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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by TheWillful

  1. I know the feeling. I dont like buying used games, the cases always come cracked and broken.
  2. I have all of them except Frontier.
  3. Dunno if this is posted already but Mega Eevee. A lot of people say that Eevee should get an evo for itself, I think it should be a mega. Eevee is hardly ever used, I myself dont evolve Eevee because I prefer it over its evo's. So having a mega Eevee will make us Eevee fans very happy.
  4. 1: Braixen (shiny) 2: Tropius 3: Swampert 4: Skarmory 5: Articuno 6: Luxray
  5. Hiia everyone. I am a huge fan of the Rune Factory series and I am curious if anyone else here shares my joy for the games. Lets discuss these awesome games ^^
  6. Character name: Calibray 'Cal' Headsworth Appearance: Short, wavy dark brown hair and green/blue eyes that stand out against his pale skin. He stands at 5'10" and weighs around 9 1/2 stone. He is slim with a smight muscular build. Age: 17 Personality Overview: A very adventurous guy. He likes to see new places and doesnt like staying in 1 place for too long. He is a genrally nice guy but he wont take any crap from nobody. He likes to keep to himself for the most part. Backstory: Son to a wealthy man and woman. He grew up not wanting for anything. This however is not a thing he liked. He was bullied because others would say he is a spoilt little brat. He would look down on his hometown from the mansion on the hill and would always want to be down there with the rest of the town. His parents were never there for him, his father always away on business and his mother too busy designing the next big thing in fashion. Cal started to save any monye he could get in hopes that one day he will move away from his town and travel the world and at 16 years olf he had enough for a boat ticket that would take him across the sea's. He packed his bags and didnt even tell his parents he was going. Upon entering the new land he found himself peniless and money was the biggest thing on his mind. That is when he heard of the hill... Ability/Cost: Ability- Upon entering the hill his senses magnified. Not only this but he gained the ability of flight and telekinisis. Cost- He soon comes to realize he can't stay air born for too long without feeling tired. If he tries to push his powers of telekinisis he can fall unconcious for hours on end. Both of these abilities will take a huge toll on his body, basically killing him ever so slightly every time he uses them.
  7. Welcome, welcome, welcome. Welcome to our club. Welcome Drummer, welcome Drummer, welcome Drummer, welcome Drummer. -throws gummi fish at Drummer- Enjoy your time here. (Also if you dont get the first line reference then we can not be friends...jk ^^)
  8. Either Fairy Tail or Alfhiem Online (A game in the anime Sword Art Online for those that dont know)
  9. I would but I will have to read the rules for that section first because, well, my writing usually contains murder, death and sex scenes...so yeah xD (I am a huge fan of the horror genre)
  10. Thank you and I will be sure to check out showdown. As for a little about myself; Well my name was never always Will. It was something different for the majority of my life. I am 20 y/o and have been playing Pokemon since 1996. I am a big anime fan and a singer, actor and writer (only little short stories but its something I enjoy).
  11. Thanks everyone for the warm welcome ^^
  12. Hiia everyone ^^ I am new to the game, actually still downloading as I type this, so thought I would drop by here and say 'hi'.
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