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Ice Cream Sand Witch

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Everything posted by Ice Cream Sand Witch

  1. I've heard of people pitting games' trainers against each other in AI battles for the official games on Youtube, but for the Battle VR, you battle as your human player against other human NPCs, with the humans acting as Pokemon. There wouldn't be any references to the anime in Spork, as I consider the anime and the games separate canons. I'm also not confident that I can write official characters. However, there is something that may interest you in the postgame: there are simulations of trainer teams from all of the official games that you can battle! Thank you for your kind words about the game!
  2. Reuploaded to fix a game-breaking issue where Sushi's placement at Crolea's birthday party blocked the player from reaching and interacting with Wendy. I moved Sushi to the stairs where she won't be in the way of any guest or walking path. Thankfully someone happened to be close to this part of the game around the same time as the reupload so this was caught quickly.
  3. The other 3 facilities are new to Spork. There's the Battle Stage (inverse battles), Battle VR (human vs human), and the Battle Cloud is sky battles on paper but in practice it's not actually limited to sky battle Pokemon since I wasn't able to script them. What did you mean by the battle simulator? There's nothing in Spork with that name, so I'm wondering if you meant something else
  4. Hi. I'm not sure if there's any videos of it on Youtube; there are playthroughs of the game but none of them that come to mind have covered the Battle Frontier. The Battle Factory and Battle Tower are there, and the other 3 facilities are new. There isn't a PWT, but there's an individual tournament event at the Sea Star Society.
  5. Reuploaded Spork Updates: -Professor Mangrove can now be battled; battle sprite made by Palletite -new custom shiny Gastly line made by Steffi and myself -new custom shiny Gimmighoul line made by surfing-raichu -if you speak to Seamus in the Ceolis Ranger Base after completing all the ranger missions, he now gives you a Clear Amulet -the Bulbasaur in the Forest of Feeling now wakes up after you clear all the ranger missions instead of after the 12th Gym -added Sushi to Crolea's birthday party (with dialogue accounting for whether you've done the Sprigatito quest) -the shiny Unown in Wonky Woods is now always the letter A when you obtain it, like it is in the trainer and overworld sprites -the conversation when you enter Mt. Comet for the first time now has extra dialogue if the player is from Hoenn, referencing the white rock in Mossdeep City -the conversation when you enter Dyserean Pyramid now has extra dialogue if you're from Hoenn (referencing the Battle Pyramid), Unova (referencing Relic Castle), or Paldea (saying that Raifort would probably like to explore it) in addition to the Johto and Galar dialogue it had before -in the Yveltal quest, rather than battling Yveltal itself directly, Belinda now battles you with Yveltal -Clifford now appears on Mt. Comet after you've given all the Pokemon Lava Cookies for the Jirachi quest -the NPC in the Soda Parlor who gives you a Soothe Bell is now also a move tutor for Happy Hour -changed Belinda's A-Muk's held item from Leftovers to Sitrus Berry -for Sushi's A-Raichu's moveset, changed Charm to Electric Terrain -Hikers' Pokemon are now sent out in Heavy Balls -an NPC who made a DJ Ultra Volbeats pun in Party City has had dialogue changed, since that pun is used in DJ Ultra Beats' Memory of Ceolis -added the meaning of Chelsea's trainer class Bolaiian Punch (pun on the drink Hawaiian Punch) to the Data Vault -updated some characters' dialogue at Crolea's birthday party: Professor Mangrove and the dentist's dialogue now account for whether or not you've met them before the Guardian has a little more dialogue where the player recognizes them from Pandora's description Seamus acknowledges if you've done any ranger missions Anthony acknowledges if you've done the cyberspace hackers quest Fixes: -at the end of the Sprigatito quest, you're no longer transferred to Alumia's Gym instead of back to the Dream Shrine if you have the Umbreon Sign -can no longer enter Virima Library before the Tourist Info Center -the following moves now have the correct effects: Rototiller, Parting Shot, Noble Roar, Fairy Lock, Electrify, Powder, Happy Hour, Venom Drench, Magnetic Flux, Flying Press -Blackwater Cave now has music -removed white space in Sushi's sprite between her head and the arm that's holding a Poke Ball -can no longer go behind the Unown event in Wonky Woods -Charizard's shiny front and back sprites are now the same colors -Mega Charizard Y's shiny sprites are now named correctly and no longer used for Mega Charizard G -Togedemaru is now a wild encounter at the rainy area of Weather Wonderland instead of automatically obtained While the characters who got sprites in the last reupload were battleable before, now a character who wasn't battled before can be battled! Thanks to Palletite for making the battle sprite, I really like the design on the lab coat and the turquoise part of the hair looks like waterfalls! Professor Mangrove is battled when you trade them the Relic Crown for the carrots; they ask to battle before you leave. Afterwards, you can speak to them again for rematches whenever you want. Professor Mangrove's team mixes some aquatic Pokemon in with a treasure theme! The shiny Gastly line matches the colors of shiny Mega Gengar. While the canon shiny Gastly looks distinct from regular Gastly, Gengar and its canon shiny are hard to tell apart. We've been working on it on and off since December, and despite having the concept in mind from the start, there were some challenges with the eyes, shading, and GMega Gengar having a lot going on with its design. I'm really happy with how they turned out, though, and it was fun to collaborate with Steffi on it! As for shiny Gimmighoul and Gholdengo, someone who was playing Spork made a thread showing the shinies they made for the line, and gave approval for me to add them! Even though Spork doesn't have different party screen icons for shiny Pokemon (I'd be open to trying them for Spork's custom shinies sometime in the future!), I added the icons they made. Thanks to surfing-raichu for making these! While this reupload doesn't add any new map revamps, Enigma has made significant progress with them recently! All but one of Serafew's maps are complete. I need to update the project file with the more recent Spork updates in order for Enigma to test the events there, which I'm going to get started on tonight. I went through Serafew's maps yesterday and was amazed at how they capture the autumn atmosphere with the scenery and music! It's exciting that the day you'll be able to see the new town of Serafew is getting closer!
  6. Reuploaded Updates: -added Professor Mangrove battle to the True Arena in the bonus round -changed Belinda's A-Muk's held item from Leftovers to Sitrus Berry -for Sushi's A-Raichu's moveset, changed Charm to Electric Terrain Fixes: -removed white space in Sushi's sprite between her head and the arm that's holding a Poke Ball -the following moves now have the correct effects: Rototiller, Parting Shot, Noble Roar, Fairy Lock, Electrify, Powder, Happy Hour, Venom Drench, Magnetic Flux, Flying Press. I'm not sure if any of these moves are available or used by any trainers here, but since I fixed them in Spork, I did here too just in case
  7. For the GMegas, I wasn't able to find shiny sprites for them, so most of them don't have them at the moment. GMega Snorlax currently does, since we made custom shinies for Munchlax and Snorlax, which included the GMega. GMega Gengar will also be getting one in the next reupload, since we're currently working on custom shinies for the Gastly line. Aside from that though, I don't think any others do for now, apologies. Thanks for letting me know about the Charizard mixups, I'll fix those!
  8. Since Gholdengo is made of coins, having the coins in the treasure chest be rose gold is a neat way to incorporate it for Gimmighoul! And the shiny icons are cute!
  9. I'd heard of the color rose gold before but I think this is my first time actually seeing it and it looks really nice! Thanks, the rose gold shiny Gholdengo will be added in the next reupload!
  10. I'm happy you're enjoying Spork! When it comes to canon shiny Gholdengo, I can't tell the difference between the regular and the shiny. I like the one you made though, and the choice of rose gold is neat because it fits Gholdengo being gold! Would it be okay if I made this the shiny Gholdengo for Spork? You'd be credited as the creator if so
  11. Reuploaded Spork: -Stryker, Clifford, Belinda, Belladonna, Ryoko, Anthony, and Sushi now have their own battle sprites thanks to Palletite! Clifford also has his own overworld sprite now (previously he used a Hiker overworld sprite from Rejuvenation as a placeholder) -added specific movesets, held items, and abilities to Stryker, Clifford, Belinda, Belladonna, Ryoko, Anthony, and Sushi's teams -team changes: Anthony's Vikavolt is now Shedinja (nickname Mosaic), and Ryoko's Druddigon is now Dragapult (nickname Toyotama). Additionally, Stryker's Manectric, Clifford's Aggron, and Ryoko's Salamence now mega evolve, and Clifford's Aggron's nickname has been changed from Meteor to Comet (referencing Mt. Comet) -change to Uxie's quest where instead of battling it after answering all the Sea of Knowledge questions, you have a final exam -added a line of dialogue to Emily at Weather Wonderland if the player is from Hoenn referencing Route 111's sandstorm and the Go-Goggles when she gives you a pair of Safety Goggles -added missing shiny mega sprites -added nickname assistance and wiki management to the credits -the game now mentions when you don't need Heart Scales, coins, or ingredients for certain transactions because of your Eeveelution sign -added expanded choice menu to Eeveelution Zodiac, the Meowth at the Game Corner, and Last Night's Dream -Anthony and the Fisherman trainer class' Pokemon are now sent out in Net Balls -the Pokemon Ranger trainer class' Pokemon are now sent out in Nest Balls -the Gentleman and Lady trainer classes' Pokemon are now sent out in Luxury Balls Fixes: -the Virtual Battlefield no longer completely skips over Belladonna's battle -the ice cream, candy, and drink vendors at the Sea Star Society no longer cost Heart Scales if you have the Vaporeon Sign -the Sea Star Society vendors now all have the expanded choice menus for the Vaporeon Sign Battle sprites for the retired Gym Leaders and Sushi has been a dream I've had for years, and thanks to Palletite, that dream is now a reality! I really love how all of them came out, and my favorite is Anthony's! His coat being based on Shedinja is the inspiration for him now having one on his team, and a little detail I think is neat is that if you look closely, the white part of the he's holding looks like a "._." face! I'm considering adding more battles with them in the future outside of their simulated ones too. I don't know yet whether I'll add any to the main story, but definitely a postgame battle with their real selves (which would use the same teams). When you're battling the simulated versions of them, the dialogue is impersonal since it's meant to be applicable to any challenger, and while it's a look into their life stories and battle strategies, it would be nice to have a battle where they can talk to you specifically. I might give them more appearances in general too, since they could use more screen time. I changed Uxie's quest a little this reupload, and there's a few more legendaries whose quests I'm looking to change sometime in the future (mainly the smaller/less eventful ones), so maybe that's an avenue to seeing them more! There used to be a lot of shiny mega backsprites that didn't show up at all. When you mega evolved them, their sprite wouldn't be there. The likely reason is just that they were probably named incorrectly, but I didn't think of that at the time, and removed them from the game because I thought they just weren't working. I think this was around 2018. All of the shiny mega sprites should be in the game and correctly named now! Thanks again to Palletite for the trainer sprites, I hope you all like them as much as I do!
  12. Reuploaded adding Stryker, Clifford, Belinda, Belladonna, Ryoko, Anthony, and Sushi to the True Arena. They've been added as a bonus round to the end where Couragi and Mov are
  13. Reuploaded Spork Updates: -added flashbacks after every Gym and Elite Four battle called Memories of Ceolis, which show interactions between Ceolis and the Gym Leader or E4 you just battled -due to timeline changes with the Memories of Ceolis, the black screen conversation between the Guardian and Ceolis that happened as you were leaving the Underwater Hotel after defeating Team Portal there has been removed -because Aurora's Memory of Ceolis mentions the snowball tournament, Agne's final fun fact in the Data Vault has been changed (now it says the longest nap Agne's taken was six hours) -shiny Magearna has been added (not a custom one, the canon one, it was just missing) -at starter selection, you can now choose between Magearna's regular and Original Color forms -if you speak to Alumia again after getting Magearna, she can now change Magearna's form -applied the expanded choice menus to changing Pokemon forms (both overworld + NPCs and when choosing a starter that has multiple forms); I completely overlooked them last reupload -Lucky Lenses and Ether Foundation now have the same music that plays in other shops and Nosy News Fixes: -changing Vivillon to River Pattern no longer resets the Defeated Elite Four variable if you've beaten the Champion -choosing Unown as your starter and picking H or I no longer gives you a Furfrou instead of the Unown letter you selected -Calyrex is now mentioned in the formchangelocations notepad file The Memories of Ceolis were really fun to make! I was going for a heartwarming vibe with them, and they help flesh out some parts of the story and characters. Mainly, Ceolis's whereabouts being unknown was briefly mentioned a couple times early on, but only started being acknowledged as a serious question a lot later. I felt like Ceolis didn't have as much attention as he should have had. Some Gym Leaders also have more screen time than others, so this benefits them as well. The timeline has also changed a bit, as mentioned in the updates. I used to imagine that Ceolis was gone for at least a few decades, but now it's not nearly that long, maybe closer to years than decades. The main two details that were kept in mind for timelines: The removed black screen conversation said that Agne wasn't born yet when Ceolis was last in the region. Now, Agne was born, and is mentioned in Aurora's Memory of Ceolis. At this time, Agne was a student at the Pokemon Research Institute. (Ceolis hadn't met Agne though, so Agne doesn't have a Memory of Ceolis, just the Gym Leaders and E4) Draga became a Gym Leader a few months before the present. This detail hasn't changed, but Draga's Memory of Ceolis accounts for this by having Ryoko in it too. At the time of the flashback, Draga had just passed the qualification tests to be next in line when Ryoko resigns. Even if you've already completed the game, you can still see these scenes! They happen mostly at the entrances and exits of Gyms. If you're on a new file after they've been added, you'll come across all of them naturally as you play. If you're going back to see them on a completed file, Gym Leaders who battle you outside instead of in a formal Gym might need clarifying on where to find them. Chelsea's happens by entering Bolaii Cave from Bolaii Beach, Lee's happens by going to the north gatehouse at the Fork in the Road, Mulder's is at the north of Marvelous Marsh heading to the Battle Frontier, and Angela's is just as you enter Quasar Bay from Angela's Aviary. As for the E4's, they're all at the end of their rooms as you're heading to the next one. (fun fact about Mulder and outside Gyms, btw: Enigma gave Mulder his own Gym in the new Serafew maps coming in the future! Marvelous Marsh will still exist, and Mulder's Gym will be in the town of Serafew. It's a stadium where Mulder and his students put on wrestling matches!) I hope you all enjoy the Memories of Ceolis, and happy New Year!
  14. Reuploaded DDDL and Spork DDDL: -changed Crolea's Inkay to Blipbug (nickname Saucer) Spork: -changed two Pokemon on Crolea's team: Inkay/Malamar and Onix/(Mega) Steelix are now Minior (nickname Meteor) and Dottler/(Mega) Orbeetle (nickname Saucer) -changed Ivan's Slowking to Palafin (nickname Paladin) -changed the Poke Ball starter item gift with Nincada to a Dusk Stone, since that's how it evolves into Shedinja as of last year after it was reported that the canon evo method wasn't working -Steelixite is now located at Olidroll Underground -Bolaii Bar is now a soda parlor where you can buy Soda Pop -after finishing the Cleanup Collaboration ranger quest, the NPC behind the counter at the Soda Parlor will be in front of the building and give you a Soda Pop as thanks -following last reupload, I've finished expanding the choice menus for when you have more than four answer options Specifically, the following menus will now show all answer options at once: move tutors, Sea Star Society vendors at the Shopping and Food sections, choosing your home region at the Tourist Info Center, helping Portal Agent Terrence decide what to order at the Battle Factory restaurant, prize vendors at the Battle Frontier, and the character simulations at Planet Spork. I was going to do the Battle Factory rental lists too, but there are so many Pokemon that they don't all fit in one text command, even with extendtext. I'd been thinking about Crolea's team changes for a while. Earlier this year, I started questioning the connection between Steelix and space. Apparently they can burrow close to the planet's core, which I'm guessing was my thought process there because its nickname was Core, but that sounds more closely related to geology than space. Orbeetle seemed like a great candidate for a space-related mega, since it looks like a UFO! As for Minior, I thought Crolea would really like them, the Violet Core Minior goes well with Crolea's dress, and Crolea gets a Comet Shard birthday present. Malamar fit the team theme perfectly fine and it was a tough decision to switch it out, but Isabelle and Peach still have one! Plus its nickname was Alien, and there's still Celesteela on Crolea's team! Ivan's was a sudden realization that Palafin would work well with his team theme, and since having a King and an Emperor might be repetitive, I switched out Slowking since I think Empoleon's more serious nature fits Ivan better. 2024 felt like a weird year in terms of reupload times. I was going to say that sometimes there were larger gaps than usual between reuploads, but looking back at timestamps from older posts, it doesn't seem like it's all that different to past years. It still feels different to me for some reason though. Maybe I feel like I fumbled a bit towards the end of the year with the Serenity Seaside house stuff, which led to a few reuploads having a lot less updates than originally planned. And the past couple weeks have basically been one reupload split into three, since I needed to reupload early twice due to major bugs. I've still enjoyed working on Spork though, and I'm excited to continue making updates! Happy Holidays!
  15. Reuploaded: -changed two Pokemon on Crolea's team: Malamar is now Minior (nickname Meteor) and Mega Steelix is now Mega Orbeetle (nickname Saucer) -changed Ivan's Slowking to Palafin (nickname Paladin)
  16. Valarie being a Lapras is a gag/comedy thing. For the two NPCs you mentioned, both are regular NPC types. The red-haired one is a Sashila Village resident, and the pink-haired one is a Kristiline Town resident. Huey is at this place too though. IIRC when you're coming in Huey and Rune are running out.
  17. Reuploading early again to fix a game-breaking bug I discovered this evening Reuploaded DDDL and Spork DDDL: -the music for Party District/City is now GlitchxCity's Levincia remix -changed the "It's too early to go to Victory Road!" message to "There's no reason to go to Victory Road!" if you approach it since the former implies you will go there at some point while Delicia never does Spork Updates: -added sidequestguide notepad file -started expanding the choice menus when you have more than 4 choices (the Sea Star Society vendors and the move tutor in the Sea Star Society's Pokemon Center are the ones I've done so far) -changed Hoenn quiz question about where Glacia can sometimes be found to a question about the two kinds of bikes in Hoenn -the music for Party City is now GlitchxCity's Levincia remix Spork Fixes: -changing Vivillon to the Icy Snow pattern no longer causes the game to crash when you enter a Pokemon Center -the obtainablepokemon notepad file now mentions the Salandit you get from the optional Kelani battle -Farigiraf's obtainability method is no longer blank in the obtainablepokemon notepad file -In the first Dark Dungeon dream sequence, the Sableye has been changed to Gengar to match it being changed on Gina's team -the snack vendor at the Sea Star Society was missing Lumiose Galettes and Shalour Sables; you can now get them there A sidequest guide notepad file has been planned for years, and I'm surprised it's taken me this long to make one. It covers sidequests that aren't already covered in other notepad files. Hopefully I got all of them! The reason I changed that question on the Hoenn quiz is that I felt like it was too obscure. One or two NPCs in ORAS mention that Glacia goes to the food court sometimes, but you never actually see her there yourself. In fact, IIRC she's the only League member you can't see outside of battle in ORAS's postgame. To explain more about the choice menus, today I was looking at Reborn's type quiz event and learned how to make it so that more than four choices can appear on screen at once. I haven't gotten everything yet because I had to reupload early due to discovering the Vivillon crash, but here's a visual comparison: The first screenshot is how most menus in Spork are currently with RPG Maker's default four limit, and the second is how they look with all options showing at once. Changing that move tutor in the second screenshot is how I discovered the Vivillon crash. I don't know why, but when you change a Pokemon's form through an overworld event, changing the form also changes a variable in the game that matches that form's number. Icy Snow Vivillon is listed as its 6th form in Spork, and variable 6 relates to your Pokemon being placed on healing machines in Pokemon Centers. So when I entered the Pokemon Center to test this move tutor's new menu, it crashed the game because Variable 006 was "Vivillon" for me instead of a number, from when I tested changing Vivillon's form a few months ago. I did have a command to set variable 6 back to 0, but it was placed under the wrong form before. All the variables related to Vivillon will now go back to 0 after changing forms!
  18. Reuploaded: The music for Delicia and Felicia's house is now GlitchxCity's Levincia remix
  19. Reuploaded Spork Updates: -new custom shiny Leafeon -new custom shiny Sewaddle line -Gina's Sableye has been changed to Haunter (Gym battle)/Mega Gengar (postgame rematch) -Kayla's Leafeon is now shiny Fixes: -the Temple of Time no longer has a battle replay for the battle with Drew at Celium Park that was part of an event that was removed last year, so Dialga should now be obtainable -the legendarysidequests notepad file's information on Dialga is now up to date -interacting with Kelani's battle replay at the Temple of Time no longer gives an option for the Sea Star tournament battle if you haven't gotten to that battle yet This is an early reupload to fix an issue where Dialga was unobtainable due to a removed battle still having been a requirement to obtain it. Shiny Leafeon is autumn-themed, and the shiny Sewaddle line resemble cherry blossoms! An autumn-themed shiny Sewaddle line was originally planned for last reupload, but then I saw that Reborn already did that, so the idea changed to cherry blossoms. I was still able to do an autumn shiny with Leafeon though! Steffi posted the similarity between regular and shiny canon Leafeon and suggested autumn for it! Kayla's Leafeon was made shiny because it matches the colors of her hair and outfit and because she's from Ecruteak City which has autumn-colored trees. Gina originally had Haunter/Gengar, but I swapped it out a few years ago because I thought it had the least connection to her tarot card nickname theme (its name was/is Tower, because they live in the Pokemon Tower in Kanto), but thinking on it now, they're a perfect fit for her as a character. Gina licks peoples' faces, something the Gastly line is also known to do. Gina's Badge is called the Mischief Badge, and the Gastly line are like the archetypal mischief-causing kind of ghosts. I also don't know why I thought the nickname connection was a stretch, but I think if it's a choice between what fits the character and what fits the nickname theme, I should prioritize what fits the character anyway, and the nickname theme can be adjusted if need be. Speaking of autumn, that's the current season, so happy autumn!
  20. Reuploaded: Updates: -Gina's Mega Sableye has been changed to Mega Gengar -Kayla's Leafeon is now shiny (using Spork's new custom shiny Leafeon) Fixes: -Kayla's full Pokemon team still had Volcarona; has now been changed to Iron Valiant like in Spork
  21. A secret area would be cool! It could be fun coming up with a shiny for it too. Tying it into being a Pokedex reward, one option could be a custom shiny Rotom, since there's the Rotom Pokedex in Alola. A player costume might be a big task, since Spork's main spriter isn't able to sprite as much anymore, and a player character outfit would also have surfing, fishing, surfing while fishing, and biking overworld sprites to take into account. I do think both of your ideas fit well with being both significant and optional enough though!
  22. I'm glad you're enjoying the game! About that event in Celium Park, it was removed from the game last year. Since I decided to have Munchlax obtainable through honey tree encounters, having Snorlax as a sidequest Pokemon when you could now get it by catching and evolving a wild Munchlax was redundant. I must have forgotten to remove that battle with Drew at the Temple of Time, sorry about that I'm working on a couple things in Spork right now but I should be able to reupload soon-ish with this fixed, likely within a few days. For Pokedex completion, I agree that there should be a reward, and it's something I've been thinking about since I added the Blipbug quest in the Gen 8 reupload 4 years ago. I'm just not sure on what the reward could be. I feel like the reward should be optional enough that people don't feel like they're missing out if they're not interested in completing the Pokedex, but also should be worth the time and effort it takes to get it. Do you have any recommendations on what it could be?
  23. Xenogene rap Pull up with the Shinx and everyone blinks Every time I see her I think Enya shrinks I'm here in Ivere to Wynn the League Made it to Celandine with no sign of fatigue But I won't rest on my Laurels I'm an explorer and my compass is my morals Sometimes my visions leave me in a daze But through them I see errors in Sierra's ways Splicer, no Splicing! I'll split your chimeras, take the cake from the icing Eradicate your team from the staff to the riffraff Showing you the light, Saber can cut a legend in half That's leg end, like Lucile after a Collision Course Spit sicker than Adelinde, rapping 'till my voice is hoarse Discontinued, but not tossed in the garbage dump Celebrated the experience and did a red carpet jump It's time to call it curtains, it's the end of the scene But this much is for certain, we made it to the big screen
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