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Everything posted by Sr.F

  1. That´s was trying to say, just as usual I'm not explain well xD. Only If they are villains or major bosses. (By the way, about Hiro's Ability just was one example,the enemies don´t need why have a equal or similar skill how Hiro have)
  2. If the characters that are to use have hidden abilities as Hiro have maybe Could Also be fair in villains or bosses use that skills too. (And perhaps depending on the difficulty, the enemies have a higher percentage of activate that skills)
  3. I know I wanted to say Nastassia.
  4. Hardest Gym Leader: Angie Hardest Rival: Nim/Lorna Hardest Xen Boss: Nastassia (Yeah, It´s true that battle is no longer available since Version 6, but that was how I feel in my opinion.) Hardest Boss Pokémon: Dimensional Chandelure
  5. Favourite: Kecleon Request :feelsgd: Least Favourite: Trade Aipom-Pamcham
  6. Actually, all Shadow Pokémon I have encountered in the game have been a gift for me, but hopefully in future versions appear three of them that I hope to see (1 of them probably impossible)
  7. I use Flame Weel with Torkoal in a Duskull and it´s neutral damage too
  8. I just did with my Pyroar Magma Drift in a Yamask and was neutral damage that´s weird...
  9. The audio files in the Version 5 and 6 the OST battle of Madame X is (Cynthia battle remix) but now I see in the audio file of the Version 7 that OST has disappeared... Madame X has a new OST now in their battle? It's just curiosity
  10. Oh... well nevermind. Thanks for clarifying better. I'm not very good with the English.
  11. What happens is that when I go there I had completed that mission before in the Version 5. (In Version 6 I tried to enter but couldn't ) So when I have the Version 7, I enter there for search a hidden item, but how you've seen, When entering the Dr. Jenkel is here again and I had done before this request. The fact is that if you talk to him the platforms already made in Version 5, disappeared and I can´t further with the request (Plus it should have there 2 members of Team Anti-Assist and there is only one) making it impossible to complete the mission again . But if you talk to him, as we have seen, the platforms are there... that's the problem. Why Dr. Jenkel is there when I complete that request before in Version 5? Yeah, I know... RIP English, But I don´t know how tell you better.
  12. 8:55-13:00 (Thanks to the power of Quicksave I can save me of that bug ) and of course... I complete before that request in Version 5.
  13. I try to endure the hype all this weeks and with a single image I get nervous... Anyway looks cool.
  14. Sora/Zero/Ao/Sen no Kiseki, Luminous Arc, Phantasy Star and The Last Story.
  15. ...O_o Then all the that completed the Episode 15 is have to start all over again? All the excitement that I had has become in ashes...
  16. Pyroar (LV 61), Samurott (LV 60), Greninja (LV 60), Granbull (LV 61), Garbodor (LV 60) and Unfezant (LV 60). That will always be my team for the game history... until I reach with a Gym Leader or some unexpected battle.
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