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Ice Cream Sand Witch

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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Ice Cream Sand Witch

  1. @everyone saying Garchomp and Arceus: those actually are closer to Hopeless Boss Fight than That One Boss.
  2. As someone who regularly manipulates the field to my advantage, this item is awesome
  3. If you mean the Reborn christmas party, that's tomorrow. TIL a hotel was evacuated because Macklemore tried to make popcorn and it burned.
  4. Kanto: Squirtle Johto: Cyndaquil Hoenn: Mudkip Sinnoh: Piplup Unova: Oshawott Kalos: Fennekin
  5. Essentials doesn't support different movesets for different genders.
  6. Wii U. I want Super Mario Maker, Pikmin 3, and the Zelda and Starfox games coming out in the near future. I have Smash for 3DS but since there's stage and music differences, trying the Wii U version also might be a good idea.
  7. TIL Rembrandt = the highest quality something can be, and that there was a famous painter named Rembrandt. I always thought Rembrandt was just a brand of toothpaste.
  8. Eat food I dislike. The "No Internet" is pretty definitively none of it, but the food one doesn't say you can't also eat food you like in addition to the food you don't like.
  9. Fire Stone - Ninetales Water Stone - Starmie Thunderstone - Jolteon Leaf Stone - Shiftry Moon Stone - Clefable Sun Stone - Whimsicott and Lilligant Shiny Stone - Florges Dusk Stone - Chandelure Dawn Stone - Froslass
  10. Considering what happened to Corey and Kiki in-game is actually what happened to them, was it emotionally difficult to make those scenes?
  11. I DID IT I figured out the puzzle and got the red piece. Has anyone else got it, or am I the first?
  12. Happy birthday! Here's an ice cream sandwich
  13. I rarely feel stress, but exercising would probably help. this question was asked a few months ago btw with almost exactly the same wording.
  14. One thing I realized a few days ago is how exhausting and sometimes scary it would be to actually explore some of these environments. Pokemon has a lot of caves, mountains, forests, etc. Including some places that are extremely cold or hot. We don't ever get to see or hear about the physical condition of the character we're playing as, so it's not something I thought about until recently.
  15. ^kind of related, the reason I'm logged in anonymous is because of how often I visit peoples' profiles.
  16. In E14 the order after Ciel's badge was Adrienn, Titania, Amaria, Hardy, and Saphira. I actually didn't know the order changed in E15's picture. I just assumed E14's was correct because those placements seemed to make the most sense (i.e. Adrienn when we go back to the city, and Saphira last because Labradorra City is right before Victory Road).
  17. What do you think of the Pokemon Contests in RSE/ORAS? Do you like them/not like them/didn't bother with them?
  18. You are approached by a strawberry, blueberry, grape, and banana, all of which walk on two legs and are around your height. The strawberry steps forward and says "Hi, we came to wish you a happy birthday." They all give you birthday cards which have money and candy inside. Do you appreciate this?
  19. I got the two from episode 1. I haven't gotten the new one, but I'm going to fight the gym leader first since I need to beat her to unlock an area.
  20. Touhoumon Faith and Prayer was sorted into Developing Games, but it has a demo :x
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