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75 Samaritan


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    Professor Farnsworth
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    On another planet

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  1. I don't particularly care about the third versions or sequels, so I'm quite lukewarm towards Ultra Sun/Moon. That being said, if it actually features "new" pokemon, and not just transformers legendaries, then I might be more interested. Regardless, I'd like to see less of a focus on Z-Moves and a return to Megas, plus Lillie as the new champion. Also, it's kind of ironic how GF said that Z-Moves where created so that all pokemon could benefit from it unlike Mega Evolution, but it seems that they are going all-out with the pokemon exclusive Z-Moves in the sequel games (with what looks like Lycanroc and Mimikyu Z-Moves). Also, I'm guessing that US/UM will be the last pokemon games on the 3DS, which means the next games would be gen 8 on the Switch probably launching in 2019/2020.
  2. I can't wait to finally play Rejuvenation, I waited until V9 to try it out for the first time!
  3. The thing is, many of the gym leaders rely on some of these choice items. Also, leaders tend to use pokemon that are higher level than our own mons (especially the aces), which a lot of the times outspeed our entire team. You are underestimating the utility of Gale Wings, Talonflame learns Roost as a level up move, and a priority healing move is very useful. Not only that but priority Brave Bird hits very hard, harder than you think it does. Also being bad in the early to mid game shouldn't be a factor, since late game Talonflame is borderline broken. A situation very similar to Greninja, who is only available because it is a starter. I don't think Talonflame should even be discussed, with the inclusion of Gen 7 it will most certainly be available earlier in the game due to Gale Wings nerf. EDIT: Another important factor is that sometimes pokemon only become available when it makes sense. An example is Skarmory, it will most likely be found in the Scarpyard within the desert, because it makes sense for it to be there. Some pokemon suffer from this and become available much later than they should be (not Skarm though, that thing is broken).
  4. There's a progress bar in the Development Blog. Currently more than half of E17 is done, but the mapping of the desert is taking a long time.
  5. That is because of Laura's ditzy personality not because she isn't a strong trainer. If you picked a certain route during those events, you can see that she is really clumsy. Also Lin isn't a part of the league, at least not yet. And it doesn't seem like she is interested with it. There is something I'd like to ask. A lot of people assume that after the meteor events are resolved El will be kicked out of the E4 due to his ties to meteor. If that is the case then shouldn't Bennett also be fired? I mean, if anything El's position is more valid than Bennett's since he got into the E4 legitimately, whereas Bennett only got in because of a forged document. So why does everyone assume El will get the boot and Bennett will remain? I just don't see any reasonable explanation to that other than Bennett betraying team meteor and helping us defeat them. But even then, his position in the E4 would still be illegal, and he should be fired.
  6. About the champion, Ame mentioned that she became champion because she was the one to restart the league. This means that ever since the league restarted Ame was the only champion, no one else occupied that position. When we challenge Adrienn xe mentions that the position was now open, and that xe hopes the MC will be the one to become the new champion. There is no way Anna was or will become champion, there is too much evidence against that theory. She most definitely is a member of the E4, and there are quite a few reasons for that. Of course there is the already mentioned cutscene in the orphanage, and the interview where it is stated that she holds a "high position" in the league. Since at the time she couldn't have been champion, all there is left for her is the E4. The E4 are also themed around the gemstones, every confirmed member so far (bar Bennett) had at one point owned one of the four stones. El had the Emerald Brooch, Laura had the Sapphire Bracelet and Heather had the Ruby Ring. The only character seen with the Amethyst Pendant was Anna, and her father (who people speculate is Radomus). Since Radomus is already a gym leader, this leaves Anna as the final E4 member. Also there is just no one else left for that position other than Anna, she HAS to be a part of it. Every other character already has their role within the league confirmed, be that as a gym leader, E4, former gym leader, challenger or just not being a part of it.
  7. Heal Fem Robin, Hurt Sully Male Robin: 20 Female Robin: 33 Lissa: 21 Frederick: 17 Sully: 4 Virion: 14 Stahl: 27
  8. Heal Fem Robin, Hurt Sully Male Robin: 20 Female Robin: 31 Lissa: 21 Frederick: 19 Sully: 6 Virion: 14 Stahl: 26
  9. Kill Chrom, Heal Fem Robin Male Robin: 20 Female Robin: 27 Lissa: 20 Frederick: 21 Sully: 16 Virion: 18 Stahl: 24
  10. All this talk of EVs and IVs gave me an idea for the inverse field. In that this field would reverse EVs/IVs, so that 31 IVs becomes 0 and 252 EVs become 0. This would be interesting as sort of a counter play for people who train perfect pokemon. The better your pokemon, the worse it'll become in the Inverse Field.
  11. But that was before Ame decided to add Gen VII stuff though, she might have changed her mind. And I'm sure that the bottle caps are going to be programmed in the game, so if it isn't added then I'm sure there will be a mod for it.
  12. Heal Fem Robin, Hurt Chrom Chrom: 6Male Robin: 20Female Robin: 25Lissa: 20Frederick: 21Sully: 16Virion: 18Stahl: 23
  13. Heal Fem Robin, Hurt Chrom Chrom: 10Male Robin: 20Female Robin: 23Lissa: 20Frederick: 20Sully: 18Virion: 18Stahl: 23
  14. Not all of the X-Doors were axed, I'm sure a ran into at least a couple of them. That being said Ame did mention that she wanted to make the legendaries events more involved so maybe that's why she cut a good portion of these doors. Didn't Ame say that we would fight the leaders with their X-teams in the Disco? Although I'm personally hoping that she will implement a system similar to Sun/Moon where you fight them to defend your title as champion. Would also be cool to include some other NPCs like the Ringmaster, Corrin Rouge, Aster, Orderly John and Craudburry in the League rematch fights.
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