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Ice Cream Sand Witch

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Everything posted by Ice Cream Sand Witch

  1. How exactly does a mega stone work on a Pokemon that can't mega evolve? Would for example giving Dragonite an Ampharosite make it become Mega Ampharos somehow? o . o
  2. So I know this an old thread, but I just thought of something that really irritates me and I want to rant about it. I hate when an antagonist just blows off being beaten with stereotypical lines like "You got lucky" or "I was going easy on you". Take Blue and Silver, two of the most popular rivals in Pokemon for example. People like them because they're jerks that talk down to you and that gives players satisfaction in beating them, but I've always found them boring. Blue uses both of the above mentioned excuses, which have been used probably literally billions of times in all of fiction, and by real people. To me, he's just a generic stuck-up brat. Silver's excuse is "You won because my Pokemon were weak" which is just stating the obvious because being stronger or smarter than your opponent is exactly how you win any kind of fight excluding literal dumb luck. And after that he still thinks he has room to monologue about how weak you are. Both of them are just like "I'm trying to act tough but it doesn't work because I just lost. I'm a chihuahua barking at a wolf." I know a lot of people want another asshole rival, but I'd want one if and only if they're against us but still acknowledge our skill. This is also why I don't get so worked up about Fern in Reborn. His personality and motives are garbage and he needs to be straightened out but he uses the exact same excuses that Blue does. His worst/best moments are outside of battle ex leaving you in the cage if you don't beg to him and mocking Corey but in battle I can't take him seriously at all. I know there are some villains that actually DO go easy on the player and go progressively less easy in subsequent fights since I've played games where that's happened, and I'm not talking about them. Those are the ones that are their endgame power level from the start and just like playing with you or want to challenge themselves. I'm talking about ones that actually get stronger and smarter throughout the game. Ones that have to go through trials and rank up just like you do.
  3. When it comes to games like Pokemon where your background story is mostly "You live in a town and/or just moved to a new place and you're going on an adventure!", I prefer to feel like it's me. Facial expressions are awesome, though (like how your character gets an angry face at Archie/Maxie). So are decisions that actually impact what happens. Things I wouldn't want to happen include being shipped with another character or being forced to do something morally gray or wrong to progress (ex: Titania's diary, which I'm glad is being changed). Most of the time I'm not a fan of fourth wall breaking. I still voted that I like it if done effectively because I'm sure there are some scenarios where I'd think it's funny.
  4. Does Quagsire like ice cream sandwiches?
  5. Re the battle interface, it's not really new. A lot of fangames use it. It's Luka SJ's elite battle system. Also "Draghetto" made me lol.
  6. I personally like the credits and ranger guild quests. Unfortunately, I used my only Super Potion in the Weeping Depths because I forgot about the little girl that wans to drink one, so I'm missing the credits for that one D:
  7. TIL a robbery suspect was proven innocent when it was revealed that during the time of the robbery he made a status on Facebook from his dad's computer. The status: "Wheres my pancakes" Also I learned that Atok =/= Arkhi.
  8. TFW you charge your phone but it somehow loses battery instead of gaining it.
  9. How do you battle him? I can talk to him in the gym but he doesn't battle me.
  10. @Easter: I eat chocolate eggs and rabbits, jelly beans, and pizza. @Sweet potato fries or onion rings: Sweet potato fries.
  11. Ame said Gen 7 will be added in the last episode.
  12. I have just been hit by a full blast HYPEr Beam and I need a HYPEr Potion to recover.
  13. Obama said that there'll be 19 episodes in total. So we have four more to go. EDIT: I MEANT AME NOT OBAMA
  14. Should've made it April 1st so people can speculate on whether it's an actual announcement or just an April Fools joke.
  15. That's not Neved. That's Indriad/Vitus's sprite.
  16. Ame did say there would be an episode with 2 gyms, but I don't think it'll be E16. Ame said the story portion will probably be shorter than E15's, and I imagine it'll be more focused on showing Reborn reborn and the sidequests.
  17. TFW you make a pun you think is clever but everyone else thinks it's bad.
  18. I think Neverwinter is the snowy part to the north, and I think that's where Blacksteeple is too. IIRC, "Emma" said she was supposed to be headed to Neverwinter for work, so it would make sense if they're nearby.
  19. Baron's goal: While everyone is asleep in the dream world, he'll have all the Red Baron stuffed crust pizza for himself.
  20. TIL the members of the band Hanson are brothers. I seriously always thought the singer was female.
  21. I thought that the southern island was Terajuma, with the island near it being Kristiline Town, the mountain at the top being Valor Mountain, and the southmost part being the jungle. Only issue with that is that Kristiline isn't separated from Teila Town by water. Everything else seems to match with Terajuma, though.
  22. That nickname ruined my day. Primeape named Drunk Punk.
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