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Ice Cream Sand Witch

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Everything posted by Ice Cream Sand Witch

  1. Not sure if it's an oversight or actually intended, but Fairy Girls and Bladestar grunts (almost typed Spineblade grunts XD) don't give money.
  2. It's amazing how absent minded I am. I intended Milotic to be obtainable but forgot to actually add a Prism Scale. Uploaded a 1.4 version that adds a Prism Scale item ball on the southwest part of Bolaii Beach. Since it'll be tomorrow in 11 minutes (and probably will be tomorrow by the time I finish this post EDIT: It's 52 minutes into tomorrow now wow), I'll talk about the demo 2 info I mentioned a few days ago. As I mentioned, I'll be gone for a few days starting on the 21st, and development on episode 2 will start when I'm back. Here are some of the features and changes to expect: Features: -non-binary protagonist will be added. Those who have already played will have the option of switching to the non-binary player without having to start a new file -Pokemon Contests will take place in the first city of episode 2. -The 2nd and 3rd EV training centers will be accessible, near the beginning and end of episode 2 respectively Changes: -a few maps are going to be remodeled to deal with the excess space issue that was mentioned a few times. -there will be evolution music and different wild Pokemon victory music than the default Essentials. This was something that repeatedly slipped my mind both in development and bug fixing. -I will have Gen 6 mechanics working by the time episode 2 is released Episode 2 will be bigger than Episode 1 across the board. It has more maps, more event Pokemon and sidequests, etc. Episode 1 is the shortest episode. It for the most part took place in a quiet, calm part of the region, where the cities and towns were pretty close to each other. Similar to how breakfast is meant to start the day off and is eaten in the morning, the quietest part of the day. Episode 2 is more energetic. Here's a preliminary list of new Pokemon that will be obtainable in episode 2. Again, this isn't final, just the ones already decided to be in ("decided" including which location they'll be in). Note: for the Cacnea/Maractus/Ferroseed event choice, "later" does not mean "later on in demo 2".
  3. I hope Wimpod evolves into something strong that keeps its Bug/Water typing. I approve of the Bewear pun. I assumed Fluffy would be a special version of Fur Coat, but I guess this makes sense. I can't really tell what Bounsweet is. It kind of looks like an acorn/coconut hybrid? A lei Pokemon fits perfectly for Hawaii. I'm kind of surprised I haven't seen anyone (including me) consider it before after seeing Alola was based on Hawaii. I wonder if Stamina only applies to physical attacks, or both physical and special. Either way, Mudsdale will be a physical tank. Comfey is Fairy. EDIT: nvm you edited that while I was posting
  4. Game froze after talking to Melia from above on Terajuma Shore after the Valor Mountain events.
  5. Uploaded a 1.3 version that fixes this. You should now be able to evolve trade evolution Pokemon with Link Stones.
  6. "If you asked how I'm doing, I'd say I'm just vine" "I guess it can't be helped" "Could you say its their last resort?" I approve of these puns.
  7. You get a Dawn Stone for winning a super secret boss battle against the reserve Ghost leader, which becomes able to access just before the 9th gym after doing some sidequests. (I would go into more detail about the sidequests and how to get him to battle you but I'm not sure exactly how far you are and others could explain it better than me)
  8. V7's was 70*, and Erick said the next badge doesn't raise the cap. *the trainer card says 75, but Erick said 70
  9. (I know this is a double post, but) 1.2 is out now. In addition to the Grovyle/Combusken/Marshtomp issue, it fixes 2 other bugs: -False Swipe now costs 2000 coins like it's supposed to instead of 4000. -The bridge bike issue with Grace. I tried a few ways to solve this and the only way that worked was to disable using the bike in Western Waterway, but it's preferable to possibly having someone's game freeze and losing progress. Also, while I'm making this post: I'll be away for a few days starting on the 21st (going on a train ride). When I come back, in addition to fixing the remaining bugs development on episode 2 will start (there will be a 1.3 if another major bug pops up or if I can figure out how to make gen 6 mechanics work before episode 2 is released). I'm currently working on a preliminary Pokemon availability list for new Pokemon that will be in demo 2, which I'll post on the 20th, the day before I leave. Note that the list won't be the final version; there will be more. The list will be the ones already guaranteed to be available. I'll also give some info on features available in demo 2, etc. I'd again like to apologize for all the bugs that were in episode 1, it was my first experience with making a game please don't be mad at me ;~; I'll improve as I continue using RPG Maker.
  10. Okay, so before when I checked the PBS files I could've sworn Combusken had its level up moves listed, but when I check now it says Moves=1,FLAMETHROWER,1,DOUBLEKICK,1,SLASH,1,BULKUP Marshtomp and Grovyle also have this issue. It looks like the moves they have are the ones Grovyle, Combusken, and Marshtomp had in the ORAS demo that came out a few weeks or so before ORAS was released. Fixing this now. Female Meowstic learning male Meowstic moves is an Essentials issue; Essentials doesn't support different movesets for different genders. Fell Stinger is a Gen 6 move, so the issues I've been having with Gen 6 are likely why it doesn't raise attack when KOing an enemy. Most likely that applies to any kind of new effects from moves and abilities introduced in Gen 6. I'm going to upload a 1.2 version that fixes the Hoenn mid-stage starter issue shortly. For anyone who has a female Meowstic or a bugged Grovyle/Combusken/Marshtomp from 1 or 1.1, if you send me your save file I'll put the moves you want on them. Yes. When the non-binary protagonist has been made, I'll make an announcement about xem.
  11. Twitch praises Helix, not the other way around. Torkoal named Carly Rae Jepsen.
  12. Related to the forbidden traits question, since that got me curious: hypothetically, if a Gym Leader had a legendary, would they be allowed to use it in battle or would that be against the rules? Also is Blast Powder edible?
  13. It's known that Terajuma has been redone and there's a new character who set up shop in Gearen City.
  14. Now we wait for the game to upload. Uploading takes a little while depending on what kind of computer you have.
  15. When was the last time you ate strawberry shortcake?
  16. E15 made them able to be battled any time, and in E16 they'll be available from the start of the game.
  17. Xenogene is a game Zumi is working on, found here.
  18. Yeah, demo 2 will have more Fire types (and so will demos 3 and 4). There just weren't any areas early on that really suited them. Fire, Ice, Dragon, and Steel are really scarce in the first demo, but they'll have decent representation from demo 2 onward.
  19. I had a dream last night I was part of a group of detectives searching for Zetta (presumably this takes place before he was turned back into a Solosis). It turned out he ran away with a boy who he was cheating on his boyfriend with.
  20. There aren't any Ability Capsules yet, but there will be an Ability Capsule Corp in the first city of demo 2 where you can buy them.
  21. The wiki says Crawli's non-binary, and I always wondered where that info came from since I never saw it mentioned in-game, and I talk to every NPC.
  22. You have to beat Amber to be able to start the quest, and I think you also have to complete Kristiline's help requests.
  23. I've always wondered exactly how many, so I'll count them! In no particular order 1. Reborn 2. Rejuvenation 3. Desolation 4. Revelation 5. Full Moon 6. Insurgence 7. Alabaster 8. Spork 9. Chaos Darkness 10. Aegis 11. Distrust 12. Redemption 13. Exile 14. Run 15. Uranium 16. Se7en 17. Ethereal Gates 18. Melanite 19. Celestite 20. I forget the name, but something to do with stars. Starters are Shroomish, Houndour, and Staryu. 21. Obsidian 22. Rainbow Rising/Meat 23. Solar Light and Lunar Dark 24. Sage 25. Touhoumon Faith and Prayer 26. Crimson Skies 27. Fusion Generation 28. Godra 29. Raptor 30. Cremisi Portals including ROM hacks 31. Quartz 32. Snakewood 33. Gaia 34. Discovery 35. Dark Rising 36. Sweet 37. Flora Sky 38. Glazed 39. Light Platinum
  24. If you could choose to put hair on Mega Beedrill, what style and color would its hair be?
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