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Ice Cream Sand Witch

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Everything posted by Ice Cream Sand Witch

  1. I was wondering if I was the only one to think the overworld sprite looked like it had more hair than the battle sprite. I actually thought it was Irvine at first when I saw the picture.
  2. Geara's section under the characters page says he was Narcissa's husband. That isn't true. Her husband's name was Tyron. Narcissa's relationship to Geara is unknown atm. Also, Neved's section says he's Melia's father. That hasn't been said in the game. The name of Neved's daughter was never mentioned.
  3. I was actually thinking the other day Jan might do this XD
  4. Jirakula Cavern. I don't even go through there when I need to travel from one part of Terajuma to the other. I just use Tesla and Briney's boats.
  5. All of my Pokemon have been lifesavers at some points in different battles. My most useful Pokemon tactically is probably Sylveon because Misty Terrain can get rid of unfavorable field effects.
  6. I tested both to see the immediate effects and ended up giving it to Shiv. I'll probably make another file sometime to see the long-term effects of giving it to Nova. I'm curious if there's a "Team Crescent wins" route or if something happens to make them lose regardless of your choices.
  7. TFW you have no idea if you're wearing your shirt forwards or backwards because the label on the back is completely faded from having been washed so many times.
  8. The cap is 65. It's 75 after beating the next Gym Leader in V7.
  9. Well, I don't really get woken up by anything, other than one time when I fell off my bed while sleeping.
  10. We've been able to do that since V1. I forget exactly what you need to interact with, though. Try the computer in the glasses guy's house.
  11. I don't remember how to take a proper screenshot, so here's a picture I took with my phone's camera, messaged to myself, and then copied and pasted
  12. I misunderstood this at first and thought you meant the progress bar had just moved from 99-100 x . x
  13. I think the bottom right will be Dragon because it looks like she has a fang necklace. I think the one next to Gaia will be Psychic because of the floating energy that I originally thought was part of Gaia's sprite. I think the one at the top will be either Fire or Fighting. He has a very interesting body type. Not sure about the Lt. Surge looking one (probably Fighting if the weird body guy doesn't use it) but I think he's Olivia's brother because Gallade mentioned him having shades. Lt. Surge has shades and this sprite uses Lt. Surge's HGSS sprite as a base for the body.
  14. I was Joe King > x < Adam is short for Adamite, btw.
  15. The first letter of Adam's name is A, which is also the first letter of Air, so he must be Flying. Gigalith wasn't a Pokemon he uses in gym battles. He was training it to understand more how Rock types work, since Flying is weak to Rock and he wants to be able to cover for his weaknesses.
  16. If Gaia preferred Olivia to just let nature take care of the flowers, why didn't she mind a greenhouse or Nick making a temperature regulating machine? Aren't those also manmade? XD I look at the unrevealed leader silhouettes to try and guess their types, and I assumed this one was Psychic because of the hair (it kind of looked like the top right bit was floating or some kind of residual energy, but now I see that's part of the leader sprite to the right of her). So I was wrong for this one.
  17. I've heard that eating food with a lot of potassium before bed like bananas or pizza can give you weird dreams.
  18. This is very helpful! I usually don't prepare my team until the leaders are announced in the room intro since I didn't want to prepare for someone specific when it turns out they're not there. Now I can prepare more in advance.
  19. I thought the Black Foxes was going to be like an Aqua/Magma gang from Reborn type situation, but this is even way better!
  20. I wonder if better AI means the leaders will switch Pokemon if they're at a disadvantage?
  21. I think they meant the card key shard, which can be used in the current version to get shadow Beldum if you find them all.
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