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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Hamstuck

  1. Hamstuck


    I think it means evolving budew is a pain. Why do I even do this. I never use grass types why
  2. Hamstuck


    Alright, thanks! I'm trying to evolve budew and its honestly the worst thing I've ever decided to commit my time to.
  3. Hamstuck


    when does morning, day, and night time begin and end in Reborn?
  4. Hi! I'm Sophia, and I'm 16 yro from sunny southern California. I haven't played pokemon that much, only a few games, so I'm still pretty new at everything. Great to meet you guys! And while I'm at it, is it recommendable to have both a bug and a grass type on your team?
  5. Alright, thank you! I'll try common candies and pokesnax, then :feelsgd:
  6. Hi, I just started playing a few days ago, and I'm really worried about my budew evolving too late to learn magical leaf. I've heard that the relearner is in Onyx Ward. I'm currently beating up the evil plants after getting HM cut, how soon can I get to my destination?
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