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Ice Cream Sand Witch

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Everything posted by Ice Cream Sand Witch

  1. In the second picture, I thought that was a puppy in your hands at first.
  2. Oma. As in oma god, that's an interesting pairing.
  3. I'd say it's better to start later because each version adds new elements to the game. Back in the beginning, Reborn didn't have field effects, for example. IIRC, those were added around episode 10.
  4. IIRC, there was some fake info mixed in with the Fairy leaker's leaks like an early game Grass/Rock type with tusks.
  5. Ok, this whole "Stay tuned for more news coming soon!" is actually starting to get annoying. This is basically the opposite of XY and ORAS where they pretty much revealed 80-85% of everything before the games came out. But this kind of constant teasing is almost as bad as telling us everything.
  6. E15's Gossip Gardevoir interview had GG telling Serra about Bennett's involvement with Team Meteor and she said she was going after him, so that might come up in the future.
  7. I remember reading in Serebii's March Corocoro update that the next issue would talk about new features.
  8. I wonder if the "You thought I meant something dirty, didn't you?" is one of those choices that effect the ending.
  9. It looks like a Mismagius doll to me.
  10. Assumed it was the Fairy leader before seeing she only has one Pokemon. Then I remembered this is an actual trainer class in XY and ORAS.
  11. Ame already confirmed that E19 will have the last gym, the E4, and the postgame.
  12. So apparently the possible egg moves for event Pokemon are limited. I'm guessing there's 2 possibilities for each one, since I kept always getting either Heal Bell or Close Combat on Snubbull. So I was wondering if someone could replace Close Combat on my Snubbull with Metronome? ^^' Game.rxdata
  13. Can I have a hug? I can give you an ice cream sandwich in return
  14. I thought it some kind of silly looking animal (because the name was silly) until I saw Shrek 4.
  15. So the first time I did this I actually misread the OP. I read "Generate 1 Pokemon" as "Generation 1 Pokemon", so I made the generator only select those. I was wondering whether others in the thread didn't read the OP when Pokemon of all gens were being posted, but I'm actually the one who read it wrong. Doing it again, I got Seviper. I guess I try to not be anyplace where there's a Zangoose.
  16. TFW you accidentally punch a spider bite and then it feels like you have a cactus needle in your stomach.
  17. I figured he might've been training up some new Pokemon. There were trophies in his house for a lot of different themed tournaments so he must have a few teams.
  18. I think the last update to the standings thread was March 25, two league weekends ago.
  19. There actually was a bathroom, complete with toilet IIRC, in the Richimissee Hotel in XY. There's a lady in that bathroom who gives you the Echoed Voice TM.
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