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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by DreamLady

  1. You can breed an alolan vulpix with the ability drought. (edit: also flash fire.)
  2. For the alolan sandshrew/vulpix trade, I found that you can trade a lycanroc for the vulpix.
  3. After I get magma drift and stand outside Talia's house for the Melia flying off much to Venam's dismay, I can't find Venam anywhere in the house. I go to the mountain thinking they are already there, and they're not. Game.rxdata
  4. On Terajuma Shore, you can stand on one of the deoxys. Edit: Found another one. At river's end, if you surf and get near this tree, you'll get stuck.
  5. In the quest to return the Roggenrola in Kakori Village, if you talk to it when you're inside the Pokemon center, the game crashes.
  6. This sounds fun~ Might as well give it a shot. (I don't know how to use a spoiler tag.) How important do you find direct confrontation (either verbal or physical) to achieving your goals? 8/10 I find that verbal communication is very important. You should decide what you want to come out of a direct confrontation. (ex. resolve a misunderstanding, apologize, etc.) It resolves situations better and faster. You can find out the other person's thoughts and understand them. I find that friendly talking is the most effective in achieving my goals. There are a few times where I find drifting apart is better. For example, a best friend who I grew to dislike and the friendship wasn't healthy for me. I weighed the pros and cons of a verbal confrontation, and decided that it is better to drift apart and move on. I saw no point to a confrontation since we were starting to drift to different social circles. A confrontation would invoke drama and make things worse. Friends do come and go after all. How much do you prioritize yourself and your loved ones over "the greater good" in your daily decision-making? 9/10 I have a bleeding heart. I often prioritize my loved ones over myself. If they need it too, I step down and find an alternative for me. There is no one solution to everything. There are good and not so good choices for everything. Life changes and sometimes something comes up after I step down for a loved one. How much do you think you are in control of your own emotions? 8/10 I have a pretty good control over my emotions. I can be a hot head at times. Even if you won't believe it if you look or speak to me. I have trained myself to soothe my anger. I do it by mentally remembering the mellow feelings I get when I am relax. However, I do let out a blunt snark, uncaring of social niceites, if the person really angers me. Plus, I don't like showing vulnerability to people. I see it as a weakness people can take advantage of. I've been burned too much to freely show when I'm hurt. The only people I might show my true emotions to is my parents. How important is money and its acquisition to your happiness and/or life goals? 3/10 Money is not that important to me. I just care about money because I want to live comfortably and being able to buy things I want or need. How afraid are you of death (your own or anyone else's)? 4/10 I fear my own death more than others. It is better now than it was before. Yes, I will mourn close family and friends, but I can move past it. For my own death, I wonder more about what happens after. Will my vision go black and that's it? Or something else. Realizing that we have thousands of years of human history, yet we hope to live at to 100 years of it. That thought was the most overwhelming. We live so long and there will be more history after we die. How well do you think you would manage alone in a desperate situation (island exile, nuclear apocalypse, foreign invasion)? 7/10 I think I would do okay. I'm used to being dependent and relying on myself. My social skills will suffer, though. Knowing my personality, I would detach myself emotionally to ensure my survival. And again, on scale of 1-10... How much greater than animals do you think the human being is? 6/10 We are greater than animals intelligence wise. We built civilizations and advanced tools. We make up for our fragile skin compared to an animal's natural tools. (ex. claws, stingers, razor sharp teeth, etc.) Some may think we are above animals, but we are not. We still follow out instincts like animals. Like hunting for food, repopulating, fight, and other things. How vital do you believe war is to the survival of a human community? 7/10. The world is not a utopia, and war happens. Even today in the modern age. Not everyone likes each other and gets along. Wars changes countries and affects the world. To what extent do you believe it is a human responsibility to cooperate with nature? 9/10 I think it is very important to cooperate with nature. We need nature to continue our survival. It gives us food, knowledge, and supplies.If we cut down many trees and don't replace them, it can have severe consequences. Contaminate the water, the surroundings and people suffer. How great of a role do you believe tradition should play in shaping an individual's identity? 4/10. Not much. And some bonus questions (not 1-10): What is your favorite color? Dark green. What is your favorite kind of bending as seen in Avatar: The Last Airbender? First would be fire bending, and the 2nd is blood bending.
  7. Thanks for the help Tempo17 and Juggler. I got it.
  8. Btw, where do you get strength? I've seen videos of people using the move, and it is driving me nuts looking for it.
  9. Many years, I played some demos for the first few Fate games. (Mostly the traitor soul sequel.)When I remembered about it and found it on Steam, I was excited at first. It was cheap and I was going to buy it until I read some bad reviews warning it didn't work with windows 10. I was disappointed. So any recommendations? Something similar to the experience in Fates. I would prefer a single player adventure like in Fate, unless it has similar game mechanics and is interesting. I've heard some good things about Torchlight II. How does that compare to Fate? Game must work on windows 10.
  10. And you get to eat your favorite junk food again after a few years. I celebrated by eating a large bag of Cheetos.
  11. TFW you actually got a passing grade on a math test. & TFW you unexpectedly defeat half of your friend's pokemon in a competitive battle with a Wailord.
  12. TFW your favorite Pokemon and your strategy for it has stronger counter measures for it in the next generation of Pokemon games.
  13. TFW you're the only sane person in the room.
  14. When's the next Reborn episode coming out? *Episode is delayed by three months because of stupid question*
  15. Child/preschooler (Or any trainer class for children) -Butterfree Opening: I'm going to find the name rater. You know what I'm going to name my first Pokemon? Closing: Free Butter! ....What's that look for? Who doesn't like free food?
  16. TFW an annoying and noisy Chatty Cathy has a one sided conversation with you about her unwanted advice, and stories of people you don't know or care about for over 30 minutes and you can't find an opportunity to escape.
  17. Wow! This is amazing. I can't wait to play it. The story is interesting and the graphics blow my mind. It looks like a lot of work has been put into it. I can't imagine how long it took to make everything look so good.I'm looking forward to playing as the female protagonist. I'm excited to see that depending on who you play, you get different dialogue. I always wanted something like that in a fan game, and it happened. I'm so making multiple save files.
  18. I won't mention the graphics because everyone else already brought it up and you said you're going to fix that in time. So, I'll move on from that. I agree with Master Menos, a power orb for the first gym battle is too powerful. With the power orb and the flame charge, it can kill all your Pokemon too fast. Maybe replace it with something else? Players may want a challenge, but that's a little overkill. When you go battle the biker guy in front of that house, there's a spelling error that is distracting. It's something along the lines of "I you want to pass, you have to battle me." Just add an f to the first word to make if. I got what you mean after I figured out what he wanted to say. Also, can you fixed the locked doors? What I mean is when trying to enter a locked door, the player steps on the door then the 'door is locked' appears. It'd be good for the player to stand before the door, not on it. That's all I have for now. I may come back and edit my post for more things I find. You're doing a good job so far. I think the story is interesting and you're doing your best learning how to do this. Edit: I just remembered, when I was evolving my Fennikin, the screen turned white and I thought my file crashed. Can you add sprites or change the background color? It's hard to see Pokemon evolving.
  19. Picnicker Annora -Hippowdon -Reuniclus -Skarmary -Gliscor -Cradily Opening: A picnicker can have a picnic anywhere, even in a sandstorm. Closing/Lost: Darn, take my money- hey there's sand in my in my food! Preferably, put her in a desert. If you want, it would be amusing to see her in random places having her picnic and acting as if it's normal to have her picnic there. (ex. volcano, Team Crescent base, or something.) Janitor Bobbie -Muk -Slowbro -Skunktank -Parasect Opening: Hey, you there! Pick up your trash. Closing/lost: Lazy punk. Making me do my job, the nerve of you. Maybe adding him in episode 4/5? Edit: I have one more. Ruin Maniac/explorer/ or researcher John -Noctowl -Ninetails -Goldeen Opening: I'd like to spend my vacation at the library. Ending.lost: Maybe I should train my Pokemon instead....... Put him where ever you want. Adjust evolution and levels to fit game.
  20. In the main games, I usually keep my starter. The only time I ever dropped my starter was during my first Diamond run. I picked piplup because I thought it was so cute. When I was climbing up the mountain to confront the Team Plasma leader, I grew tired of my empoleon by that point. I wanted a special attacking water type and I couldn't use empoleon that well. So, I turned it into my HM slave. You know it's sad to drop a starter if they're dropped and they become an HM slave. My empoleon took over HM slave bidoof's spot. XD
  21. I was interested in seeing some other characters POV and seeing guilds forming, people settling as best they can into some roles, floor clearers teaming up, people deciding to stay at a certain level to set up shop or something, people coping being stuck in the game, etc. It would have been interesting to see the formation of the players who hunt down PKers, too. I've never joined those online games like Runes of Magic (mind blank as of this moment on what to call these types of games) when it first started. It would have been interesting to see it happen. I felt SAO skip a bunch of floors too fast. At the beginning of each episode I went, "I feel like I missed something. It went from floor x to floor x." That's why I was disappointed with SAO. Sure, I liked it somewhat, but I wished it had more seasons to focus on Alucard and not Gun online and the elf online thing. I know you can't fit 40+ floors worth of action in one season, but I wanted something.
  22. Do the job you love. If you follow your mother's desire, you'll feel trapped and bitterness in that job. You might not click with it like you do with wild life conservation. When I was younger, my mother wanted me to be a teacher. At the time I gave a robotic yes. I didn't know what career I wanted at the time. I later realized I wouldn't want to interact with obnoxious kids daily. I would be mentally drained and energy sapped out of me. Plus, I wasn't really a normal kid when I was growing up. I grew up really quiet and calm. I don't know how normal children act. My youngest sibling is very energetic and gets into trouble unlike me and my 15 year old brother. The teacher job would have drove me crazy. If I have so-so patience with my sister's antics, how can I handle a class of 30+ students? I know you might of heard this tons of times, but do you see youself doing physical therepy in 10 years? It's a good question to think about. Would you be happy? Even if the money is better, it won't motivate you. Your future boss can throw money at you, but it won't make you work harder. You need to like you job or you won't make an effort to get work done. You can get a raise and you won't feel happier.Would you regret it? Would you only keep the job because you invested money in it through your education? If you are really concerned about you gpa, make connections with people in your field.
  23. This year, a police officer was caught telling a false account of what happened. He claimed that Scott, the civilian, tried to take his taser. A struggle over the weapon ensued and Scott got shot and died in the struggle. This was the cop's version of events. He stuck with this story for a few days after the incident occurred. Scott's family and friends tried to defend Scott. They said how he was a good person. The cop is backed with the authority of the police department. He didn't need to prove his character. He placed the blame on the dead who couldn't defend himself. The cop didn't know it, but there was a guy who was there and recorded everything. When the man saw the cop telling his version of events, he knew he had to contact the family and give them the video. He knew the cop was lying. When the video came out, it showed the events were different from what happened. Heck, it showed the cop planting the evidence! He could have gotten away with it and the only person who would know what happened is dead. It's scary how it's so easy for cops to place total blame on civilians. They can slander our reputation and imply we're law breakers. They don't have to prove their character. I found a link about Scott. I don't remember the exact article I read that included the man with the video. http://thinkprogress.org/justice/2015/04/07/3644189/everything-police-said-walter-scotts-death-video-showed-really-happened/
  24. I've seen people who have screenshots of things in the game. I'm just wondering how do I do that? I want to take a screenshot so I can upload screenshots here one day. Also, I have a bug in my game I've seen when I updated I need a picture of. I have a windows vista computer. My print screen button is on the same button as home, so whenever I click on it, it either redirects me to the homepage or goes to the top of the page. (When I'm playing reborn when I have a browser on.) So what do I do? I
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