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Ice Cream Sand Witch

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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Ice Cream Sand Witch

  1. I'm already thinking of what I should use for my team. I might just use all of them.
  2. Eevee is your starter, and it has the ability to turn into the Eeveelutions. In the beginning, Vaporeon, Jolteon, and Flareon are the ones it can turn into. The others need to be unlocked, though I don't know if they're unlockable in the current version. Battles have up to 4 Pokemon in the field at one time.
  3. No one saw yesterday's question? You see a shooting star! What do you wish for? - [11/13/2015] Cake.
  4. TIL there's a Bing translation of Crystal that's even worse than Vietnamese Crystal. In the intro Professor Oak talks about burning cats, when you interact with a cut tree it says "You're pretty", Escape Rope is called "Dumbass", when you battle a trainer it says "*trainer name* wants death".
  5. TFW every time you see the word reborn in any kind of context you think of Pokemon Reborn.
  6. Banned because dogs aren't beef.
  7. For the list of forum fangames, Pokemon Redemption and Pokemon Distrust also have demos. Aegis does too but it's discontinued so idk if you count that.
  8. Banned because I missed the arcade.
  9. No, I want to have good times. Where is them?
  10. Special Attack. I'm all about power. I chose special over physical because I think a lot of the special moves look more awesome, and I wouldn't have to worry about contact abilities like Rough Skin, Poison Point, Static etc.
  11. Ame said Lilligant was waiting for an order from Laura that never came. Although it is weird that Electivire got the first move, unless it's a gameplay and story separation thing. Also, I had no idea there was a split where she beats Sirius . o .
  12. TIL bounty hunters are still a thing.
  13. The hardest for me was the Dimensional Rift Carnivine. Even it's not very effective hits took almost 50% health away. Close second would be Kyogre.
  14. Florinia, Serra, and the last battle with Aster and Eclipse were the hardest for me.
  15. I now want to try pizza with chocolate syrup as the sauce.
  16. I can see why people would think Shade or Radomus is Anna and Noel's father, but I'm not 100% convinced because I can't wrap my mind around why they'd have Anna and Noel go to the orphanage to spend their time getting electrocuted. You could say "Maybe they didn't know what Sigmund was doing" but Radomus seems like the kind of person who would investigate something like that before sending them there, and Shade definitely knew what was going on since if you see his interview on TV he says to deliver Anna from the "flat-lined creep". Which I still wonder why he couldn't do himself. If he can materialize on walls and float in the air, I see no reason why he couldn't get the kids out.
  17. No, it might clash with the tomato sauce. Unless the ketchup is used as a substitute for tomato sauce, in which case I'd still prefer tomato sauce.
  18. Vulpix was also taken out of the salon event as of E15. I think it's still available, just moved back.
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