Ame did say there would be an episode with 2 gyms, but I don't think it'll be E16. Ame said the story portion will probably be shorter than E15's, and I imagine it'll be more focused on showing Reborn reborn and the sidequests.
I think Neverwinter is the snowy part to the north, and I think that's where Blacksteeple is too. IIRC, "Emma" said she was supposed to be headed to Neverwinter for work, so it would make sense if they're nearby.
I thought that the southern island was Terajuma, with the island near it being Kristiline Town, the mountain at the top being Valor Mountain, and the southmost part being the jungle. Only issue with that is that Kristiline isn't separated from Teila Town by water. Everything else seems to match with Terajuma, though.
Madame X's team is Yveltal, Garchomp, Volcarona, Hydreigon, Goodra, and Salamence.
Also, 37% already. Jesus Kreiss, this episode's development is going by fast.
It was intended. Caz said earlier in the thread he made it stronger so it would be more useful (i.e. not just an "HM slave" move).
The done it before part, along with most of the rest of the riddle, refers to Emerald's Regice puzzle.