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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Sr.F

  1. Well, now the first thing I'll do when Version 8 is out is exploring all Terajuma
  2. Wow, 95% so soon? I need lv up my Pokémon to level 73 right now
  3. The existence of Umbreon is more than enough for the Dark type is my favorite type
  4. That's hard to know when you don´t know nothing about someone, but anyway... So... What music would describe myself right now?
  5. But when I fight with Tristan in the version 3.0.1 he have a Exploud, Staraptor, Lopunny/Mega Lopunny, Snorlax, Porygon-2 and Wigglytuff. In 3.0.2 he have 2 Wigglytuff?
  6. ? Dawn of Black? That´s the name for Episode 4?
  7. The same happens to me. If it's a bug... then I can not continue the story.
  8. More sidequests... Best I'm already preparing the Braille alphabet because my instict tells me that I will see another weird puzzle again
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