, I can't confirm cuz I just follow the Malamar episodes XD

    4. Klemeltios


      Wait what. Ash actually caught a random Pemon he helped out!? THIS IS A NEW LANDMARK, HE EVEN CAUGHT GOOMY. GOD PRAISE HIM. In all seriousness, Ash finally made a slightly smart decision.

  2. I'm not going to play Pokemon Reborn for a little while because of school work...

  3. I'm known for being shy, cool, high-strung (alittle), a little bit of introverted person. Even though i'm like this, I like my personality I also sometimes a bit nervous at small or big weird situations.
  4. This is interesting... I'll think about it, if I want to sign up.
  5. Wow, this looks cool! props to you Renegade Can't wait to play it (still downloading)
  6. In the past days, I have been thinking of ideas for the next MD game, of course, I want many playable pokemon and have more variety to its hub world. Also, a really good, touching story. But I really want to hear your ideas, opinions and all those stuff for the next MD game. (Also bring back the personality test)
  7. Well, dang, I got infiltrator espurr (Well at least infiltrator is good in some ways) Is there anyway I can get another Espurr?
  8. Uh, do you guys know how to put a "spoiler" in signatures?

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Should be the same as in the forums.

      words are links you want here.

    2. BlueWave
    3. Raindrop Valkyrie
  9. What if my Espurr has the ability Infiltrator? What will be her ability when she evolves?
  10. Thanks Cyaloom But there's one problem, what if my Espurr is female? The female espurr is more of like offensive type of pokemon i think. Any suggestions?
  11. Corey Frogadier Lv 28 N/A Protean Timid - Water Pulse - Lick - Bubble - Quick Attack Kricketune Lv 29 N/A Technician Serious - Slash - Bide - Struggle Bug - Fury Cutter Noibat Lv 24 N/A Frisk Quirky - Bite - Wing Attack - Tackle - Air Cutter Espurr Lv 16 (Priority for training) N/A Infiltrator Sassy - Scratch - Light Screen - Covet - Confusion Growlithe Lv 20 N/A Justified Docile - Odor Sleuth - Helping Hand - Flame Wheel - Reversal Emolga Lv 25 (Newly received) Cheri Berry Static Modest - Nuzzle - Pursuit - Double Team - Shock Wave *Also, which is the best place to train Espurr before the third gym?
  12. Guys, which is better? Pachirisu or Emolga?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Wolfox


      I will say Emolga since you can easely use the Nuzzle, Electo Ball tactic

    3. Commander


      I'll have to go with Emolga. It's usually my solution to every threat. Solaris's Garchomp, Noel's Swellow, Slade's entire team, etc.

    4. Shamitako


      Emolga>Pachirisu, easily

  13. Guys, who should I replace for Growlithe, Weepinbell or Pachirisu?

    1. Simon


      Weepinbell, cuz why not.

    2. krim


      Yeah I'd go for weepinbell now, but once you find the event I would replace pachirisu with emolga.

  14. Greninja. When the starters for the XY came out, I want to go with Chespin because he looks really cool for a grass type. Then when the second evolutions came, I went to Fennekin/Braixen team because I'm predicting that the final evolution will be really cool. And then when the final evos were leaked, I got so excited because finally, we have a ninja pokemon (ninjask exists but, greninja resembles a true ninja, ninjask just... acts like a ninja?). When I tried him out in XY, I immediately fell in love with the Water Ninja, I always have a Greninja in every main competitive team I use. BTW, ninja tongue scarf tho.
  15. Oh yeah one more question, if you like won, are you going to be notified by PM? Or is it like going to be announced in the public?
  16. I would say a tie between the Pokemon World and the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon World. The Pokemon World because, you know Pokemon, I really want to see Pokemon in person, train them, love them. (and meet trainer waifus :3) The Mystery Dungeon World because I really want to try to be a Pokemon, probably Lucario, becuase of aura, and explore the world. I really can't decide between these two, so it's just at tie.
  17. GOOMY!!! I'm really new here, but if I like won the giveaway, how do I receive the pokemon???
  18. I want a horror movie of Espurr scaring everyone

    1. derekwst3


      but its so cute

    2. BlueWave


      its cuteness will creep them out :3

  19. I'm not the best artist or something, but your eevee avatar looks really good! I like it!
  20. Thank you! I'll make sure to check out the things you've suggested.
  21. Hello gamers! I am BlueWave, a new player and user in the Reborn Community. Before I should go to my introductions, Happy New Year to everyone! I am a guy who loves Nintendo, Pokemon, Sonic and many more games. I love to draw and watch anime. I took part of this community because of how the people in here are really- lets say, respectable, good in heart. Because out of all the forums I signed up for, this has the best community in it. So I took part. Of course, that's not the only reason, I just started playing Pokemon Reborn, I have heard about it last year by watching shofu's playthrough. I really want to play it, but it's too hard. Now, I've started my adventure in Reborn. I tried to find guides like finding pokemon and all those stuff. I am happy to be a friend if anyone wants to, I promise you, i'm a good person That's all for me, one again, Happy New Year guys!
  22. Thank you guys for helping and giving helpful tips. And I finally beat Florinia thanks to Scub . That fury cutter sweep tho. Thanks guys
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