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Ice Cream Sand Witch

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Everything posted by Ice Cream Sand Witch

  1. I just had a thought while I was eating raspberry cheesecake with oreo crust: Crescent was able to communicate through her Gothitelle early on in the game, and she seems like a Psychic-type trainer. What if the red and black Gardevoir is also hers? Alternatively, Blakeory might have used the talking Pokemon machine like they did with Braixen.
  2. There's an Up Grade, but not a Dubious Disc as far as I know.
  3. I don't think Crescent is Madame X because she freed Mewtwo, pushed Sharon off a mountain for being part of Team Xen and told Geara to tell Madame X to fuck off. I think Kanon might be Angie/Anju's son. I had specific reasons for thinking so, but I don't remember what they were.
  4. TFW you have no idea how height (as in measurement of how tall people are) works.
  5. Absol is more of a physically oriented Pokemon than special, so I would use a physical moveset instead. My Absol in ORAS has Swords Dance, Night Slash, Psycho Cut, and Double Team, and it works awesomely. Those are all moves it can learn by level up.
  6. In the library in Gearen City, in the section you need to beat Venam to get to, there's an NPC named Zumi who asks you to catch different Pokemon. Eventually you'll get the advanced dex.
  7. I just realized if you breed a Pokemon with Nauphrantom you're shipping a ship.
  8. Thirding Okami. It was a feel close to eating cinnamon rolls at a picnic in the summer.
  9. I didn't know the draft could also put people into positions like cooking. I knew the military had other jobs besides just combat, but I thought that was strictly what the draft was for. I'm still against the idea of someone possibly being arrested if they don't want to do it. Even in the most desperate circumstances, that's... extreme. What's even the point? Jails and prisons are supposed to be for dangerous people who hurt others. Not wanting to go into the military doesn't make someone dangerous (neither do a few other illegal things, for that matter). I think jury duty also does this, where you have to show up or you'll go to jail. I also think jury duty should be a job, not something random people who may or may not have critical thinking skills can just be asked to do. And from what I've heard of jury duty, not having transportation doesn't excuse you from attending. I literally stopped aging/developing at 12 so I'd never be considered for a draft even if there was a situation so drastic they started using lions tigers and bears. But if I were an adult selected to draft, I'd have an elaborate plan to fake an "accident" or "incident", and try to make a new identity in another continent if I thought it was even the slightest bit possible I'd meet the standards for combat. Actually I'd probably just move the second they started doing the draft. (ironically on what I believe is our real planet, kids my age actually can do combat, but that's a very different place from earth where school is also optional, people don't look for reasons to start a war, and we're stronger/faster/have better senses. plus combat there is actually fun and interesting, not boring half the time and terrifying the other half)
  10. Both are made with Pokemon Essentials for RPG Maker, but the actual people involved in making the games are different.
  11. Well, Curse is a condition that only Ghosts can inflict, and there's also no item that can cure it.
  12. IIRC, Smack Down was in Celestinine Mountain.
  13. You can change back by interacting with the box again. Melia mentions this.
  14. Happy birthday Mewtwo! Here's an ice cream sandwich.
  15. I can't be dairy free because I'm an ice cream sand witch.
  16. Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't the draft where they make you go into a war and if you say no you go to jail? If that's the case, then how about let's not force people into wars to begin with regardless of their sex.
  17. The sound that plays after she mentions that sounded like a distorted version of Regice's cry to me. What if she has a Dimensional Rift Regice? . o .
  18. It was a black-haired girl in a black dress. I think it was Crescent.
  19. If you've freed it at the house, then you can do the generator help request in West Gearen where you'll meet it again, but it's not the end.
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