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Everything posted by Sr.F

  1. Ok, for some reason, a trainer destroy me with a Pheromosa in Nightmare City. (the casino area) I only want to know if those casino fights have Pokémon completely random, or that is scripted. (It was weird see someone with a Pheromosa even if was Intense Mode)
  2. Shedinja Crest: Deletes all PP of foe's last move when being hit by super-effective moves.
  3. Meganium crest: +10 defense & special defense and inceases the amount of HP recovered trough HP draining moves. Castform crest: +20 special attack and inmune to status conditions when there´s wheather condition.
  4. Sr.F

    That Battle

    I did not want to ask this, but I cannot take it anymore. This battle is too problematic for me, and I don't know what else to do. I'm talking about that battle with Extreme Rekt-Boost + Baton Pass + Stored Power Sylveon (Tournament) [Intense Mode] This is my team: Delphox (Light Clay) Will-O-wisp Psyshock Flamethrower Light Screen Delphox is the key to first battle with Light Screen, because without him, Chesnaught cannot survive long enough to defeat Gorebyss, and with Will-O-Wisp makes the second battle alone. Chesnaught (Rose Incense) Spiky Shield Body Slam Bulk Up Seed Bomb Nothing special. I only use it because it's the best mon I have to defeat Gorebyss with help of Light Screen. I've already tried with others like Tsareena, but doesn't hit enough and Zebstrika is destroyed by Hydro Pump. Sylveon (Pixie Plate) Psych Up Moonblast Calm Mind Hyper Voice Yeah, is the perfect IV Sylveon. Although Granbull does better with Kingdra, the reason why choose it just was by Psych Up and copy Extreme Evoboost stat changes, but... obviously not goes well. Her Sylveon with Stored Power hits me more than I do with Hyper Voice and... well, that's a complete defeat. Therefore, what do you recommend for that battle?
  5. 1) Turtwig Puzzle: Two years to make that. 2) Timburr Puzzle: Same reasons. 3) Magic Square: ...
  6. Well, who knows? It's not the first time that i see characters with different outfits in this game. We'll see what happens.
  7. Agate Circus clown, Grand Hall or Titania´s Castle with Lucky Egg.
  8. Sr.F


    Is not available yet.
  9. Sr.F


    It´s not a picture, but I suppose it will be worth it :P
  10. Sr.F


    It´s to northwest of Appophyll academy, but you need Dive, Surf, Blizzard and Waterfall to get it.
  11. Episode 7!? Wow... congratulations to you and those who helped you all this time. It´s a good game
  12. Hmm... It's a bad thing if I'm not hyped for this Version? (Maybe it´s for play too much Pokémon...) Anyways, thanks once again for the give us this game.
  13. Black? It´s not red? or I have forgotten something? Edit: Nevermind. I see her now and it´s black and red.
  14. (?) Low encounter doesn´t matter. It is still the best place to reach level 85-90 easily with wild Pokémon.
  15. Titania´s Castle (Somewhere) is best place to grind with Audino and Chansey. (Low encounter rate of course) With Lucky Egg is more easy with 3500-9000 exp.
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