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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by DreamLady

  1. That's the very same Wailord. I did a breeding chain to get his moveset. No one sees him coming. They're always surprised to see him come out. Then they're shocked to see him take down their team. He exceeded my expectations of him. I was expecting him to take down one Pokemon, maybe two if I'm lucky. He is a boss. I'll take your suggestion. I like not having to spend a turn setting it up. I love Politoed's hidden ability. He didn't have it back then.
  2. Yes. I did what you said and it started working.
  3. I'm new here and I wanted to put my trainer card in my signiture like I've seen other people do. I tried it and my trainer card is two instead of one. I'm wondering where I went wrong and how to fix this. Looks like I hit the two trainer card signiture requirement by accident...
  4. I'm excited to have my Wailord back in action again. I may need to update my strategy for him, and figure out which common Pokemon I need to watch out for him. (Those darn Gredinja...) I missed out so much since SoulSilver. Then he'll sweep the floor once more. Actually, no. He's holding leftovers. He's pretty good without choice scarf. He's not even EV trained or anything. Imagine a new Shamu (Wailord) EV trained and all that good stuff holding a choice scarf. The horror. XD He took on a Garchomp and beat it. My friend was horrified he lost half his team to Shamu. He now has Pokemon dedicated to defeating Shamu. That's how scary he is. I hope I got the quote thing right.
  5. Thanks everyone! I love Reborn. I can use my evil team in the plot and wreck teams. *cough Fern cough*
  6. I'm kinda new to navigating the site. I made this account in January and I never bothered to introduce myself until now. I'm Fantasy Warlock and I'm 20 years old and I'm so glad to find Reborn. I love playing it. My favorite Pokemon is Wailord. I love competitve battling and breeding egg moves. I enjoy giving away bred Pokemon to people who want them and to free up my PC box. I haven't played Pokemon since 2012. The last Pokemon game I've played was SoulSilver. After my little brother picked up Alpha Sapphire and told me all about the evil strategies he uses, it reignited my passion for Pokemon. And my love for making evil strategies. I realized how much I missed taking out half of a competitve player's team with a Wailord. (MUW HA HA.) I want to be a competitve battler again. Plus, I gotta show my brother how to use my Wailord strategy properly. He can't seem to pull it off like me. I gotta show him my style of battling. > The last time I played Pokemon was SoulSilver and the remake of the Ruby/Sapphire is already out. I have a lot of catching up to do. So many new abilities, items, moves and Pokemon have come out the last time I played. And that is my introduction.
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