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Ice Cream Sand Witch

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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Ice Cream Sand Witch

  1. Does explosion of damage literally mean damage equal to that of Explosion?
  2. Wait, now that I remember, the main gym has the slowed version of To Greater Heights and this is the track that plays in Corey's bedroom.
  3. There are so many things about Reborn I'd never have known if it weren't for the forums. I just went straight for the wasteland.
  4. E16 is the rebuilt Reborn City and is more sidequests than story, so I don't think we'll be visiting Labradorra. But given Ame mentioned more new world orderlies will be seen in E16 (along with showcasing the female orderly and new world orderly sprites), I think it's reasonable to think we'll be seeing Sigmund in E16. Sudden thought: it was said there's going to be another Aqua/Magma gang sidequest. What if it's our gang leader (or opposing gang leader) we'll be saying goodbye to?
  5. I think The Scrappy is for characters who are disliked for non-story reasons. For example, Victoria isn't The Scrappy because she's a bad person (she's not), she's The Scrappy because people don't like that a lot of her interactions with you are stopping you from doing something or going somewhere.
  6. Victoria didn't know about Cal's plans, though. Not even the player knew the PULSE machine was rigged until after beating Aya and returning to the city. Also, about needing Strength I'd fault Kiki for getting in our way more than Victoria. Victoria at least understood it was for the kids as she said so after the battle, but Kiki made us climb a mountain and battle Cal to get it, saying that just giving it to us would disrespect everyone that worked for it. Despite the fact that it isn't "Give me Strength because I'm special", it's "Give me Strength to rescue some children", which completely justifies breaking standard/code/tradition. (that being said I completely agree with Victoria being The Scrappy, I was just responding to those points) EDIT: Also I nominate Terra as Base Breaker. Some people love the memes and some people think they clash with the atmosphere of the game.
  7. Happy birthday! Here's an ice cream sandwich
  8. I wish people and sites would stop saying they were "shut down" because whenever I hear misinformation like that I have the urge to correct it and it's kind of exhausting > . < Luckily Breakfast already did that in this thread.
  9. I was wondering where you went. Welcome back to Reborn! Here's an ice cream sandwich
  10. Oh, I've been wondering this for a while and just now thought about it again. In-game Ame has white hair, but real Ame doesn't. Was there a specific reason you gave in-game Ame white hair, or is it just aesthetic?
  11. In Tanzan Mountain. Where there's a left and right path where the right one leads to the slashed gate that goes to Tanzan Base, take the left path and this gate will have been slashed through now too. Beyond there is where you'll find Saphira.
  12. I always thought Selfdestruct had 150 and Explosion had 200.
  13. Yes, everyone who's registered. Meaning guests won't be able to see it.
  14. Elsewhere, someone linked this thread where someone noticed that the animation for Ancient Power has fossils with rib and clam designs.
  15. I know that there are some people who know how to set the mystery egg to a specific Pokemon, if you go to the Request A Mon thread (you already got the egg, but someone can change your Vulpix to a Staryu). I don't think there's anywhere else where you can obtain Staryu atm.
  16. And the one who knocked his Pokeball down is John. And then we see Techie Johnathon vs Orderly John: battle of the Johns.
  17. The battle with Solaris's Garchomp at Pyrous Mountain.
  18. What if John isn't actually orderly? What if he never makes his bed, only does dishes when he has none left to eat on, and has papers scattered all over his desk?
  19. It's in episode 10 content, which is a little over halfway through the current game, so it's been out for a while
  20. Yeah, she said something along the lines of John might be double-crossing Sigmund.
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