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Everything posted by Ice Cream Sand Witch
Spine x Pineapple Spineapple.
Hidden. Open door would be very easy for other nations to take advantage of.
I was picturing when it's known there's a kid, the doctor gives the tests. Basically it's paperwork, where they're given questions with check boxes and they fill in the one that matches them for each question. No one would be forced to abort whether they pass or fail. Also, if someone seeks help with addiction, that would make them one step closer to being eligible to be a parent. But if their addiction is to the point where it would get in the way of being a parent and they'd spend more time drinking (just an example, people can be addicted to literally anything) than with their kids, that's not a good environment. I don't think it would be "just as bad". It's true that it would be taking away rights from them, just like they don't believe same-sex couples should be allowed to marry. But the difference is that same-sex couples marrying harms no one, while homophobic people having kids harms those kids if they happen to be LGBT+. Again, I'm not talking about people who would still love them even if they disapprove of homosexuality. I'm talking about ones who would beat their kids, throw them out, or make them go through some kind of "conversion" ritual. Oh, speaking of conversion, I also just remembered about anti-vaxxers and their bleach enemas. They shouldn't be able to have kids either. Both of the above examples with addiction and homophobia fall under what you said about it being dangerous for kids to not get the love and attention they deserve. Parents with addiction wouldn't give them attention. Homophobic/transphobic parents wouldn't give them love if they didn't happen to turn out how they wanted. Anti-vaxxers would give them and possibly others preventable diseases. I'm not sure where you live or what parenting laws are like there, but here there are situations in which parents can be considered legally unfit to parent and have their children taken away from them. In what I'm describing, it's the same except it happens before the kid is born, not after the kid has been neglected or mistreated for years. There are problems with this that I didn't consider when I made that post, though. For the test I imagined, I'm sure some people who the tests would consider unfit would just lie about their answers, and no one would know until something bad ends up happening. From what I've heard, a lot of alcoholics think they don't have an addiction and that they can just quit any time, so as far as they're concerned they're telling the truth. And many homophobes would just think "No son/daughter of MINE is going to be gay" because they think it's a choice that they can prevent with religious parenting, so they'd lie and say yes to become a parent because they don't consider it as a possibility.
All of the species for the starters have been done, but that doesn't mean they don't have unique features. We've had plenty of cats, but not a Fire one that spits out flaming hairballs. We've had seals, but not circus performing seals. We have an owl, but that's pretty much all Hoothoot and Rowlet have in common. I'm also not sure why people are worried about Rowlet becoming like Noctowl. They don't seem like they'll have even close to the same playstyle, and starters are 3 stage lines while Hoothoot + Noctowl is 2 stages.
Worst starter(s) in Pokemon?
Ice Cream Sand Witch replied to ArmoredGuardian's topic in Pokémon Fan Club
Design-wise, Infernape used to be one of my least favorite Pokemon because it gave me a mental image of someone lying unconscious in a hospital bed covered in their own dried blood. Usage-wise, I can't really do the "slow/stall/defensive" playstyle. I don't have the patience for it. So any starter that fits that would be the worst for me personally to use. Gastly line is Ghost/Poison. -
Ohhh ok, I thought those pics were Serra with other characters' hairstyles XD I think I might've misread something somewhere and that's why I thought it was all Serra.
So, I am a kid. Specifically, I have a condition where I stopped developing, making me a kid forever. For that reason, it always makes me very uncomfortable when people talk about how much they hate kids, even though they're usually referring to ones half my age or younger. It's fine to not want to have kids. I wouldn't want them if I were able to have them. But I feel like outright hating is going a bit far. I wouldn't say it's on the same level as racism, sexism, homophobia, etc. because people who hate kids ~95% of the time don't harass or attack them, they just avoid them as much as they can, which is pretty much what some introverts do with people in general. But they still hate a group of people for something they have no control over and make generalizations about that group. For parenthood, I've always thought there should be tests to determine whether people should be able to parent. Here are some people who I think shouldn't be able to: -alcoholics or people who have some other kind of major addiction that gets in the way of daily functioning -people who have a history of anger issues/outbursts (MAYBE they can be considered eligible if they haven't had any recent ones and there's reason to believe they've changed) -people who wouldn't accept their children if they were LGBT+ (it's fine if they would still love them despite not approving, I'm talking ones who would for example beat their kids, throw them out on the streets, or make them go through some kind of "conversion" exercise)
Hi, welcome to Reborn. Do you accept ice cream sandwiches as payment for Magikarp?
What distracts you?
Ice Cream Sand Witch replied to Raviel the Phantom's topic in General Discussion
More like what doesn't distract me? -
You need to keep interacting with the tablet on the far right of the room in that cave until it moves aside, revealing a passage. In the room after is Croagunk along with one of the pieces.
I don't know enough about the topic itself to have a discussion about it as a whole, but in response to the point about people wanting to have the best computer but being hesitant about applying it to humans: humans and machines are sometimes treated differently, so it's understandable if someone doesn't always apply the same logic to a person they would to a machine. Example: sometimes when people get frustrated at a machine, they kick it or throw it. Most people wouldn't kick or throw a person just because they're frustrated with them. If someone does so with a machine most of the time people would just think "You need to calm down", but with a person, it's assault. Also, when a machine stops working, it's not as huge a deal as when a person does. You can get a new computer or a new phone or a new PS4. But when someone's child for example stops functioning, most parents wouldn't just think "Oh well, I can always have another kid" and move on with life as usual. That being said, wanting to weaken or get rid of diseases doesn't sound like a bad goal to me. The problem is if someone wants to continue the Nazis' work or something similar.
Pokémon Location Guide v3 (Episode 16)
Ice Cream Sand Witch replied to Lostelle's question in On the Hunt
Tranquill can be found on the rooftop of the one building in the Onyx Ward. Mentioning because the OP just lists Iolia Valley for its location. -
Hi, welcome to Reborn. Here's an ice cream sandwich. It's fitting as an introduction gift since you're from the dairy state Also, fun fact. If you switch around the c and first d in your username, it spells "Icedude".
Was referring to the avatar, not Bibs x . x
But it has the best face in all of Koridai!
Praise The Sun... and Moon - Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon
Ice Cream Sand Witch replied to Godot's topic in Pokémon Fan Club
Maybe one day there'll be enough food-based Pokemon for them to consider making a Food type . o . -
Praise The Sun... and Moon - Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon
Ice Cream Sand Witch replied to Godot's topic in Pokémon Fan Club
Speaking of the moon, it just occurred to me that werewolves are active on the full moon...maybe there'll be a werewolf Pokemon this gen? . o . It would be the best time to introduce one. -
Praise The Sun... and Moon - Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon
Ice Cream Sand Witch replied to Godot's topic in Pokémon Fan Club
I think it's reasonable to think that Lunaala will have Moonblast. -
Praise The Sun... and Moon - Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon
Ice Cream Sand Witch replied to Godot's topic in Pokémon Fan Club
I know Corocoro didn't say anything whatsoever, I just meant last month's "scoop" mention was probably the news we got recently. It is lame that Corocoro didn't have anything at all, though. I was thinking they'd tell us what we already got along with giving the names of the legendaries (and maybe types) and player characters. -
In the beta he had a Life Orb Heliolisk, which is now Bugs the Wigglytuff. I guess it was replaced either because it was considered too much with the rest of his team or Wigglytuff was easier to think of a nickname for (the Heliolisk in the beta was the only one of his Pokemon without a nickname).
Praise The Sun... and Moon - Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon
Ice Cream Sand Witch replied to Godot's topic in Pokémon Fan Club
I think the scoop was referring to the news we got 2 days ago. -
When I saw she was about to send in Ava, I assumed it would be Mow Rotom since Ava's a Grass trainer.
Hi, welcome to Reborn. About your mechanics question, one of the main ones are field effects, which is where the terrain influences the power, effects, and sometimes typings of moves depending on how they interact with the environment. You can use them to your own advantage and even use specific moves to change the field sometimes. Here's a list of them that are in the current release, and here's an ice cream sandwich:
IIRC, Ame said they would be coming in/after the final episode.