I'm kinda new to navigating the site. I made this account in January and I never bothered to introduce myself until now.
I'm Fantasy Warlock and I'm 20 years old and I'm so glad to find Reborn. I love playing it. My favorite Pokemon is Wailord. I love competitve battling and breeding egg moves. I enjoy giving away bred Pokemon to people who want them and to free up my PC box.
I haven't played Pokemon since 2012. The last Pokemon game I've played was SoulSilver. After my little brother picked up Alpha Sapphire and told me all about the evil strategies he uses, it reignited my passion for Pokemon. And my love for making evil strategies. I realized how much I missed taking out half of a competitve player's team with a Wailord. (MUW HA HA.)
I want to be a competitve battler again. Plus, I gotta show my brother how to use my Wailord strategy properly. He can't seem to pull it off like me. I gotta show him my style of battling. >
The last time I played Pokemon was SoulSilver and the remake of the Ruby/Sapphire is already out. I have a lot of catching up to do. So many new abilities, items, moves and Pokemon have come out the last time I played.
And that is my introduction.