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Ice Cream Sand Witch

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Everything posted by Ice Cream Sand Witch

  1. It was what kind of ipod he uses. This question was actually based on an old conversation in the server from when the online league was still active. Someone asked if anyone had an ipod, and Shade responded "4G...Jailbroken..."
  2. We should call our place of worship the Quagshire.
  3. If you didn't give Cera the Magma Stone: Next you go to Kristiline Town to thaw out the TM shop. If you did give Cera the Magma Stone: Go to the Kakori gym, through the door at Crawli's arena.
  4. Sorry, I don't really go back and read posts I've already read D: Is it this? "6) Multiple endings! More precisely, there are 3 possible extra scenes that can take place right after the credit roll, at the end of the main plot: you can get the first one, the second one, the third one, or none at all depending on your choices throughout the game. Each scene is capped off with a beautiful artwork by Zim, as a reward for unlocking it!"
  5. Re enemy team: Team Flare kind of felt like a half-hearted mixture of Team Rocket and Team Galactic, and Lysandre was a terribly written character with the dumbest motive and mindset of any of the teams. The best thing about Team Flare imo was Xerosic's development in the Looker Bureau sidequest. I don't care what the enemy team in Sun/Moon's scheme is as long as both the goal and characters are better than Team Flare. (I wouldn't be fond of the casual vs competitive idea though, because I don't like meta/fourth wall breaking. It even gets under my skin when levels are mentioned as though they actually physically exist and aren't just game numbers to represent how strong a Pokemon is) Re gym leaders and E4, it would be cool if they made types that would actually fit a sun and moon theme. Ice has been used twice, which is the same amount that Fire has been used. 1: Poison, Bug, Ground, Steel, Water 2: Ice, Fire 3: Fighting, Ghost, Dragon, Dark, Psychic
  6. I've never beta tested for a game before, but it sounds fun. From the description in the announcement, I think I'd be able to do it.
  7. IceCreamSandWitch becomes イセクリアムサンドウィッチョ (isekuriamusandowiccho) The inaccurate way = Kimiku Mishikukarin Arikatote Makichimiri
  8. Happy birthday! Here's an ice cream sandwich
  9. This is my entire Pokemon experience. I remember on my 103409542nd playthrough of Emerald I caught Rayquaza with a Poke Ball at full health on the first turn. I wasn't even trying to catch it, I was just messing around. Whenever I was actually attempting to catch it it took several tries of either running out of balls or getting KO'd, just like with every other legendary.
  10. I thought it would be fun to go through Reborn using only the move Metronome, so I was wondering if someone could give me a Pokemon with Metronome on it? Thanks in advance. Game.rxdata
  11. TFW when you're tired so you go to bed, but the second you lay down you suddenly gain enough energy to rampage through a village, climb a tower, and make monkey noises at the top of your lungs.
  12. The bug is actually with Essentials itself. It doesn't support different movesets and abilities for different genders.
  13. My idea is Dimensional Rift Regice. The sound effect after she called it sounded like a distorted version of Regice's cry.
  14. This reminds me of when I thought Geodude evolved into Onix because Brock used them both, they had the same typing, and Misty did that with Staryu and Starmie.
  15. I only tie them when they come untied. Also it took years for me to figure out how to tie them.
  16. If you get it before the Garbodor, Erick is able to follow the instructions and puts it (the Garbodor) in a container to wait for the next step.
  17. I'd make Arena Trap and Shadow Tag not apply to wild Pokemon battles. I've probably complained about this before, but Route 13 in XY was one of the most irritating Pokemon experiences I've had. I constantly had to go back to heal because of the Dugtrio. And the first time I was there, I had Ampharos at the front of my party. I think getting to the power plant took more time for me than getting the first badge from the start of the game. Similar to what Chubb said about needing less abilities that do the same as another ability, having both Protect and Detect is redundant. Seeing as almost every Pokemon can learn Protect through TM, I would remove Detect. Will-O-Wisp should have 100 accuracy when used by a Fire type, since Toxic now has 100 accuracy when used by a Poison type.
  18. It's cute. How is its name pronounced? (specifically the "caque" part)
  19. I know, but it still works as a pun because it almost sounds like robber. Apparently I misspelled cops as "cobs" though, so I guess they play a game where they pretend to be corn on the cob being stolen from a restaurant.
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