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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Sr.F

  1. I can confirm you that Gastly is there
  2. Not as useful as before (well ... is not useful anymore xD) but I like Boldore evolite
  3. Have the same problem when i fight with Aya because Greninja and Simipour don´t listened me so my solution was a replacing for a training Golem and Piloswine and GG But you can use too the Rare candies for go more fast
  4. Water, Dark, Ice, Dragon, Ground and Flying but this time in Pokémon Reborn... i have a very DAT team: Greninja, Raticate, Arbok, Simipour, Exploud and Noivern Is annoying sometimes with some Leaders and another people (Shelly... ) but and what?
  5. Oh... i remember that annoying place... well you found the key in Obsidia and maybe this video can help you too (Yeah... i fail the two times there but i don´t expected a lv50 Pangoro) http://youtu.be/qWkNpRp32E8
  6. Yes, I have ... and I had forgotten that object (My epic fails again T_T) Well thank you all
  7. Well i defeat Luna right now so.. I don't visit Agate City yet
  8. 10,000? o_O well... just need two so i can afford it
  9. Apart from the explorer kit and stones and objects to the areas where I can find blue shards?
  10. Anyone knows the prizes for win the lotery? i just know the 5º prize is a Full restore
  11. Pulse-Tangrowth hum... level up and buy many potions i guess xD PD: (Ekans in my experience with Wrap + Glare is useful with him)
  12. In the Pyrous Mountain we can found a Tepig when a rock fall in a hole with Strength but i don´t know if have a particulate climate
  13. Sr.F

    mega evolve

    The last time fight with Cain his Absol almost owned me with Sword Dance + Sucker Punch so if Mega-Absol appears... it´s time to training a pokémon fighting type. (Although it is normal... i have a random team xD)
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