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Ice Cream Sand Witch

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Everything posted by Ice Cream Sand Witch

  1. Oh yeah, I didn't think about a 6 vs 12 battle. That would be painful.
  2. The badge slots in the trainer card list what the cap is until you get the badge that goes in that slot, not what it is after getting the badge.
  3. Question from someone who's never used Showdown before except when Ame set chat to automoderated to get rid of someone who kept making accounts and spamming the chat: Is it the leader who initiates the battle once there's confirmation that you're ready, or is the challenger? Furthermore, will the team in our trainer cards automatically be what's sent out during the battle, or do we have to set it? If we have to set it, how do we do that? I just want to make sure I understand everything and don't do anything dumb.
  4. Is this based on that bug that replaces a specific species of fish's tongue and the fish never notices?
  5. At this point I don't see how an "impossible" battle could be done. The level cap right now is 80, and I don't think beating level 100s with a team of level 80s sounds as hard as beating a level 75 Garchomp with a team of level 45s. It seems reasonably possible to me to do without using "cheap" strategies (FEAR, Destiny Bond, etc.).
  6. Bye. Have a good life. Here's an ice cream sandwich for the road.
  7. Maybe we just get the mega stones and don't get the ring at all ever?
  8. Pawniard and Bisharp have been around since before the war in Kalos. Volcarona has been around before the Relic Castle. I also think Bronzor, Honedge, and most dragons have been around a long time, and maybe Aron too.
  9. idk how to take a proper picture, but it changed ice cream sand witch to ice cream sandwich for the results ice cream sandwich is ice cream sandwich is better or jelly bean ice cream sandwich is version ice cream sandwich is better or gingerbread
  10. I like scrambled. I've never had eggs any other way and not sure what sunny side up is.
  11. Hi, welcome to Reborn. Here's an ice cream sandwich. It's cool, just like you are.
  12. If you try to rescue, it saves right there. And if you fail the rescue all three attempts, it forces you to give up. I somehow failed all three rescue attempts with a level 53 Salamence, level 52 Bisharp, and level 56 Dragonite, who can take out everything in this dungeon (Purify Cave) in 1-2 hits. And now that I keep trying to get through the dungeon again, I can't even make it past the third floor. One time, I was taken out by a single Psyshock from a Reuniclus as soon I started the first floor.
  13. TFW you faint in a dungeon in PSMD when you're on floor 12 (out of 14 or 15, I forget which), fail all three of your rescue attempts, and have to give up forcing you to lose all the items in your bag including your loopets, and the two partner Pokemon you used, which seem like your best ones to make it through with, are unavailable after giving up, and you're so close to crying you can literally taste tears in your mouth.
  14. Aevia @the poll, pink girl's name is Aevia, non-binary names are Alain and Aero
  15. There used to be the one where people would have their face in four different panels and it started off with "Hey guys, did you know". Usually the statements people made with them were really obnoxious and dumb.
  16. The ones you can catch in this episode have both front and back sprites. If there's only front sprite, you can't get it/it's only used by other trainers.
  17. Yesterday's question: I'm thankful for ice cream sandwiches, cake, cupcakes, ice cream, cookies, donuts, and candy. Today's question: No. Black Friday shoppers are the most uncivilized creatures in the universe, and what they put out for Black Friday is the junk they want to get rid of. I remember hearing 90% of Black Friday items get returned the next day.
  18. I wanted to make this topic at one point a few months ago, but couldn't think of a good opening post. Anyway, my vote goes to the walking tree with three egg heads that have derpy expressions.
  19. TFW you think you're just going to nap and you end up sleeping for 15 hours.
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