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Ice Cream Sand Witch

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Everything posted by Ice Cream Sand Witch

  1. I could see us getting Slowpoke, Tentacool, and Frillish from the purified water around Apophyll and Azurine (and Reborn City if it'll have surfing places). Also I could see the Magikarp sidequest finishing since the vendor mentioned the newest thief probably being able to stay hidden as long as the city was in that state and the police are disorganized, which won't be the case anymore as of E16.
  2. White Lapis sounds like a mellow end credits song to a movie.
  3. So I think I'm experiencing the same bug someone mentioned a page or two ago. Before battling the elite guards, a second Connor appeared and he's been following me ever since. I downloaded 2.1 (I had 2 before and didn't know I didn't update) and he's still there. Should I PM save file?
  4. Who's the character at the very top next to Ren? . o .
  5. I couldn't really see myself siding with Team Crescent after learning what their goals are. Unless there's a surprise where maybe once or twice our allies want to do something questionable in a certain situation or have ulterior motives themselves. . o . I still plan to do a second file where I go with Crescent, though. I think I'll start on that later today. Also @ the new poll question, Nova is my favorite character so far. I really like her design and she's an interesting villain.
  6. Did anyone else click the arrow in the middle of that picture thinking it was a video?
  7. The Gyarados and Chandelure can't be purified if you find the weird diary before battling them. I tried today after the events with Garbodor.
  8. Just finished V7 on my second file. I'm kind of liking not having to worry about disobedience making me lose to a Pokemon I could otherwise one-shot, so maybe I'll try staying within the level cap.
  9. Here it says "Karren" where Karrina is talking. Also I didn't think to take pictures but "competent" is misspelled during the Generator Problems help request (I forget if it was the help request description or when talking to Gabriel in front of the power plant), and also in a technician's post-battle speech in the power plant.
  10. So the unique body wasn't actually a person after all... This is interesting. I thought this one would be Psychic because I didn't expect something like this.
  11. In the mansion, if you know the correct number to put in the PC you can open it before you're supposed to. This causes Venam to appear in the study wondering why the desk won't open, even though the player hasn't gotten to that point yet. I mean you kind of have to intentionally do this but who knows if you can just continue from that point and make the game all screwy from skipped content. I didn't solve the picture puzzle, I just continued like I was supposed to from leaving the mansion. EDIT: FUCK, doing this in fact made the game skip the Blakeory/Vitus conflict and when I got back to Kugearen from the mansion there was the "Maria!" but nobody was in the house. I fixed it by reverting to a save just before the mansion, though.
  12. TIL bugs have red blood just like people do. Today I felt something on my hand so I kind of smacked down with my other hand without looking or thinking, and then I saw a smashed up bug and blood everywhere.
  13. Obsidia Ward because of the candy shop and the department store.
  14. I was actually reading about that bug yesterday D: Sorry if this is a dumb question, but will the Essentials problems mean we have to start a new file in episode 2?
  15. It's kind of hard to pick a favorite because I like so many of them, but going by area: Gearen: the hair salon one Sheridan: Hidden Library 2 Kakori: Tropius Kristiline: the alien lab one West Gearen: Hidden Library 3 Least favorite: I thought the disturbance and defend me ones were kind of bland.
  16. Oh, ok. I didn't actually save after getting the Ralts (I restarted and taught it to my cutter Nuzleaf instead), but I was still very confused.
  17. I needed Rock Smash to smash Ralts's cage and didn't have my rock smasher on me, so I replaced Rock Climb on Scolipede thinking I could just reteach Rock Climb when I open the cage. But for some reason it's saying Scolipede isn't compatible with Rock Climb even though it knew it before??
  18. How does eating/tasting work with ZEL? As in, let's say that Lumi and Eve like chocolate, but Zero doesn't. Would it taste good or bad, and would each of them taste it differently or would it taste the same for all of them since they have one tongue?
  19. Happy anniversary! I tried Irn Bru when I was in Scotland 3 years ago and it was good. Here's an ice cream sandwich
  20. The guy battling at the Sheridan Village battlefield calls his Ninetales "Ninetails". Nastasia does the same during the escape/battle scene underneath the backup lab. The Mesprit statue in Goldenwood Forest says "Mespirit".
  21. You mean the GUM room? There's no way in as of yet.
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