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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Shirotytalis

  1. When I saw this, I had Vietnam flashbacks because I fought her in the original episode 14.
  2. Thank god I can forget HMs at will now. I gave my Hariyama Rock Smash (I forgot that you had to have Shelly's badge to use it outside of battle), now I can finally substitute it for a good quality fighting move. Thanks for that, Ame.
  3. I'm watching it. It's hilarious watching him rage when he loses against gym leaders, (and his reaction to the level 75 Garchomp) but man, it's really irritating watching him do those puzzles. I wanna see him beat Charlotte.
  4. I can't stand Fern. Jfc, he makes Gary Oak look like the nicest person in the world. I started hating him more after what happened with Corey.
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