Alolan Exeggutor: Heads or tails? More like heads ON tails.
At first I wasn't sure about these Alolan forms, but I think they've already grown on me. Both the Sandshrew and Vulpix lines look cool, and Exeggutor is the newest meme. I might use Alolan Ninetales on my team.
Gumshoos is literally Donald Trump. Except Donald Trump wouldn't like Gumshoos because its pre-evolution was imported to Alola from elsewhere.
Minior's ability seems kind of like Stance Change, except instead of controlling the transformations it depends on its health. Its design reminds me of the spiky enemies from Kirby.
Oricorio is another Pokemon I want on my team. I love all its forms. If Reborn ever does Gen 7, they should give the Electric cheerleader one to Julia.
*insert "Why aren't the mantises Bug type" comment here*
I'm guessing the trial captains and island kahunas will be the 8 gyms, then the island in the middle will contain the E4 and Champion equivalents.
Z-moves look epic. Someone pointed out the Ginyu Force posing, and there's 5 Ginyu Force members... enough for them to be the E4 and Champ!