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Ice Cream Sand Witch

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Everything posted by Ice Cream Sand Witch

  1. TFW you change the names of the music you're using in Essentials and the game no longer plays music because the maps' selected music is still on the previous name of the songs so you have to go to each and every one of the maps and set the music again.
  2. Johto, Hoenn, and Unova. Johto's atmosphere, Hoenn's environmental diversity, and Unova's bridges.
  3. If this is related to what I think it is, I remember seeing that quiz on Youtube and the question about Shade's ipod made me lol.
  4. These were my experiences in casual mode. Note probably the only reason I thought Amber was easy is Camerupt. Venam = very easy Keta = difficult (living), moderate (spirit) Marianette = very difficult but balanced out by her only having 3 Pokemon Narcissa = medium Valarie = medium Crawli = medium or difficult depending on what the AI does Angie = high easy/low medium Amber = very easy, same as Venam EDIT: Not sure how I typoed Angie as Anger XD
  5. My experience with difficulty has been Sand > Mist = Grass > Air > Water.
  6. It really amazes me what this place has been through and how much it influences people. At first I thought Reborn was just a game. A really good game, but nothing more than that. And I didn't sign up for the forums at first because I thought it'd just be a place to ask "Where can I find this Pokemon?" or "I need advice on beating this leader". I never imagined this site would be as active as it is, or that the game was based off a battling league (or that the community's history goes back even further than that league), and even after joining I didn't expect it to inspire so many others (including me) to make games of their own or do art, or just to improve themselves as a person in general.
  7. I don't know if anyone remembers, but in Impel Down Crocodile said the demon guards were awakened Zoans.
  8. Who's your favorite Pokémon rival character? [1/1/2016] Wally. I like that he was sick and overcame his illness and timidness by traveling. I wish he got more than 2 battles during the main story. I think he should've been the main rival instead of Brendan/May, who was more interested in helping their dad with research than straight-up adventuring and battles.
  9. I find it interesting that before the timeskip Zoro was handicapped and/or bleeding more blood than the human body has in almost all of his fights, but I don't think he's been hit even once after the timeskip so far. He got stunned a few chapters ago, but he hasn't been actually challenged since Thriller Bark. He's the only one who even got out of Dressrosa unscathed.
  10. This song feels like a Christmas miracle. It tastes like the story of someone who was extremely rich and fashionable to the point they have a three story bathroom, but suffered crisis after crisis and ended up with no money and needing to eat out of trash cans. Then near the end of the year recovering miraculously and everyone now remembers how radiant this person once was, and is going to be again. Which is pretty similar to Reborn if you replace the person in this story with place.
  11. Most likely Pokemon Reborn. I've got around 77 and a half hours on it, most of which was this year. Last year I got up to Rhodocrine Jungle.
  12. Favorite Straw Hat is Brook. I like pretty much everything about him. I like that he's a musician skeleton, I like that he has an afro, I like his techniques in general (the ice sword and being able to separate his soul from his body), and I like his skull jokes. Oh, I also like that he's connected to Laboon. From the previous poll, my favorite Marine is Fujitora, for a scene I'll put in spoilers because I don't watch the anime and I doubt it's as far as this scene:
  13. Jelly donuts that look like rice balls. They cook them on their trusty frying pans, which can also be used as drying pans.
  14. Happy birthday! Here's an ice cream sandwich
  15. You're at an aquarium to learn more about marine life, and things are going well until the glass on a tank containing an octopus cracks. When the octopus leaves its tank, it turns into a tall person with sunglasses and an afro made of cotton candy. "Man, I want some chocolate" he says, and wanders off to Germany, but not before teleporting you to a snowy town. Everyone stares bewildered at this. In the town, you try to find someone to ask where you are. It takes a while because everyone is inside their houses and most places are closed down. You eventually find a store that's open. No one is there yet except one vendor. "Cotton candy?" He asks. You explain your situation to the vendor. When you describe the figure that the octopus turned into, he looks away. You think this is peculiar, but you don't have the energy to investigate. You just want to get home. When you ask where you are, the vendor replies "Oh, I don't know, to tell you the truth." With no clue what's going on or where you are, you head north to the woods. After almost an hour of running around, you come across a clearing where an egg is sitting atop a ledge. A small Santa hatches from the egg. It looks just like Santa, but smaller and rounder, maybe around 1 foot tall. What is your next action?
  16. Today I saw a styrofoam box that had "LIFOAM" written on it and it made me think of Lifoam from Se7en.
  17. I like how Lucy and Venus are right next to each other in the picture of all the leaders.
  18. I don't do resolutions. I don't really have an area I feel like I need to improve in. My memory is worse than Shedinja's HP but I don't really have control over that.
  19. I don't nickname my Pokemon in-game because of the character limit and now with Gen 6 because of the name filter that does more harm than good. But I've thought of nicknames for every fully evolved and standalone Pokemon (including alternate forms in some cases, and all 28 Unown) and I use them on a Pokemon adoptables site I'm a member of.
  20. For a brief few minutes today, I forgot teeth were for eating and thought they were sharp objects you can remove from your mouth and use as weapons.
  21. Best: -Joining Reborn. -Lantern festival. -Getting third place in a game of laser tag -I learned how to make brownies (first attempt failed because they weren't cooked long enough, second attempt succeeded) -Food -Tour of ice cream factory Worst: -I fell and skinned my knee and it took 3 weeks to heal. -Laptop developed problems around May-June (beeping when it turns on; have to keep pressing the power button until it decides to load up properly. every day.)
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