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Ice Cream Sand Witch

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Everything posted by Ice Cream Sand Witch

  1. Go back to Route 3 where the gate blocking Goldenleaf is, and Venam will melt it.
  2. Here were three I used in the Redemption league that worked well for me. Items varied depending on leader of course but these are generally what they held. Sylveon @ Sitrus Berry Ability: Pixilate EVs: 252 SpA / 248 HP / 8 SpD Modest Nature - Hyper Voice - Psyshock - Shadow Ball - Calm Mind Milotic @ Leftovers Ability: Marvel Scale EVs: 252 Def / 252 HP / 4 SpA Bold Nature - Scald - Ice Beam - Recover - Mirror Coat Volcarona @ Charti Berry Ability: Flame Body EVs: 252 Spe / 252 SpA / 4 SpD Timid Nature - Quiver Dance - Heat Wave - Bug Buzz - Giga Drain
  3. TIL there are hookless shower curtains.
  4. I didn't even think about the fact there wouldn't be a v in it without the 7 x . x
  5. It's not. Quick Claw is between 8th and 9th gym. Not going into specifics since the setting for that part of the game is a major spoiler, which the person asking the question hasn't gotten to yet.
  6. "The dawn of tomorrow will be black" sounds very familiar to me, but I googled and couldn't find anything. It kind of sounds like something that would be said in Harry Potter, I think. In my head, I hear Dumbledore's voice saying it.
  7. This has been eating away at me for a while: Is Se7en pronounced "Se-seven-en", or is the 7 in the middle silent?
  8. I kind of don't really understand why Meteor Aces have the same battle theme as the admins do. I think they should have the same theme as the other grunt ranks. Well Terra, Fern, and Blake (including him in this since he fits the arrogant/annoying part) like all other characters aside from Team Meteor are based on their personalities from the online league. Terra was memes, Blake was arrogant, and Fern was petty and annoying.
  9. I personally chose Choice Specs. Toxicroak which is my primary physical attacker already has an Expert Belt, and its movepool gives it enough coverage that it'll make use of it often. Delphox, my primary special attacker, didn't have an item and I wanted to give it extra firepower (pun 100% intended).
  10. So it's my understanding that Donald Trump is the only one on the Republican side left in the race. Just out of curiosity (not saying it's going to happen), what would happen if a party has one candidate left and that last candidate standing dropped out of the election? Has this ever happened before in an election?
  11. The one on the left kind of reminds me of Drasna for some reason. Maybe it's the necklace.
  12. Yeah, it's really amazing how such a unique area came from indecisiveness . o .
  13. Well, both in the games and show, trust and love towards Pokemon are major themes. People in some occupations (like the worker trainer class) might mainly have Pokemon to help with their job, so I doubt they have the same connection a full-time trainer like the player has with theirs, but they still seem to treat them right. I think the games have been pretty good for the most part about who they give happiness evolutions to. For example, some of the well-intentioned villain leaders have Crobat, but grunts never go higher than Golbat (Mars and Jupiter didn't even get them at Stark Mountain, which is fitting since they seem pretty shallow). Silver's Golbat also never evolved until he learned the lesson Lance tried to teach him. The only one I don't understand is Xerosic having Crobat, since before the Looker Bureau sidequests he seemed completely amoral and only cared about science. He even wrote in a journal in the labs that his Pokemon seemed happier with Emma than they did with him.
  14. I agree with Masquerain/Daze. If it were me, I'd point out how inconsistent she is and just refuse to pay her back. She definitely doesn't deserve the money. If she's rich already, she just sounds greedy. Then again, I'm not you and I'm not in your situation so as far as I know there may be a reason why you can't do this.
  15. Hi, welcome to Reborn. Here are some blue moon ice cream sandwiches.
  16. Congratulations! You've Magnegone and Magnedone it. 1000 posts is a Viri important landmark. Here's an ice cream sandwich
  17. Hi, welcome to Reborn. ICSW issues you an ice cream sandwich.
  18. Hi, welcome to Reborn. I'm ICSW. I thought I should introduce myself before throwing you an ice cream sandwich.
  19. Happy 4 year anniversary! Here's an ice cream sandwich.
  20. Yay @ Aurora not being Gym Leader Also, Rosetta is located in Cellia and there was just a tournament in Blackview to meet her, so I do think she's the most likely candidate as next leader.
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