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Ice Cream Sand Witch

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Everything posted by Ice Cream Sand Witch

  1. Caz, someone I know wanted me to tell you she thinks your game looks awesome (she doesn't have a computer right now and can't play, but she used to be a member here and I sometimes tell her about the fangames)
  2. Finding all of the police officers before battling ZEL and Taka leads to different scenes with Corey, along with a different field effect. It goes into detail about why he joined Team Meteor. Whether or not you win against Solaris's Garchomp at Pyrous Mountain determines whether you battle him at the mansion with Florinia or Julia, and winning also adds more dialogue between Fern and Florinia at the mansion. If you side with El, you don't have to beat Dittoceus. You do have to if you side with Radomus. For Blake, it actually is sort of significant since saying no to him every time leads to a battle with Aster and him bringing Eclipse's body to her house, also allowing you to get the Shiny Charm (Ame did say those who didn't do this will still be able to get it, though). Choosing to battle Taka or not at the Water Treatment Center, which I imagine will be important later on. There's whether or not you beg to Fern in the cage, but that currently doesn't effect anything outside of the scene itself. I imagine it'll be a relationship variable for E16 where begging is +Fern, -Taka and not begging is +Taka, -Fern.
  3. For the one in Keneph: Keep clicking on the wall until it moves, revealing a passage behind it. For Redcliff: In the braille room, click on the tablets in this order: CENTRE NORTHEAST SOUTHWEST SOUTHEAST NORTHWEST NORTHEAST SOUTHWEST SOUTHEAST NORTHWEST CENTRE. Then in the Bidoof room, talk to the four Bidoof at the leftmost part of the room from top to bottom.
  4. What if she's called Madame X because she's a product of Chemical X like the Powerpuff Girls? . o .
  5. Forum Name: Ice Cream Sand Witch Server Name: IceCreamSandWitch Year I Joined: 2015 Favorite Type: Electric, Fairy, Psychic, Water Least Favorite Type: None, I like every type Pokenations 1: No, it was before my time here. General Availability: Usually any time I'm not sleeping, so let's say around 8:00 AM - 12:00 AM EST. However within the next few months I'm going to Ireland and I'm not sure when yet and I probably won't be able to use the internet very much if at all when I'm there. I hope that can be worked around but if not I understand.
  6. Sorry if I'm one of the people who was off-topic. I talked about the issues themselves because one of the questions was where we stand on those issues, but I did forget about the other questions while I was replying. Re: logical consistency. I'd like to think I'm logically consistent here because I don't use "Criminals don't care about laws" as an argument for or against any issue. I find the argument itself flawed for reasons I mentioned. The key word is "here" because I'm sure there are other areas where I'm not logically consistent and haven't even realized, on account of being human/not perfect. Just not with this specific argument. Re: important to political identity. Yes, I think logical consistency is important in peoples' political opinions. If the same argument someone uses to support one opinion can be used against them for an issue they oppose, they should rethink their arguments and positions. Or they could try to make a very strong case for why there should be an exception for a certain issue.
  7. I'm about to take on Emily (for the third time, she's 40% more difficult on this playthrough for some reason) and this is my team: Froslass probably isn't a permanent team member, since I tend to not use duplicate typings and Walrein is Ice type. But for now while I don't have a 6th permanent member, it offers support with Captivate and is a way to quickly deal with Gallade, which appears on a few trainers' teams in this episode and who I otherwise don't have super effective moves for. I'm thinking of having Clefable be my sixth member, but I'm waiting to complete that sidequest until at least after beating Emily so the level cap is a little higher. Also Toxicroak is holding Expert Belt. I gave it that to get back some of the damage it would lose against Tristan with Route 4's field.
  8. I didn't even know what a leitmotiv was (or who Wagner is) and had to look it up just now.
  9. My guesses 1: Enemy team grunt or admin battle theme 2: Enemy team encounter theme 3: A city/town or special event music (i.e. emotion in bw)
  10. I don't like the "Criminals don't care about laws" argument for similar reasons to what Tomas/Catherine said. If it's considered a legit argument, than we might as well get rid of every law and let people set towns on fire for fun. I also hate the similar "We'll never get rid of bullying, so let's just tell people to grow a thicker skin!" argument. The purpose of a law isn't to stop people from doing an activity in the first place, since that's impossible (unless they've made mention they want to do it and someone tips the police off before they have a chance to go through with it, but not all criminals are that incompetent). The purpose is to stop the person once the crime has been committed. Using an example with Reborn: someone joins to post links to R7 sites. Because there's a rule against R7, the links will be deleted and the person will likely be banned. If Reborn didn't have rules, they could just spam every topic with the links. I'm not sure how to feel about guns yet (I've been on both sides before), but a misunderstanding I used to have is that I thought gun control = taking guns away from everyone, which I now know isn't true. Some people are against both banning and regulating, but I thought it was worth mentioning because of how many people think they're the same. Right now I lean towards control because something can and should be done about the shootings that happen here on an almost daily basis, and from what I've heard the U.S. is the only country where this happens so often. Some people say "If they don't have access to guns, they'll use something else" but I think fists and knives and such are a lot easier to escape from than a gun. Bullets are faster than most people, but if someone has to be near you in order to attack, it's easier to outrun/get away from then than it would be if they were shooting you with a super powerful pointy thing that's gotta go fast. Plus in the ideal scenario where the aggressor didn't get a gun because they failed a background check and someone who passed and has a gun is nearby, the one with the gun can shoot down the aggressor before they can hurt anyone. For bathrooms, I personally think public restrooms are gross and I would never ever ever ever ever use one under any circumstances ever, but people should be able to use whichever corresponds to the gender they identify with. For assault, assaults happen in bathrooms already (it's a VERY common place for bullying at schools, from what I've heard) and I haven't heard anyone care unless it has to do with transgender people wanting to use the bathroom they're most comfortable with.
  11. In the status thread, Ame linked to an explanation of what each category means. Here's what misc refers to: "I've included this as a catch-all for things that don't really fit into any of the above categories, need to be added later, or otherwise just need special attention. Some examples in this in the current case includes replacing some problematic music, designing a couple new trainer classes, and creating a new sidequest condition that doesn't fit snugly into either the scripting or event categories. Progress for this section is likely to be relatively volatile."
  12. I was thinking that too. Also, Tristan's entire character and appearance reminds me of Kabuto's.
  13. Lord Helix has blessed them to completely resist Poke Balls.
  14. Teleport for convenience. I don't need Rest because I'm already good at sleeping.
  15. I kind of expect her to have Gliscor just because in the Reborn league, the name of her badge was the Glide Badge. That might be weak reasoning, though. But she should definitely have a POWERFUL STARAPTOR.
  16. Oh, something just occurred to me that I'm wondering about. It was said that the person who was supposed to pick us up from the clouds and take us to Cellia is someone who we haven't met yet. But when we fall from the clouds and black out, some of the dialogue when we're out cold is something like "You must be one of Aderyn's? So I guess I didn't end up picking you up in time." So did the person who was originally going to pick us up just see us knocked out on the mountain and be like "Oh well, I guess I didn't make it in time" and leave? XD
  17. Congrats on 1000 posts! Here's an ice cream sandwich
  18. Yeah, the other locked building is the rangers base.
  19. The title caught my attention, but the content was even better than I hoped for.
  20. I remember snapping out of confusion with 6 HP left against it in the double battle against him and ZEL. We were both down to one Pokemon.
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